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Resurrected Due to Popular Demand - Where'ya REALLY FROM?

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    Resurrected Due to Popular Demand - Where'ya REALLY FROM?

    G'Day Mates!

    Now, I've had a bunch of sheila's givin' me aggro after me decision to pull this beauty.

    Righty-o here we go again .......

    Where'ya REALLY from? As I mentioned, I could have been a Highland Cow instead of a Kanga as my grandparents shot through from Scotland, ankle-biters in tow, in the early 50's. Now, me old cobbers, let's all have a stickybeak at where yer rellies came from.

    Now, The Kanga will just have a little kip until ye get yer fingers out and get yer replies ready. Take yer bloody time now.............
    :k TheKanga

    Resurrected Due to Popular Demand - Where'ya REALLY FROM?

    Ok ... I'll play

    If the forefathers hadn't taken their billy-lids and buggered off, I'd probably be driving a Porsche, a Merc. or a BMW. I'd be watching tv on my Blaupunkt and have huge stock holdings in Aldi. I'd have a doctorate in some nefarious scientific discipline and take annual holidays in exotic locations, thanks to the healthy Euro.

    I'd also be really neat, have a very tidy mind and bake fabulous cakes. I'd be much larger than I am; I'd be terrified of any authoritarian figure and I'd spend years searching for my sense of humour.

    I am indebted to the forefathers for their intestinal fortitude and I am unbelievably grateful. Had it not been for them, I'd be sharing my little piece of earth with at least another 300 families. The very thought makes me shudder ...



      Resurrected Due to Popular Demand - Where'ya REALLY FROM?

      All my relatives are Paddies......If somebody breaks wind it's cause to head for the pub.
      New Ross, County Wexford.
      LOOK AT IT THIS WAY.........
      IT CANT GET ANY WORSE.............


        Resurrected Due to Popular Demand - Where'ya REALLY FROM?

        Captains Log

        Captains Log - Star Date August 1st, 2006, USA Pacific Time 10:40am

        While taking a break from my very important job of planning the demise of the new guy in the Red Shirt, I stumbled on a strange yet fascinating place. For now, it seems to be inhabited by a Frog, a Kanga and a Little Red Devil. They all seem to be speaking some form of English, but which one I ask myself? Sound very similar to an episode of Benny Hill I saw recently I must report back to my command post about this and let them know these humanoids appear to be a jolly lot. It is important for people of the strange and bizarre planet of California to see how others interact.
        Humor is just another defense against the universe!


          Resurrected Due to Popular Demand - Where'ya REALLY FROM?

          Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, Home Of Phil The Groundhog! Top That!


            Resurrected Due to Popular Demand - Where'ya REALLY FROM?


            Starve the lizards, I am another Aussie. Grandparents emigrated from County Kildare, Ireland. No doubt they enjoyed a snort of the Irish Whiskey so I can safely say I have kept the tradition alive, except my choice is Bundy and Coke. Fair Dinkum I even inherited their gift for the blarney too but don't like spuds unless they are chips (definitely not fries!).


              Resurrected Due to Popular Demand - Where'ya REALLY FROM?


              G'Day mates and aliens,

              Blimey! I've seen it all now! The bloody martians have landed! Fair Dinkum!

              Now, it's good to get a little insight into what makes the folk on this site tick. I, personally, am willin' to give the alien a fair go.

              Maires welcome aboard me little mullet.

              Tawn, me little frogface, are ye tryin' to tell us you could have been a Gerry? Look, I might not be the full quid but speak bloody 'strine, mate. I don't want ye shudderin' mind, now that would conjure up a picture.

              Okay, so we've got a Yank, some paddies, a Gerry (?), a Haggis-Basher and a bloody alien. Now, while that all bein' pretty spiffy, do we have any other nationalities? Is there life on Mars? And did any of them emigrate?

              C'mon....get yer bloody acts together ...........................
              :k TheKanga


                Resurrected Due to Popular Demand - Where'ya REALLY FROM?

