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The next day thread Sunday 1 March 2009

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    The next day thread Sunday 1 March 2009

    Morning all, a pinch & a punch etc for the 1st day of March. That means Summer is officially over in this part of the world :-( I'm not looking forward to Winter - I find it really rough in rains EVERY DAY for about 6 months. It was novel for me for the 1st Winter (being from Sydney I'd just sit & look out the window in awe - never seen so much rain!!!) But now it's just UGH, and it gets sooo cold.
    Anyway, it's a beautiful day here today so I'll just enjoy.

    I'm off to Mitre 10 soon to get some wood to build myself a veggie patch - I know it's the wrong time of year but if I keep putting it off I'll never get it done. And I can get some Winter veg in the ground before the soil gets too cold. I planted lettuce, rocket & heaps of herbs in planter boxes last week & feeling so inspired about growing my own veggies...I love to eat organic but couldn't afford it anymore after I lost my job at the end of last year - so this is a way to eat organic veg on the cheap WOOHOO!!

    Oh, and we have our neighbours dog (Pippy) staying with us for the week...he's a little Jack Russell cross with something - the boys are sooo excited but the 2yr old just won't leave him alone. There's been some growling but I guess they'll work it out. Anyway, the house is pretty noisy/crowded - it's nice to have an animal in the house.

    Hope everyone has a smashing day - sorry I missed yesterday totally but had a quick scan. I wonder what the coffee if like at Mitre 10...probably not great...but I'm looking forward to it anyway.


    The next day thread Sunday 1 March 2009

    Good morning Cakes, and all to come. Yes, summer is gone, and autumn is here! It's usually still warm enough in Melbourne to swim in the bay, for awhile yet, so i shall be continuing to log those af kilometres! A cool damp morning here. Looks like we had a bit of drizzle overnight, but no real rain for a long time.
    Cakes, growing your own sounds great. I've been interested in doing this myself, but it always ends up on the backburner! Gonna make an effort, now you've inspired me, though i may have to wait now for late winter/spring?
    Have a great Sunday all!...............G.

    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


      The next day thread Sunday 1 March 2009

      Hi Angel and Guitar. A warm, sunny morning here. Have been expecting rain for days but none has arrived. Not today either. Supposed to get to a stinking hot 33 today. That's really hot here. I'm not used to those sort of temps anymore. Have a lovely Sunday.
      Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
      AF May 23 09 to July 09
      AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


        The next day thread Sunday 1 March 2009

        Hi Angel, Guitar and Pan

        Envious of those who still have sun - definitely autumnal weather down here! I shied off my usual Sunday morning sea swim this morning again ...... the last couple of times I went in February, I ended up on Monday feeling like I had caught a chill. Have decided I am going to buy a wet suit, as the swim squad I am in swims in the sea all through winter!!! However, I'm going to rent ones from different brands first, just to see which one is the best fit for me. Was supposed to do that yesterday afternoon, but the weather was so awful I hung around inside and had a lazy day instead.

        Not great today either, but I had promised to go out for a long bike ride with a friend .... she is still keen and I am not! Partly because of weather and partly because I'm a bit stiff from my long ride yesterday. We have compromised on my joining her for the second half .... and we will end up here eating today's cooking experiment - hot cross buns made with ginger seasonings (powdered and cystallised) instead of spice.

        Angel - good luck at Mitre 10! I am doing a similar project at the moment ..... my back yard is very steep, so I have gradually planted it out with natives over the last coupe of years. Have done a bit of experimenting with a few vegies, but it is too steep ... although I had an amazing crop of red spinach and also rhubarb last year. Planted raspberries in November that have done amazingly well (I think we just lucked out on finding a good spot for them that is quite sheltered from birds and wind, but still gets sun) and we should get a pretty good crop at the end of this year. Tomatoes have done well on the deck too, and have kept us supplied all of February. Latest project is pulling out the font garden (currently planted in helleborous and native irises) and turning that into a raised bed. I've spent a year contemplating whether having a vegie garden at the front of the house (as opposed to the traditional back yard vegie patch!) will look weird, but have got over it now! It just makes much more sense as it is right beside the kitchen, gets reasonably good sun and is very protected from wind.

        Better go and get that ride in before the wind gets any worse .....
        Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

        Harriet Beecher Stowe


          The next day thread Sunday 1 March 2009

          Hiya Mame. I'm thinking of getting a wetsuit too. I'd love to know how you go. I'm wondering if gloves are made too, as my wrists freeze up first, on a long swim. Happy, and safe riding.............G.

