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The Next Day Thread Friday 27th February

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    The Next Day Thread Friday 27th February

    Rise and Shine to all those down under! Its Friday!!

    Friday has become my new sleep in day as I get up early (5:30am) on Saturday for my swim squad and then bike squad at 8:30. So I turned over and killed the alarm this morning which is always nice to do!!

    Will be thinking of all those Victorians today and hoping everything stays okay ....... had a long phone call from my niece in Melbourne last week who was really upset because someone from her work had died in the fires. The impact spreads far and wide

    Hope everyone has plans in place for Friday night ..... I knock off at 4pm on Fridays and hen we are going to Slumdog Millionaire whIch I haven't yet seen. Then an early night ..... but most important for me NO WINE!!!!!

    Have a good day all to come!!!
    Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

    Harriet Beecher Stowe

    The Next Day Thread Friday 27th February

    Morning Mame and all to come.

    It's 6am and still dark. I just walked down the hill from where I sleep to here where I type and looked up to see the most magnificent night sky. Stunning stars - the Milky Way sure is awesome. What a great start to the day.

    Let's hope all stays calm. Have a good day.


      The Next Day Thread Friday 27th February

      Morning Mame & all, just checking in quickly before taking the kids to kindy/creche & hitting the gym.
      I'm then gonna do some research - I want Mr Cakes to build me the frame for a veggie patch on the weekend - he's fairly DIY challenged altho getting better.
      I think I'll go for an AF day today also - hard on Fridays. But lately I've been finding that when I think about it I'd actually rather have a soda w/ lemon than a wine. I think it might be another small step to creating the 'new path' for myself.
      Hope everyone has a great day.



        The Next Day Thread Friday 27th February

        Did it again TF! Sorry. Sounds beautiful where you are. I love the stars when you're outside the city - just awesome.


          The Next Day Thread Friday 27th February

          Good morning all! Hiya Tawny. I know of the sign/unfulfilled prophesy of which you speak. ('secure your future, become a musician') In these gloomy economic times, a muso probably has an even chance of putting food on the table!
          I'm not a religous man, but i pray that these fires do not take another life. A classmate, who lives in the Dandenong ranges, told me last night that he has moved his family out of the area, and isn't too worried about their new home, as his concern is his family, and whatever will be will be.
          Anyway, i hope everyone has a great, and sober day, and a glorious weekend...............G.

          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


            The Next Day Thread Friday 27th February

            Good morning all. Thanks for starting the thread Mame. It's 7.30am and bright and sunny. Not a cloud in the sky. Just checking in before I start the housework I was supposed to do yesterday. Got carried away pruning trees yesterday.

            Keep safe today Vics. Here's hoping the fires behave.
            Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
            AF May 23 09 to July 09
            AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


              The Next Day Thread Friday 27th February

              Hey Pan, careful with the housework eh?? :H


                The Next Day Thread Friday 27th February

                Been out all day, just got back 3 mins ago to catch up on this thread.

                Geez Tawn,
                "I just walked down the hill from where I sleep to here where I type" Do you live behind sliprails?
                (Absolutely no offence intended).
                The stunning stars. The line from Clancy of the Overflow gets me every time.... "and at night the wond'rous glory of the everlasting stars". especially when I'm outback sleeping under the stars... no tent, no mozzie net, or offshore out of sight of land.
                Panic and pruning. I start next week. Have neglected the garden for almost 18 months, so lots of work to catch up on.
                Will catch the ABC news in an hour to see what has been happening to-day.
                Hope you are all well and safe.


                  The Next Day Thread Friday 27th February


                  I haven't heard any news today - are there more fires? I too hope everyone is safe.

                  I don't have a garden but I do have a terrace. My Passionfruit has been invaded by bugs and is looking very sad. I had to spray it, which I don't like doing. I picked up a couple of coconuts that had fallen and started to root, and they're doing well in pots. My red Frangipani is looking sad though. I don't have a 'green thumb' but I do like trying!

                  I bought a whole salmon this week - around 5kg? I can't resist a bargain lol! I had the fish guy chop off its head and tail, descale it and cut it into 2 big pieces, am going to freeze one. I have a gas bbq and want to cook it in that - any hints or tips or direct instructions would be gratefully received.

                  Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



                    The Next Day Thread Friday 27th February

                    Hi all. Have half an hour before I get cut off the internet. Been busy all day. Very funny Angel. I assume you are referring to my accident prone body.

                    Betty, what's wrong with your Frangipani?
                    Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
                    AF May 23 09 to July 09
                    AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


                      The Next Day Thread Friday 27th February

                      Wrap the fish loosely in greased foil or banana leaf with a few slices of lemon on top. Depends on the barbie how long to cook it, but just open it after 15 minutes and check it out. If the fish is falling apart it's cooked.
                      Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
                      AF May 23 09 to July 09
                      AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


                        The Next Day Thread Friday 27th February

                        Betty, strangely enough there is a segment coming up in a minute on a current affairs show about Frangipanis. I must go and watch it. If yours is showing signs of rust you'll need to spray it. If the leaves are dropping it could be too wet. Frangipani's hate wet feet. If you tell me what's wrong with it, I'll try and give you an answer tomorrow. I only have 20 mins left on the internet today. Also tell me if it's an evergreen or a deciduous. I have one of each.
                        Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
                        AF May 23 09 to July 09
                        AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


                          The Next Day Thread Friday 27th February

                          Thanks pan - it's red and has green leaves Lol, I didn't know there was a deciduous/evergreen choice! I have a yellow on which is doing really well, but this one was a freaky shape to start out with (it has a bend), it definitely has rust, and just looks kind of sparse and sad. We had a few weeks of strong breezes, which is unusual here, and that seemed to do it in. Will look forward to hearing your diagnosis!
                          Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:


