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Moo's Plan

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    Moo's Plan

    WOW ......... WELL DONE!!!! xxx


      Moo's Plan

      That's the Moo I love so much!!
      You go girlfriend:-)
      "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


        Moo's Plan

        Thanks BETS and DEEBS....the encouragement helps such a lot. x x
        "The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we are,
        but in what direction we are moving."


          Moo's Plan

          These things are sent to try us!

          Well my MIL who has been ill with Cancer since I married Mr Moo 6 years ago and before has been very ill the last year or so and the call came last night. She is REALLY ill and might dye imminently. Somehow although neither of us were surprised, we were shocked, does that make sense???

          So it was about ten last night when the news came, he sat staring for a bit....he had a beer (had only had one, as he does) I had a sip of his and then thought of blow it I will have one too. I had that, then we shared another. So, one and a half beers. I am not concerned that I drank at all. The circumstances were extreme, it felt right, i drank moderately, I had no issue stopping.

          It was decided we would go there tomorrow (well today now) is a 5 hour drive to get there .thank the lord I have no court appearances planned for tomorrow....but I do for friday and I am sitting here, at 4.30am preparing work and organising myself so that I can pass work to another lawyer (i pray) tomorrow very early....I could not sleep I got up at 3, made tea, washed up, made sandwiches for the journey and then started work....Mr Moo is asleep...dont know how he does that!!!!

          So, I dont know if i will be here less because we are away or more because I need you guys over the next few days....god this is shit!
          "The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we are,
          but in what direction we are moving."


            Moo's Plan

            Drive saftely please Moo and I hope you check in soon -- let us know how you are, okay!!:l:h
            "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


              Moo's Plan

              Let us know how it went Moo. Good luck.
              Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                Moo's Plan

                I am back.

                Well I went to London to visit a sick mother in law and she promptly died in my arms 5 days later, we then had to stay and organise and attend her funeral. That is the most tragic and difficult experience of my life to date wrapped up in one sentence. I am not able to elaborate on this experience at present and perhaps this would not be the forum to do so in any event.

                I allowed myself to drink whilst all this was going on. I drank on average maybe every other day. I drank well. That is to say, in the main I drank moderately, two or three drinks....I think twice I may have reached 4 glasses. I had no hangovers and no feelings of guilt. I am surprised at how things have changed given the circumstances.

                I got home yesterday and decided to have an AF weekend to start me off, which I have done. I have my best friends wedding on 4th September, so I have decided to be AF until then, just to get me back into the habit and to make sure no new habits form. This will mean I do 14 days totally AF.

                I am also back to the gym tomorrow and back on healthy eating.....not that its all been awful, but much of the godd stuff I try to do just hasnt been possible.
                "The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we are,
                but in what direction we are moving."


                  Moo's Plan

                  :lDear Moo

                  I'm so sorry to hear that this has happened. You've obviously had an extremely upsetting and emotional time. Don't beat yourself up over a few drinks, in the grand scheme of things they don't matter just as long as you get back on track as you clearly intend to do.

                  Drunk or sober life goes on with all it's ups and downs. You will be so much more strength to your husband sober and I know you will be. Take strength from this and know that when the worst happened you did not handle it by going on a binge.

                  Best wishes to you and your husband
                  If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.


                    Moo's Plan

                    You managed well under the worst possible circumstances.:goodjob:
                    And now you are geting back on track - welcome back!
                    My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                      Moo's Plan

                      mooderator;559674 wrote:

                      SO the 7 P principle works...Proper Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance.
                      I love this phrase! Thanks so much for your post - it was great to see your plan and it made me think that the next time I have a challenge, I should do the same thing.


                        Moo's Plan

                        Welcome home Moo!
                        "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                          Moo's Plan

                          Thanks to everyone for their support. You guys are alwasy lovely.

                          I have been home for four days now and slotted absolutley naturally back into a world where I dont drink at home. I have been here 6 months and can say now with confidence that I drink much more like an normal drinker than I ever thought possible. I was in control of the AL at all times during the most stressful time I can imagine and the comfort I get from being able to say that is immense.

