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Moo's Plan

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    Moo's Plan

    Hi Moo!
    It's wonderful to hear from you and your success with modding.
    "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


      Moo's Plan

      Back for a month of AF

      I have decided to post for a few weeks on this thread again, by way of a little extra support for myself as I plan to go fully AF for a month. Things on the modding front are still pretty good. However, I have just hit a point where I want to go AF for a month, as I havent done so for a good while and I think its a good plan from time to time. I dont want to fail at it and some how posting on here makes me much more accountable to myself, helps me to record my feelings and is somewhere to go in the event that I do feel like breaking my plan.

      So, just in case anyone should actually read this, thats why I am here. I plan to chart my progress as and when. For me as is well documented the difficult times, if they are going to be difficult will be a saturday night. It is my hubs birthday in 4 weeks and I have wedding weekend after that, both are occasions when a couple od glasses of champers will be in order. Thus until then I am BOOZE FREE and actually really looking forward to it. My first plan after I have written this and checked in so to speak, is to re read this old thread as I know all my good ideas are in here to make sure this is a success. I know somewhere on here is a place to record how much booze one has had, cant recall how to get to it, but know I used to love putting zeros into it! If I find it, will do that again.

      So here we are day one. No Booze. Ready to start the week and have made my plan far enough in advance to know that I will plan a cinema trip the saturday night as its a place I never want a drink and its a good night out.

      Heres to four weeks AF, cant wait.
      "The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we are,
      but in what direction we are moving."


        Moo's Plan

        DAY 2 AF

        Found DRINKTRACKER and have started dutifully filling in my little "o"s. I now have two to my name. Today was invited to a hen night to occur on the last saturday night of my AF period. Quite pleased actually as it will be a good test of my will power. Have just stated that I will be driving. Job done!

        Have been good with my food today and started taking vits and stuff. Am just generally trying to be really nice to myself for a month. Two days off work now, yaay. Off for a long walk in the morning to get some sunshine and burn a few cals. Feeling positive and upbeat at present. Am working out what I will do with my weekend in order to make sure no errors of judgment. Friday will be long day at work, so will have a long soak in tub and chill. Saturday evening, planning a walk and a takeaway (but not too much takeaway).
        "The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we are,
        but in what direction we are moving."


          Moo's Plan

          Hi moo,
          Good to see you again
          Wishing you the best on your AF plan.

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Moo's Plan

            Hi Lavande,

            Thanks so much for posting on here and saying "hello". From your subscript i see you are doing great with you AF - good for you - very proud of you. I hope I can do myself equally proud with my 1 month proposal. x
            "The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we are,
            but in what direction we are moving."


              Moo's Plan

              5 Zeros

              Well so far 5 little zeros in the box. All good so far, but then this has been the easy part as would not normally drink anyway. I would often allow myself 2 drinks on either thurs or fri eve. So tonight and tomorrow need to be prepared in case I get tempted. At the moment I am feeling very strong and dont think it will be a problem this thursday friday. I have solid plan for saturday which I am really looking forward to, so really hopeful I will have a very successful first weekend. After that confidence will build and a new routine will have set in.......all very exciting...
              "The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we are,
              but in what direction we are moving."

