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Moo's Plan

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    Moo's Plan

    Hump Day.

    Well how lucky am I, I did not have to go into work this very hump day. I work from home a lot and its lovely to have a whole day here. I have been to the gym and done some errands and housey stuff as well as my work. So considering its hump day, Im in a great mood.

    Additionally it is day 3 of the diet and that is going really strong. Sticking to the planned meals with vigour and so far I have made the gym all three days this week and planning to go again tomorrow! Wow! I am happily AF (as always in the week) and I also have a solid plan for being AF at the party on saturday, so that should be ok.

    Still feeling strong and positive about 6 weeks of AFliness, but looking forward to getting a full week under my belt again, it builds the strength.
    "The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we are,
    but in what direction we are moving."


      Moo's Plan

      Good Week..

      Its beena very successful week for me all round. I have been really good with my diet and it has paid off as I reached the weight I had set for this week yesterday. Also I have been happily AF all week as usual. I have had a few thoughts of how to deal best with tonight (friends party) and remain AF. I think it will be pretty good actually.

      The plan - Drive (takes the possibility away totally as I never Drink and Drive.

      TAke AF beers with me (so that I dont feel left out, it feel more like a big girls drink than diet coke all night).

      Take two L-Theanine (natural amino acid found in green tea) in the mid afternoon....they make one very calm and focused in the moment. I dont take them all the time, but they are something that can be taken when needed - so I am trying this.

      Dont stay too long. I have lots to do tomorrow and its an hours drive away, so I can ligitimatley slip away around 10.30 and that will be enough....everyone else will be too pissed to notice by then!

      Eat something sweet....

      Thats the plan.....will report success tomorrow....feeling fine as it goes.
      "The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we are,
      but in what direction we are moving."


        Moo's Plan

        Well I followed my plan for the big party and it all went perfectly. I have proved to myself I can go to a big event/occasion where there is lots of free AL present and everyone else is drinking and NOT drink and be ok with it. This is another milestone, but I need to have more.

        I have had the week from hell so far this week, without going into it, its family stress related and has been pretty bad since sunday. I have never been too good at handling this sort of stuff, so on sunday I did decide to have a couple of drinks, but happily stopped at 3. Then on Tuesday when it all got worse still, me and Mr Moo thought sod it and went out to dinner....but again I moderated really well. 4 drinks over the whole evening. Very pleased with the quantites and the ability to say no to more when it was on offer. Shame I felt the need to break the AF thing I had decided to do, but hey life is not perfect.

        I have decided today its time to get my headback on straight and have filled in the zeros up until friday, we will go from there.
        "The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we are,
        but in what direction we are moving."


          Moo's Plan

          I like reading your journal, Moo. You've got such a great handle on things, when you do have a few, you don't beat yourself up over it. You're an inspiration. Thank you!
          Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


            Moo's Plan

            Thanks J-Vo

            Just read your thing on PACTING on Mod Squad....that would suit me really well at the moment. I need some support clearly....Love Moo
            "The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we are,
            but in what direction we are moving."


              Moo's Plan

              Well I hit emotional rockbottom today. I had tears before breakfast, so unlike me. I am a coper. I struggled a bit, but got to work and through the day. Didnt drink or feel tempted to drink at all yesterday and I am pretty sure I will be fine now getting through the rest of the week and the weekend. I guess its a case of needing to hit the bottom, feel it and then hopefully start to make my way back up.

              On the upside, having eaten all that was not nailed down for three days, I have not felt like eating at all today. I am going to force myself to have something light for tea, but a few calories saved will not hurt. I am hoping I can pull myself together enough to get to the gym tomorrow and that life will start to feel normal again.
              "The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we are,
              but in what direction we are moving."


                Moo's Plan

                Moo, take care of yourself. We are here for you.
                My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                  Moo's Plan

                  Big hugs Moo!
                  I'm sorry to hear life has been handing you lemons my friend.
                  Here for you if you need a shoulder, okay!!
                  "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                    Moo's Plan

                    THANKS GUYS

                    SUNNY AND DEEBS...

                    Just to hear you both say that means the world....thank you both.

                    DEEBS, you saying about life handing me lemons reminded me of the phrase "if life gives you lemons, make lemonade"! That is what I am going to do now....I have done the emotional bit and felt my pain, I am done crying now and I am off to make lemonade with my lemons....

                    Love MOO and thanks again x x
                    "The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we are,
                    but in what direction we are moving."


                      Moo's Plan

                      Don't forget to add a sprig of mint:-)
                      "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                        Moo's Plan

                        I have a ton of mint! I discovered that it grows very easily indoors in a pretty glass bowl placed in a sunny window. It likes to sit in a little water ("wet feet").
                        My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                          Moo's Plan

                          Hi Moo, I've just read through this and I have to say that you are an inspiration!!!!! Thankyou for sharing your feelings and experiences.

                          Love & Hugs, BB xx


                            Moo's Plan


                            Ms BOOP thanks for reading just lots of waffle, but at times it keeps me going.

                            Last night I went out for a curry with Mr Moo. I had a beer before we left and then 2 beers with my curry....thats cool, that will do me....i wasnt pissed, but was happy and I didnt want any more....the results are coming.

                            Importantly though, I need to stop and reboot after last weeks dramas with my parents in general and my mother in particular. Its her birthday tomorrow can you believe it, so I have to put all of last week in a box and spend time being nice to her for a few hours on sunday. I think I can manage it and it will hopefully be the beginning of the repairing process.

                            So for me the reboot is going to mean finally getting my head stuck into some nice easy AF time, getting back to eating my usual lovely healthy food and doing lots of exercise. i went to the gym yesterday for the first time this week and today I am going for a 30 minute run after this. I will try and get to the gym again on sunday...that will repair some of the damage this week has bought.

                            So thats all for now folks....I will start by having a nice AF weekend and going from Moo
                            "The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we are,
                            but in what direction we are moving."


                              Moo's Plan

                              Started well...

                              ...I went for a 30 minutes run (well gentle jog) then made a fresh fruit salad for breakfast. Life feels much better today. I am determined that this will be the start of a brilliant month. I made healthy veggie sausage sarnie for Mr Moo for when he got home from lunch....he was 45 mins later than call to I eat mine....smiled...kept calm and came to type this...thought I will not get irritated. Not lifes too short......he then came home with a box of chocs (which he rarely does) you have to laugh at the irony. I went on a diet today......again I thanked him, calculated the calories per choc, then asked him to hide them and let me have one a day after dinner...which he is going to do.....sometimes the very smallest things in life are trying...lovely,, but trying....I am determined to make the best of whatever comes my way today....
                              "The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we are,
                              but in what direction we are moving."


                                Moo's Plan


                                Had a happily AF weekend....good start to AF AUGUST (well until 29th anyways)...I decided that 1st August was a new start and my god it has been. This weekend I turned the house upside down, changed rooms round, cleaned everywhere (even bought a carpet washer thingy), I cooked all day sunday, healthy soups and stuff for the week, then cooked for a dinner party for my mother's birthday (dispite falling out in a huge way last week), I have also managed to go for a run, do some yoga and all sorts.

                                I decided that I was sorting things out and I bloody well am too. I feel positive, motivated and yes HAPPY. I am pleased to be AF for a month.....and I am determined that I will be as nice to my body and soul as I am possibly able to as well....
                                "The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we are,
                                but in what direction we are moving."

