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Oney's Natal Chart...VERY INTERESTING !!!!

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    Oney's Natal Chart...VERY INTERESTING !!!!

    Our ONEY"S is having a Birthday and I did her natal chart as a Birthday present...Hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed charting it...I will be posting her and Rob's compatibility Chart stay tuned for that !!!!
    Happiest Birthday EVER ...Dear ONEY !!!

    Sun in Pisces: You are an idealist and a dreamer with a VERY sensitive nature. You?re at your happiest when you are working on good will projects for the betterment of mankind.

    Mercury in Pisces: This give you a double Pisces whamooo and would lead you toward being a natural Mystic.

    Moon in Leo: You are warm and affectionate by nature. Gentle and caring. You have a deep need to be appreciated and admired. YOU SIMPLY CANNOT TOLLERATE BEING IGNORED.

    Rising sign Libra: Fairness and equality are your strong traits. Great at mediation. You tend to give the other person the benefit of the doubt and will avoid an argument if at all possible.

    Venus in Aries: You are an impulsive LOVER. A deep passion will suddenly burst in to flame and then subsides just as quickly. ?.. Does this one hit home?

    Mars in Taurus: You thrive on a regular efficient routine and get irritated when others distract you from it.

    Neptune in Sagittarius: You have broad minded philosophical views and a strong interest in different religions and cultures. Travel to forgiven courtiers is a priority in later life.

    Mid Heaven in Cancer: You closest relationships are not easy ones and seem to always be the ones that challenge you and led you to inner growth. You spend a great deal of time soul searching.

    Sun Squared Neptune: Your ambitions do not lie towards practical or mundane things (a 9 to 5 job won?t work for you) your abilities lean more towards intuitive and psychic development.

    Moon Squared Saturn: You have a tendency to somewhat of a loner. Still waters run deep.

    Venus opposes Uranus: You fall in and out of love very quickly. Long term romantics take lots of work on your part.

    Jupiter squares Pluto: This is quite a boxing match. Jupiter is usually jovial but when squared with Pluto ?watch out.Feeling are deep and when a crisis brings it up to the surface you boil over very quickly. Explosive outburst can occur.

    Saturn opposition Neptune: Neptune is escapism and Saturn the Stop sign.There is a need for you to avoid drugs and alcohol for substances could have the effect of over running your life.

    Saturn Trine Pluto: Simplicity should rule hear. You have a need to live a simple uncluttered life.

    Pluto squared Mid Heaven: Your souls deepest desire is to make a contribution to the world and there is a sense of urgency to do so. There is a deep need to be of service that you can not ignore.

    Emphasis on fire signs: You have a positive outlook towards the future and little patience for others who do not. Fire is the power of doing so if stagnation happens in your life you may find yourself bored and irritable.

    Emphasis on Cardinal Signs: You approach life with a bulldozer type attitude,. Subtle just doesn?t work for you. Others can either choose to come along for the ride or your likely to bulldoze them out of the way.

    Lack Fixed Signs: You are great at starting things but tend to fall short when it comes to giving them time to ripen and mature. Patients comes with age.

    Your chart is very well rounded?One of the most balanced charts I have done in years. North and south?east and west. Your planets are amazingly evenly distributed through out your chart, with the most powerful aspects showing your strongest years of growth (self discovery) being between 40 and 60. This is the time when you truly come into being YOU.

    Your chart shows extremely good physical health (some minor ailments early in life) all the way through to your early 90s with no predisposition to genetic ailments that I could see.
    sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!

    Oney's Natal Chart...VERY INTERESTING !!!!

    Yep, you'll do...I feel more confident spending the weekend with you now
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      Oney's Natal Chart...VERY INTERESTING !!!!

      cool chart Oney....
      Im happy for you its such a great one.


        Oney's Natal Chart...VERY INTERESTING !!!!

        Happy Birthday, Oney. Great chart too!
        AF since 7/26/2009

        "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

        "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


          Oney's Natal Chart...VERY INTERESTING !!!!

          Happy Birthday Oney.
          Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
          AF May 23 09 to July 09
          AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


            Oney's Natal Chart...VERY INTERESTING !!!!

            :bday7:Happy Birthday, Oney!

            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


              Oney's Natal Chart...VERY INTERESTING !!!!

              Happy Birthday Oney
              RUM IS POISON AF since 09/28/09

              "The hangover last a lot longer than the buzz!!!" quote from FloridaBoy


                Oney's Natal Chart...VERY INTERESTING !!!!

                Oney my dear........ Let's cut the cake !!! Ha! Happy Birthday ! LOL IAD.
                ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                Dr. Seuss


                  Oney's Natal Chart...VERY INTERESTING !!!!

                  happy birthday, Oney!! I am a Pisces too!
                  You are so young yet, too. Don't worry about getting old, for me life is better every year, honestly! I would never ever go back in time.


                    Oney's Natal Chart...VERY INTERESTING !!!!

                    and another happy birthday wish oney,

                    mine is soon too; likely a similar profile;
                    Happy day. It's all part of our path to add a year, each year. Not so bad.
                    Just have to keep on track in improving ourselves, which is why I'm here!


                      Oney's Natal Chart...VERY INTERESTING !!!!

                      I am intrigued why are you not going to forgive courtiers until later life? Why not forgive them now in the spirit of forgiveness on your birthday an all! :H:H:h


                        Oney's Natal Chart...VERY INTERESTING !!!!

                        oh my. nice birthday cake!


                          Oney's Natal Chart...VERY INTERESTING !!!!

                          When is your birthday? Today?? Have I missed it already???

                          that gave me a little chuckle:-)
                          "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                            Oney's Natal Chart...VERY INTERESTING !!!!

                            Happy Birthday Oney.
                            "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                              Oney's Natal Chart...VERY INTERESTING !!!!

                              Happy birthday to you,
                              Happy birthday to you
                              Happy birthday dear oney
                              happy birthday to you

                              B grateful I did not sing it to you live!!!!!

                              "The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we are,
                              but in what direction we are moving."

