certainly personal messages are more appropriate in a case like this...
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Rough Night!
Rough Night!
Lila;559535 wrote: I agree with these last posts. I think Hippie was really opening up and speaking from the heart, and I thought that was an abusive post. This is supposed to be a safe place for us, is it not?
Rough Night!
I have to say one final thing to Maddiva - I suspect very much that when someone else is getting attention, advice and concern you don't like it. It is such a shame that when someone here who has similar problems to us all, who has been supportive to others even when he has been suffering hard times reaches out honestly for help, he gets such a slap in the face from a spoilt childish member. You have had a great deal of support in the past and you have also been told that it's okay to behave badly at times or to slip in your journey, we've all slipped, we've all been there. You reflect very badly on yourself when you post like this - in fact I probably reflected badly on myself, and for that I am sorry. But I am NOT sorry for challenging you in respect of your shameful comments. I hope Hippie is okay and that he feels he can come back and participate in this forum soon. I will comment no further on this now.
Rough Night!
Hippster you hanging in there mate? for what it's worth I really believe that it's possible to have a rebellious nature and live an AF life full of good healthy choices. there are many very feisty folks here (hey...you know who you are!) that have managed to maintain an AF life as difficult as it may be.
I realize you have a fear of 'conditioning' which I can relate to very well. Yes, being AF and having to do certain things is a form of conditioning but it's one we actually want. I hope this makes a tad of sense. be well my friend.nosce te ipsum
(Know Thyself)
Rough Night!
Thanks for ALL responses.
Maddie might I suggest you look up the word 'love' in the dictionary though before you start trying to get tough with it! You're way off the mark love ( no pun intended and hope I'm not being too explicit or patronising!!!). If you think goading me or winding me up is what tough love is then you're very delusional. Could you also please forward back to me the pm I sent you as my saved 'sent' pm's only go back as far as October. I clearly remember sending you a pm way back when you first came here in September in respect of defending some of the things you had said on the forum. If I offended you by opening up to you further about my past (which I have done since day1 here to ALL members not just yourself) then I shall refrain from doing so in the future unless under the scrutiny of other members on the public forum.
Again a big thank you Nancy for your words of wisdom. You always seem to put things in perspective for me somehow.
Det I'm reading 'A New Earth' yet again after looking more closely at Step 1 and it's helping a lot too this time around!! Kind of gathered you more than most would relate to that concept of 'conditioning'. Thanks bro!
Love and Happiness
xx"Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
Clean and sober 25th January 2009
Rough Night!
I was thinking about this again today because I think I can relate to it in some ways.
Sometimes you go through life saying you are one way or the other and then one day you gradually start to realize that you actually aren't like that anymore. In the context of non-conformity, if you limit it strictly meaning partying/getting out of your head, it sounds like Hippie doesn't want to be a non-conformist anymore but you seem to be learning that the hard slow way. I don't like Dr. Phil much but I do like it when he asks his guests: How's that working for you?
I know those people at the meetings repeat slogans and it seems like brainwashing but hopefully you are getting something out of it.
Rough Night!
Hi Nancy!
One of my most 'dreaded' slogans within the fellowships was that of "Keep coming back!". It used to drive me nuts because I didn't wanna hear that I just wanted answers and yesterday!!!.
Looking more closely at Step 1. The unmanageability I see comes from when we can't detach our emotions from our thoughts. As Tolle explains we have to become the awareness behind our thoughts and emotions in order to gain that manageability in our lives. It all seems to come back to this cognitive thinking that I find so difficult to maintain. I certainly 'get it' but I just can't seem to put it into practise. But like I said I think I'm looking too far ahead at this stage. I'm just glad I've found N/A and I'm comfortable with it; and that slogan "Keep Coming Back!" has taken on a whole new perspective. I forced myself to a meeting last night as I was knackerd and didn't want to travel the distance to get there. But I'm glad I did and came away feeling more positive after listening and identifying with some members who shared last night.
I think at times I want to be the small circle within the larger circle. I still want my individuality but also feel the need at times to be a part of something bigger than myself. I guess this is where the conflict comes in in my head and I just need to be more open-minded.
Love and Happiness
xx"Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
Clean and sober 25th January 2009
Rough Night!
I think at times I want to be the small circle within the larger circle. I still want my individuality but also feel the need at times to be a part of something bigger than myself. I guess this is where the conflict comes in in my head and I just need to be more open-minded.
Don't we all
Rough Night!
hippie37;559669 wrote:
I think at times I want to be the small circle within the larger circle. I still want my individuality but also feel the need at times to be a part of something bigger than myself. I guess this is where the conflict comes in in my head and I just need to be more open-minded.
I also think we, (addicted people in general) tend to think far far too much- we analyse, criticise, categorise- we have to get behind the thought- notice the thoughts, but let them pass- not get involved with them, and then we may find a degree of peace and happiness in our lives.
I don't think you need to ponder too much on anything at this stage-maybe try to think about everything a bit less, and enjoy small pleasures of the day a bit more? You are finding the meetings are helping you now- you come out feeling better than when you went in, and that is all you need know, maybe you don't need to dissect what you like and what you don't?
Here's hoping you have a lovely Sunday
Rough Night!
wonder if Maddiva is relating to the penis incident? I too found that offensive, but realise you may have been drunk. It seems all are out to condemn Maddiva without maybe seeing things from her/his point of view. Let us hope we all get better and this thread of nastiness can be put to sleep once and for all.
Rough Night!
on rough nights....things that help me.
I don't know what happened last night, Sat. night, wine in the house, told myself I could have 2 glasses (my birthday tomorrow), and only drank 1/2 of my first. Then went upstairs to finish a good book. Amazing! I've been taking my supplements, naltrexone for @ 3/4 weeks now, and listening to tapes, using prayer and so on. I had one bad night last week (2 bottles! ), but somehow got so disgusted with myself and my waste of my time (which equates to my life!) that I think I've turned a page.
Aside from supps. and other, I have found-as I am an ex smoker of a very long time-that allowing myself certain places to 'drink', and associating certain habits with that and with 'not-drinking' is helpful. For instance, I have a 2 story home; I never drink alcohol upstairs. So, when I am on the way home from work and that 'nice glass of wined waiting for me I worked so hard' thinking starts, I quickly replace it with 'a nice bubbly bath, perrier and a great book' upstairs is how I'll spend this evening. Or, make a great meal, relax and take a long walk and when I come back, go UPSTAIRS. Just my way...CG