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Moo's Plan

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    Moo's Plan

    Moo, you sound great ... congrats on how well you've done. Your post this morning was very inspiring - thanks for the update!
    AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


      Moo's Plan


      Cat and Blue....just wanted to say thank you for taking the time to read this lot. If it is of any benefit to even one person then that would make me soooo happy.

      Well I had an AF mothers day in March so its seems only right to have an AF fathers day too. My father is the sort of drinker that would probably fill a survey in as "almost never". My parent dont drink as part of their lives, they are not great socialisers either. If we take them out for dinner, mum wont drink, Dad might have a couple of pints. If he goes to an occasion or if someone else is paying he will on occasion get stuck in, be fine, no hangover or anything. He used to go out on a friday night when he was young and drink lots, but stopped it all when he got married at 24. I guess his decision was largely based on finances (it was different in those days!!!). Also as mother doesnt really drink, there was no impotus. I am glad this happened for him as it is his family that appears to have this ugly gene and he seems to have missed it all. Thank god as he is the best Dad in the world.

      So to fathers day, sunday coming. I have historically used this an excuse to get the drinks out. Mr Moo will always happily inbibe, but he rarely drinks to get pissed. So, with me at the helm, Dad and I would normally have a few. I probably wouldnt get in a state, but I would drink and I would drink too much.

      During mothers day I was doing my inital AF stint and therefore could not drink. I am currently in the middle of taking three weeks AF so I cant this time either and additionally I dont want to. I am seeking to rack up some "special occasions" where I dont drink too. It is all part of the hard work that I am putting in.

      So the plan is to go out for a long walk during the day and probably get ice cream - yum. The later I will cook dad (and mum) a dinner of his choice and we will have apple juice with it (his favorite thing in the world). So really no different to previous years exept I wont drink.

      I am happy with my decision and I dont think it will cause me much problem.

      Things are going so well. I think what I am beginning to hope for now is that in the future, I will be able to do all this without the analysis that I am currently having to give it. Although this is clearly working and it is working great, there is a little part of me that wonders if I am giving it all way too much airtime and its taking up too much of my thoughts. But, on the other hand it was taking a lot of my thoughts anyway and not in a positive way. So for now, I am continuing on this path..

      Thanks everyone on this site for your help in one way or another.....
      "The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we are,
      but in what direction we are moving."


        Moo's Plan

        AF night out.

        I have just come home from a night out with an old buddy (someone who I have drinks with sometimes, but not others). We went out for a lovely dinner and shared a bottle of sparkling MINERAL WATER, then COFFEE! Not drinking did not detract one bit from the night. Infact it meant I could drive home and be fresh for work tomorrow. This is getting easier and better by the week.

        Also whilst I was out today I purchased two bottles of non-alcoholic but "NICE" bottled drinks/fruit juice for a special fathers day meal at the weekend. AND get came naturally....RESULT.

        Love and great happiness. Moo
        "The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we are,
        but in what direction we are moving."


          Moo's Plan

          Moo, between me and you, can I just tell you that I'm a little envious of how elegantly you embraced the Mod Life:-)
          "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


            Moo's Plan


            Just a little update for the diary!!!!

            All is going well. I am happily AF at the present time. The weekend is approaching and I am grateful to say there is no sign of beasty nagging and as above I am all set for an AF weekend to incorporate an AF Fathers day for my lovely DAD.

            I am however getting excited about my girlie long weekend which is fast approaching. Go away a week today. This will be the first time since coming here or for a very long time I have done something like this, so I need to be vigilant and not cock it up.

            I am set to be AF until I go, so I will have been totally AF for three weeks. I have not been taking regular supps for a long time now, but I think if I am going to allow myself to drink for three evening whilst away then I should take milk thistle for a few days before and during, so thats part a of the plan. In addition I will take kudzu with me, although I have not been using it lately, I think it would be a good idea, so thats part b of the plan.

            I will be conscious of staying well hydrated all the time and drinking lots of water with our dinners out. I will try to be very aware of what I am doing and remember the motto "enjoy the evenings, but enjoy the days too"!

            I am very much hoping to report successful modding results here. I am realistic. I am me, we are us, there will be wine and I want to have fun. But that does not mean getting battered anymore; It means going out for dinner and enjoying champagne like the sophisticated ladies that we are!

            Here's to success....

            "The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we are,
            but in what direction we are moving."


              Moo's Plan

              Another successful AF weekend.

              Checking in on this quite and relaxed sunday afternoon...

              I have a week off of work which is lovely. I am spending the first half thereof, having some much needed down time at home. This weekend has been really nice. I have been just pottering. Yesterday, I went to the gym, did some gardening and lots of laundry.....few bits of household chores and today (sunday, fathers day) it is raining (which is a shame because we wanted to go walking with Dad) but still we will just have a nice day doing relaxing stuff.

              I have three whole days to myself the early part of this week, what a luxury. No pressure on my time, no deadlines for cases to be prepared by and not feeling the pressure of winning my case!

              I havent planned much as I want to take the time as it comes for a change. I need to pack for my weekend away of course and I have couple of beauty treatments booked, but otherwise, I shall do or not do whatever I feel like. YAY, how self indulgent.
              "The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we are,
              but in what direction we are moving."


                Moo's Plan

                Hi Moo

                I am following your story with interest and viewing you as a role model.

                Congratulations on all your hard work.

                keep it up.



                  Moo's Plan

                  Holidays - day or so to go.

                  Crumbs Nancy, I hope I can live up to that....I will sure try. Thanks for posting. I really hope things are going well for you, I often read your posts around the boards.

