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omg i want a drink!!!!

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    omg i want a drink!!!!

    So stressed out and so much to do since i f'ed up the beginning of the week. It is sunny and 60 degrees out and all i want to do is drink beer outside. AHHHHH! Going to go write an essay for school now.....

    omg i want a drink!!!!

    Think it through Dove. Do you really want to drink, knowing what the consequences might be?
    "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


      omg i want a drink!!!!

      Sorry to hear you are having a hard time dove.
      I know the lure of a warm sunny day and beer....definately one of my "triggers", or preferred drinking times.
      Try to keep busy, also, are you taking any suppliments?
      The Alcohol free beer has been a life saver to me in the past.

      Best of luck, and stay close, and keep posting.

      You CAN do this Dove!
      You are worth it!

      PS. please consider what Sea was saying as well...are the consequences of drinking worth the drinking??? Hang over, guilt, shame, etc.
      Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


        omg i want a drink!!!!

        Thanks guys...No the consequences are not worth it....but I can never get the feeling for consequences until it is too late...not drinking right now....yet...writing my essay


          omg i want a drink!!!!

          I know it can be hard to think about the "after" effects.
          Try writing down three of your most embarassing drinking episodes on paper. Vividly detail them so you can recall how horrible you felt the next day?

          It is worth a shot.
          Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


            omg i want a drink!!!!

            I know the feeling dove, or at least I would if it was ever sunny in England. Unofortunately my other drinking excuse is essay writing, up until recently I never attemtped it sober xD Just be thankful for it as a distraction and think of how relieved you'll be when that essays done
            The way I change the past is by not repeating it
            -James Hetfield, Metallica

