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Resurrected Due to Popular Demand - Where'ya REALLY FROM?

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    Resurrected Due to Popular Demand - Where'ya REALLY FROM?

    Dear Miss Moneypenny

    Dear Miss Moneypenny,

    I sincerely congratulate you upon securing the aforementioned position. Given your demonstrated skills in keeping track of MWO birthdays and astrological signs in the past, I am sure that you will perform the necessary duties for Mr. T Kanga in a superior manner and with a classic flair, as well!

    All the best in your new position.


    Ms. YoungAtHeart
    AF as of August 5th, 2012


      Resurrected Due to Popular Demand - Where'ya REALLY FROM?

      Mr T Kanga

      I summise that you are searching for a ' Lurkio ' i.e Slave... HHHHMMMMM. SERIOUS ISSUES.
      ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

      Bambs aka Hydrogen

      :h XXX :h


        Resurrected Due to Popular Demand - Where'ya REALLY FROM?

        nob ....ed
        ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

        Bambs aka Hydrogen

        :h XXX :h


          Resurrected Due to Popular Demand - Where'ya REALLY FROM?

          Hey Bambs..

          Hey Bambino! How are you? Thinking of you!

          What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....


            Resurrected Due to Popular Demand - Where'ya REALLY FROM?

            Business As Usual

            Thank you, Ms YoungAtHeart for your gracious welcome to Ms Moneypenny. Now, lets get down to brass tacks.....collating. Where do we bloody start? Ms Moneypenny, over to you ..........
            :k TheKanga


              Resurrected Due to Popular Demand - Where'ya REALLY FROM?


              TO: Mr. T Kanga

              FROM: T. Moneypenny (Miss)


              I wish to advise that I am now in a position to combine the above ancestral information with previously collected astrological data in an attempt to substantiate our research on the "Six Degrees of Separtion".

              I will, however, need to travel extensively through Europe, the United States and wherever the Yeti lives in order to corroborate certain details - thus leaving the office unattended for a short while.

              In my absence, arrangements have been made for the following:

              - The office shall receive a thorough pre-spring clean by a reputable cleaning company using industrial-strength but environmentally friendly products;

              - A surveillane company has been commissioned to secure the perimeter of the buiding

              - A Feng Shui expert has been employed to attend to all that stuff.

              Should you also wish to take some much needed furlough, I have arranged for your golf clubs to be re-balanced; I have pre-baited your fishing rods; stocked your freezers with delicious meals (no seafood) and untangled your chain of paperclips.

              Should you wish to remain in the office, I have compiled a list of highy recommended temporary secretaries but I seem to have lost the list. Sorry.

              I shall, of course, be in regular contact via telex and/or cablegram.

              Signed: T Moneypenny

              P.S. I appreciate the very generous bonus.


                Resurrected Due to Popular Demand - Where'ya REALLY FROM?

                From where!?

                I am from Pittsburgh, PA (just got back as a matter of fact! ) Most of my descent is polish and slovak, boy did my famiy drink?! Good topic!:H

                Mary Anne


                  Resurrected Due to Popular Demand - Where'ya REALLY FROM?

                  Re: Forthcoming Extensive World Travel


                  FAO: Miss T Moneypenny


                  :upset: God speed, love :upset:

                  Mr T Kanga

                  PS: Re food stocks - some fish is permissable. Oysters and prawns with guts still intact are not permissable.
                  Re: Golf clubs - did ye shine em up Tawn?


                  PUBLIC MEMORANDUM

                  FAO: The Sheila's and Blokes of this Forum

                  RE: FINAL NOTICE

                  If you are eligible and have not yet submitted your ancestral information, please do so within the next 2 days in order for your details to be included in this world-spinning census.

                  Please check the statement which applies directly to you and submit forthwith:

                  I will submit my ancestral details forthwith [ ]

                  I cannot be a@#ed submitting my ancestral details [ ]

                  I have already submitted my ancestral details [ ]

                  To wit, after the aforesaid 2 days, this subject shall be closed until Miss T Moneypenny returns from her extensive world travels, with the proviso that she indeed, is in possession of the required data and not just skipping off for a bloody good time.

                  Mr T Kanga
                  :k TheKanga


                    Resurrected Due to Popular Demand - Where'ya REALLY FROM?

                    Oh me, oh my,
                    don't want to be left out......english, scottish, irish, welch, german, cherokee, apache.....
                    collate that!


                      Resurrected Due to Popular Demand - Where'ya REALLY FROM?

                      Was born in the of South Scotland.
                      On my Mothers side Scottish through and through.My father was first generation Scot.His father was Irish through and through.His mother was from French descendent's. My grand mother on my fathers side was one of seven sisters.Two went Scotland,5 went to the US.Recently found a second cousin in WA,oz.Small world!



                        Resurrected Due to Popular Demand - Where'ya REALLY FROM?

                        Can I join in?

                        Just for the record, as the Scots seem to be jumping out of the woodwork here, I am from Scotland and all of my ancestors are, as far as I know, from Scotland. I'm in Oz now though so I suppose I'm breaking the mold!

