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Habit vs Addiction

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    Habit vs Addiction

    Can anyone comment on the alcohol consumption being a habit done mostly out of boredom and lack of anything else to do? My husband and I's favorite thing is to relax after a day's work by going to a bar and having a meal and drinks, (usually 3-5) a piece. I never really crave the alcohol but I think it would seem hollow to order water, just doesn't feel like the treat we look forward to all day long. Our alternative is to watch tv all night. We just can't seem to find anything we enjoy more that the socialization and atmosphere of going out at night. And find it impossible to break the habit. Would topomax somehow help with this habitual behavior problem? Or does anyone have any suggestions. This may seem like a lame post but I really want to cut back and this habit is the issue with my over consumption. Thanks

    Habit vs Addiction

    No Sir!

    Hi Samantha

    This is exactly where I started off from. 'A bit lame to order water' ; I know that feeling well. The taste of alcohol is so much better because it's making you relax and water will not do it the same! No Sir! All the psychological and physiological responses your body has to those three or five drinks is making you feel great at the time.

    The thing with habitual behaviour is that you could start to become dependent on getting those feelings and before you know it, a night not doing it just doesn't feel right. In my case, it was drinking at home. My tolerance level crept up and up so I needed to drink a lot more before I felt 'unwound'. and I'd be drinking it quickly as I became dependent on needing those lovely feelings the wine was giving me. A bit of extra stress at work, a hard day with the kids. I deserve it! I've earnt that as a reward.

    In my experience this is a dangerous path to tread. The body will need more and more of the same to sustain that feeling of relaxation . You may get sick, blackout, feel terrible the next day. You may not. I did not get hungover that often but I wish I had. My consumption crept up without me realising to a bottle and a half of wine a night. every single damn night! I'm not preaching. Far from it. I identify with your post a lot. Read other threads on this forum; there is so much information to help you decide how habit and addiction are related and how it fits into your life :yougo:
    AF since 19 January with a week's holiday last week. Today is AF day 1sigpic