                  It is interesting to note, that with 2 days to go before I go on holiday, the beast has sort of put his party dress on a day or so early. I know what the difference is....ususally I am going away virtually straight from opposed to this time where I have had 5 days at home "on holiday" before going away. I am surprised the beast hasnt popped up sooner actually. He didnt appear at all over the first weekend and he had the added excuse that it was fathers day. He didnt appear yesterday (monday at all). Today, I went out shopping to a lovely big shopping centre with a close friend and bought shoes and a radley bag..i had the top down on the car, it was all very summery and lovely...we had lunch out and I will admit I read the wine list, read the beer list and thought nope...i wont.....I was driving anyway and never do partake of AL in those circumstances, but the thought passed through... Then this evening, the beast just asked me the question..."dont you think it would be nice if me you and Mr Moo went out for dinner tonight, after all you are on holiday and we could all have some wine or something"......But, I was ready for him and calmly talked him out of it. I reminded him, he will be allowed to drink on thursday, but I have made my plans and he will simply have to wait!!!! So I won that one. He didnt press it. I think it was because I had sort of expected him....he was seeing if he could get me to give in a bit earlier!

                  I imagine he may try his luck tomorrow again, but I am ready for him....he has been told, that I have to get up early thursday morning and undertake a three and a half hour drive on my own, find the hotel by myself and I need to be sharp for I have worked hard not to drink for 3 weeks before my holiday and three weeks it will be....SO BEASTY HAS TO WAIT UNTIL THURSDAY...which has been preplanned and is set out on drink is to another minor victory!
                  "The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we are,
                  but in what direction we are moving."


                    Moo's Plan

                    Moo, you are so great at thinking everything out. I will think of you on Thursday p.m., when I will be sharing some wine with my two closest friends, celebrating the end of another school year. Now THAT'S an occasion!
                    My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                      Moo's Plan

                      Thanks for posting Sunny, yes that really is an occasion. Time to relax and reflect on the year you have had and the one to come. One of my close friends is a primary school (under 8s) teacher and I love hearing her tales of the classroom. The kids are so funny. I hope you have a lovely time. x
                      "The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we are,
                      but in what direction we are moving."


                        Moo's Plan

                        Hi Moo

                        Have a lovely holiday. Where are you going? I hope this lovely weather we are having continues for you and the girls.
                        If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.


                          Moo's Plan

                          I'm back....

                          from my short break with my mate. We had a very pleasant time indeed. Lots of shopping and mooching, eating of italian meals and other yummy foods, lunches out and of course there was vino.

                          It was a success I believe. I lived by my motto of enjoy the evenings but enjoy the days too 100%. There was no incidence of hangover, indeed I was awake and well at eight am every morning and off out doing stuff not long after.

                          I drank much more slowly than I have in the past. When considering drink tracker, on the first day I have out 6 drinks (but this was over 7 hours so at no point did i feel drunk). The same applied with the other two days. There was lots of lunching and talking and sharing a bottle of champagne in the afternoon over three was alol very enjoyable, but there was no mad urge to get drunk. Now for me this is mammouth, as it is with that urge that I have my battle.

                          I also found that after the first day was out the way, the inclination was to drink less after that....this is also a move foward. And drink tracker is a testiment to the fact that I slowly decreed each day....also good...

                          Another thing to note, is that whilst I did still drink wine, it was less enjoyable by the day and I felt a shift towards having a Gin and Tonic or a Vodka and diet coke...or on one case a half of alcohol palette is changing ....there is a shift away from wine.....this is good.

                          I am pleased with my results.....I have come back home today, and had originally planned not to drink today, but I have had one G+T at home and I might have another later, but nothing mad, it sort of makes a cchange for me to have a drink at home now and as I was away without Mr Moo, I am still slightly in celebration mode now I am back....

                          So I have eaten too much and drunk more than one should I guess, so its back on all wagons tomorow (monday). I am out to dinner with a good friend on saturday night nect that will be the next occasion for a drink.......thus I will not drink Mon-fri as always and try and be moderate saturday...then two weeks off thereafter......
                          Glad to be back in the fold....from a Moo who is grateful that she does still seem to be able to co-exist with AL and make it work. There is more than can be done to improve and I aim to continue to work at it...but after only 4 months here, things are sooo much better....thanks MWO

                          "The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we are,
                          but in what direction we are moving."


                            Moo's Plan

                            Hey there moo...

                            Just wanted you to know that although my own plans have changed and I've decided to go the AF path, that I still peek in on your thread here to see how you're doing now and again, and it pleases me to see that you are doing well. Bravo to you and keep up the good work woman!


                              Moo's Plan

                              Hey scrubbly.....

                              ...thanks for the encouragement. Its nice that you pop sounds like you have taken the right path for you and I' m very proud of you for that ....I think its marvellous that you have picked Moo
                              "The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we are,
                              but in what direction we are moving."


                                Moo's Plan

                                A break did me good.

                                Well it is monday evening and I have not had to go to work today, although I had a lot of preparatory work to do at home, plus catching up with emails, and other worky stuff. I have also cleaned the house and been to the gym. I made a decision that I would (in addition to my gym trips) bring my old exercise bike in from the shed and do a bit in the evenings whilst watching TV. I have just washed it down and will start tonight.

                                In all, I just feel really positive and like I have gotten loads done. I have managed an excellent food day today and will be making a special effort all week to make up for the excesses of the weekend!

                                Lots of positive energy flying around here. As I said above I am really pleased with my AL progress whilst I was away, but I am also pleased that I seem much better able to get back to "normal" life when I return home. Even though I have had some AL for the last 4 days in a row, i dont feel any vague urge to drink tonight, it just feels like a normal that brilliant.

                                So, I am just gonna try and have a really healthy week and then later in the week, get myself a little plan together to handle dinner out with my mate when there will be wine on Saturday next. After that I can settle down to a couple of AF weeks. YAY.
                                "The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we are,
                                but in what direction we are moving."

