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    I have ALWAYS been enamored by "nicknames" I envied other families that had the closeness to give and have nicknames. So at age 13 I gave myself my first one Trix, I have no idea why. I then became "the brieze", another self given name. When I was eighteen and in college I became tera linda (the beautiful earth), and at twenty two, teraterumphelia, (meaning what?I have no idea!) then a more serious Terence, then the arty stage name - Esmerelda Jones.

    I have one real given nickname Terington, and how I loved having a friend actually nick me! :heart::heart::heart:

    I have a screen name, and how I was lucky enough to gain access to it, I have no idea, just born under the lucky moon, oceanaocean.

    I love the ocean. I love to swim. I could just die diving into the crystal clear blue depths of the South Pacific or the Caribbean Sea .

    My avatar photo started as a beautiful wave, a tube that as a surfer if I ever be in the tube....well who knows, I may just swim away forever.

    Now I have my actual "me" on my recent wave in Coast Rica in February 09. :award: I call it my $35,000 photo! I think it has cost me even more to get to this wave.



      I truly am flyinhigh....I am a big bird nerd and also have a secret wish to fly.....guess it's not a secret anymore, huh? Also, and more importantly, I am on cloud nine when I defeat AL!

      as to my avatar, I normally change it when the mood strikes, but this has been with me for a while... I think it speaks for itself....

      rubbie- thanks for doing this, it has been great to read others notes.....on the point about changing our names, i didn't think that was possible? i have considered it before, for i have gotten some slack about my name appearing "druggie" but then i realized how stupid THEY were, not me, so i decided to keep it...thanks for giving the space for everyone to share!




        My only son calls me "Pappa", which in the United States is rare unless you are from another country. I love it, and I hope he calls me Pappa forever. Therefore, I Am Aidan's Pappa.
        My creed; "Be the friend you seek, the spouse yours deserves and the Parent your children need"


          SCREEN NAMES

          Jinja is a small town in Uganda. I lived there during a time of civil war. It was brutal and terrifying, as well as utterly beautiful. It changed how I saw the world.

          Also I'm a redhead so....

          Just changed the avatar today - thought I'd focus more on the sassy red inside me.

          Take care
          The mind is in its own place, and in itself
          Can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven.

          John Milton


            SCREEN NAMES



              SCREEN NAMES

              Because I am what my name says I am ........ !!!!!!!
              ?We are one another's angels?
              Sober since 29/04/2007


                SCREEN NAMES

                I chose my name because I am Chopper's mom. Chopper, or chops, is my dog that was adopted by my boyfriend and I after his first owner died. I felt so bad for him and he really took to me. We are best buds now. He is not the dog in the avatar. I will have to get a picture up of Mr. Chopper soon for my avatar. I just liked the avatar as it is the same position that Chopper likes to lay in.


                  SCREEN NAMES

                  I know when I see an animal as an avatar this is a person I will like, or maybe love. The more I see of people, the better I love my dogs!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL I really love (most) all of you!!!!!!!!
                  Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
                  awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


                    SCREEN NAMES


                    Me too .... I love everyone .... just don't like their behaviour sometimes ......
                    ?We are one another's angels?
                    Sober since 29/04/2007


                      SCREEN NAMES

                      I too love everyone..even being here for a short time Ruby, I hear about loving dogs more than people sometimes. Thankfully that doesn't apply here.


                        SCREEN NAMES

                        Animals are the best.....unconditional love and non judgemental....the only prob is they usually don't live as long as people......I must admit, when I see an animal in an avitar I like the person before I even know them...
                        Finally Free


                          SCREEN NAMES

                          for me it is tattooed on my wrist to remind me not to slit them when I'm means

                          1. a manifestation of divine care or direction.
                          2. provident or prudent management of resources; prudence.

                          Though I don't buy into the whole AA thing because me and my higher power are in a struggle, it was in the "thought for the day" book and at the moment I bought into it.
                          Those who cannot remember the past, are condemned to repeat it!



                            SCREEN NAMES

                            Delta because I am the biggest blues fan and the Mississippi Delta is where it all started.
                            Moon for obvious romantic mysterious reasons!
                            It is my undercover- in- the- real -world name so don't tell anyone! LOL
                            Toughen up!


                              SCREEN NAMES

                              I think my name is fairly self explanatory.


                                SCREEN NAMES

                                I got mine from a video game trailer that seemed uncannily relevant when I decided to stop drinking last year. My avatar is from a different game, which happens to be my current favorite.