                How about this? I grew up in Doylestown, PA - the home of none other than. . . (drumroll please) . . . PINK (the pop-star) and Justin Guarini (the former American Idol contestant). Now - if that doesn't give you enough excitement - there are plenty of people there that think they have been contacted by aliens. . . VERY EXCITING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                  Resurrected Due to Popular Demand - Where'ya REALLY FROM?

                  PS to Maires - I have been to Punxsutawney for Groundhog's Day and I must say - it was a lot of fun!


                    Resurrected Due to Popular Demand - Where'ya REALLY FROM?

                    Well Gosh!

                    Well, if you just look at my background, I'm American born and raised, good old suburban brat, born in Philadelphia, moved to New York at 4, blah, blah, blah, so you have to go back a little bit for things to get more interesting! My Dad's parents immigrated to the US from Germany, so I'm half German. My Dad spoke German fluently, in fact, although he definitely didn't fit the German stereotype and was a fighter pilot stationed in Italy in WWII. On my Mom's side, the family was Scotch Irish (more Irish) with a bit of French thrown in, but her family has been in America for over 150 years, I think. She's still in touch with relatives in Ireland, while we have lost touch with any relatives in Germany.
                    AF as of August 5th, 2012


                      Resurrected Due to Popular Demand - Where'ya REALLY FROM?

                      I am a Convict!!!

                      Well sort of anyway! On my maternal grandmothers side a Welshman with the name of Luck came out on one of the convict ships (I think the Cygnet) because he stole something. He was a trustee on board ship which means he was a mean old b*st*rd and not well liked by the other convicts!
                      On my dad's side, my grandfather?s mum migrated from England and gave up Grandfather for adoption because she had him out of wedlock, we did find out when she married and such but Grandfather was abit touchy about it so we didn't pursue it. His surname is pretty common in UK & US but we are the only ones in Australia. We received a letter from a German baron years ago who told us originally the name came from France and then after the French revolution (I think we lost a few heads!) journeyed to Germany and then eventually UK & US.
                      So basically Aussie!
                      Just keep on swmming, just keep on swimming!


                        Resurrected Due to Popular Demand - Where'ya REALLY FROM?


                        My grandfater left England as a teen and came to Canada's west. It was just becoming settled with ranchers and homesteaders. Buffalo were stilll in evidence.
                        He worked as a cowpoke on a ranch in southern Alberta and drove cattle by horseback within the foothills of the Rockies. He's buried in Banff - exactly where he wanted to be.

                        My mother's family came from Ireland. My great-grandfather lived with my grandparents. He stayed in his room in the basement and drank rum.

                        Such is the balance.



                          Resurrected Due to Popular Demand - Where'ya REALLY FROM?

                          As the Boss says Born in the USA... although the ancestors hail from Germany, Ireland and Norway. Haven't heard from the Scandinavians yet. All in my family were pretty well preserved. My Great grandmother lived to 101. Must've been the midnight sun...

                          By the way... what does "Fair Dinkum" mean?


                            Resurrected Due to Popular Demand - Where'ya REALLY FROM?

                            I am from the City of Brotherly Love (hahahhaha) -- Philadelphia. My roots extend to Ireland and England. Three of my great, great grandparents came from Ireland, the other from England. When I go to Ireland I must say I feel a deep connection to that spot. Went o Italy a few years ago and fell in love with it. Could very easily see myself there. Perhaps I was Italian in a past life??


                              Resurrected Due to Popular Demand - Where'ya REALLY FROM?

                              Hey there fellow PA's, onemore and Young at heart!!! Me too, born in Pa, family too, as far back as I can find. My grandfather had one of the ist gas stations, my Dad has a picture of it! Moscow and Scranton area. My grandfather was the "bursar" of Moscow Pa. Never knew my grandpa as he died at age 42 from a heart attack. So many changes since those days, wonder how life would be today if we all stayed in the same area? Our family ties ...? Now, we're all scattered. I think that is one of the main problems today, lack of family support. The get togethers, the secure feeling of just knowing they are there for you only a short trip away. That's why I came back, well almost back... I don't want my kids to suffer anymore w/o that "secure" feeling. There's no place like click, just need some ruby slippers to finish this venture, lol!!