                          I am really happy to be AF at the moment. There is AL in my fridge ( a whole box of rose and beers) left from the funeral and I am not even vaguely tempted to drink it.

                          For anyone new to this site, who is wondering if it is really possible to moderate, or drink mostly within what you want to, the answer is I would say, YES. If you are not too far down the line of problem and can work on self awareness and actively changing your can be done. On occasion it may go a bit wrong, but that doesnt mean that in the main its not working. Everything goes wrong sometimes. Thats LIFE!

                          Love Moo
                          "The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we are,
                          but in what direction we are moving."


                            Moo's Plan

                            DUE ON...beasty time.

                            Well I have been happily AF all of last weekend and all week. No worries, no nagging, no problem...and after a period in which I had allowed myself to moderate all week for 2.5 weeks I have been really happily surprised that I slotted straight back into it worry free. It has been a stressful week as well, following the death of MIL and all that went with that and still does.

                            Today all day I have been absolutely fine. Then tonight, in the last half an hour the beast has popped up. He is nagging...would it be awful if we went out tonight and had a couple of drinks or had a beer at home, he asks. He is being persistent too. I am torn 50/50 between genuinely thinking I do deserve to give myself a bit of a break and relax and thinking I had planned not to drink this weekend as I would have a chance to do that next weekend at a wedding...I KNOW WHY HE IS HERE BTW....I am due on and I often if not always get this, plus its friday, plus its a bank holiday weekend, plus I have the whole week off....all the right ingredients for my mind to say oh SOD IT.

                            Lets see....PROs and CONs

                            If I do drink...I will loose the nagging feeling that is bothering me, the decision will be made and that will be that....

                            If I do drink...I am sure that I will drink sensibly as of late I do that much more naturally, so is it really the end of the world??

                            If I dont drink...I will be dead proud tomorrow that I beat the beast and feel that I am really growing strong.

                            If I dont drink ...I will be pleased tomorrow as I wont have eaten and drunk the extra calories...

                            If I dont drink...I can say to myself come Thursday...I have been two weeks totally AF and therefore reached my goal...then I can enjoy what I do have in that knowlegde.

                            If I dont drink for 2 weeks I will make sure my tolerance is very low again...a good thing.

                            I am getting to the stage where I have beaten nearly everything else, this may be the one thing, that I still find hard...this monthly if I choose not to drink now, then I am the winner, the all round winner.....

                            So the plan??

                            It is early evening now. I am going to go and make a pot of tea, have some with sugar as a treat and sweet my hubby move some furniture that we had planned to move, then cook dinner and eat it...then watch some stuff I want to see on TV.....I CHOOSE NOT TO DRINK!
                            "The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we are,
                            but in what direction we are moving."


                              Moo's Plan

                              Thank you Moo, even though you think that was for yourself, it's an idea that I am going to try...writing down my plan prior to my FU. I am so struggling, or maybe I should say failing. I need to try something else, so thank you for the idea. Best to you.
                              Give a man a beer, he'll waste an hour. Teach a man to brew, he'll waste a lifetime.


                                Moo's Plan

                                It WORKED

                                Well as the title states its all great this morning. I followed the plan below. I eat a couple (well 4) chocolates from a box hubby bought be a while ago and had a cup of sweet tea. Then we went off a moved furniture around and did some cleaning. I had forgotten all about it by then. I cooked dinner and eat it, had a small portion of ice cream, then fell asleep at 9.45 in front of the TV. No more thoughts of Al or battling with cravings.

                                I slept like alog for 12 hours which I needed and when I weighed myself this morning I was delighted. Now I am off to the gym with a clear head and feeling great.

                                I am delighted that I did not give into the time of the month beast, but also delighted that I coming here and writing it out made me think about it differently and untimately to win, and frankly it was not that hard to win, I just had to apply myself.

                                I have ma and pops for dinner tonight and a busy day ahead, shopping and cooking, I have bought a bottle of AF sparkly pear drink for tonight. I think having gotten over the hump the beast will abate now, its ususally only one night, but I am ready for him now and if there is any of it later, I will write again and win again. I am on now for AF until at least Thursday, could be friday, the day of the wedding.

                                Love to all
                                "The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we are,
                                but in what direction we are moving."