          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


            The next day thread Sunday 1 March 2009

            Hi Mame. I've seen vegie gardens in the front yard before but with a piece of trellis or similar to make a screen from the street.

            Guitar, yes you can buy wet suit gloves. Check out any surf shop. Billabong, Ripcurl, O'Neill, Quicksilver are some companies that make them.
            Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
            AF May 23 09 to July 09
            AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


              The next day thread Sunday 1 March 2009

              Hello Pan. Thanks for the info. I had a feeling that was the case. Hope you're having a great day there. Catch you later.....G.

              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                The next day thread Sunday 1 March 2009

                Yep having a terrific day. Just got back from the beach and will go again later to escape the heat that is supposed to come today.
                Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
                AF May 23 09 to July 09
                AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


                  The next day thread Sunday 1 March 2009

                  Morning all. Hubby off to Sunday Morning Soccer so me and Sid (the Italian Greyhound) are enjoying our Lazy Lie in. I can just see Sids nose poking out from under the Doona (quilt?). He loves to get some 'quality time' without the other two dogs harrassing him and is sooo relaxed its contagious. We had a window rattling thunderstorm last night, but this morning all looks calm and the same as usual - hot and humid. I'm starting a college course tomorrow -mostly online - so I'm going to work on clearing out the study today. There is a space on the terrace outside the study that would make a really lovely little garden, so I might go and get some new plants, and even see if I can keep some fish alive - will give me something to look at whilst I'm searching for inspiration.

                  Angelcakes - has Pippy got somewhere he can escape to when the toddler gets too much? My JR has the sweetest nature, but does get stressed by too much attention from small people. The Chihuahua however just loves it and allows herself to be carried, squeezed and dropped on her head, always going back for more.....

                  Pan, how are you doing with your AFdays - are you going for 30? I think you've done so well.

                  Those of you who swim in the sea are in my opinion very brave! I've tried, but can't 'do' sea. I love the idea of snorkelling, but having tried a few times I've realised I'm just too freaked out by putting my face in the water and not knowing what's in there! - I'm proud to have tried though.

                  Aunty Mame - my friend just called to suggest a joint family Holiday in Campervans in NZ in JULY! Brrrrr
                  I'll be declining that opportunity. We are thinking about NZ for this Christmas tho.

                  Happy Sunday!

                  Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



                    The next day thread Sunday 1 March 2009

                    Hi Zen, Hi Betty. Betty, sent you a PM regarding your Frangipani.

                    My 2 JRs are so different - one will do anything to please, whilst the other is Miss Independent. Unlike your JR Betty, mine will take all the attention you could possibly lavish on them.

                    Thanks for the praise - yes, I am going for 30 days. I have really been wanting a drink, but I haven't caved. Am going around to see a friend shortly tho who I know will be throwing back the wines, so that's going to be tough. She also smokes like a chimney. That is going to be tougher. If I could just have a ciggie I wouldn't want a drink so much.

                    I'm not swimming in the sea at the moment because there's a 4m crocodile lurking. Nobody can find it to trap it and get rid of it.
                    Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
                    AF May 23 09 to July 09
                    AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


                      The next day thread Sunday 1 March 2009

                      Hi all, we have a veggie patch!! I've been to Mitre 10 3 times today - over it. But we have the patch set up, it's full of soil & compost and now I'm researching which are the best veggies to plant now.
                      Mr G - if you get the veggies in the ground in about the next 4 weeks they should be's still warm down there I hear!!
                      SB - Yes, the kids know not to hassle Pippy when he's in his basket - he's quite literally a basket case!!! And I can put him out on the deck with the doors closed for some peace.
                      Pan - What a cruel dilemma up there - when it's really hot you can't swim because of crocs or stingers or something.
                      Mammy - do the patch at the front...the sun, slope & close to the kitchen are the most important things. There's this lady who lives in a little villa in Ponsonby (centre of Auckland for the others)with a tiny patch of garden at the front - well she's planted the whole area out the front with fruit & veg. It was her goal to only spend $10 week at the supermarket for food (or something unreal like that) and by all accounts she's doing it.
                      Oh well, I hope I don't speak to soon as something seems to be eating away at my rocket - this is totally new to me!!!



                        The next day thread Sunday 1 March 2009

                        Oh, and Pan - your are ROCKING IT. Stay strong at your friends house...take lots of AF drinks.


                          The next day thread Sunday 1 March 2009

                          bugger - just lost my post with the cat walking all over the key board! Haven't got time to re-type, but see you all tomorrow!
                          Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                          Harriet Beecher Stowe


                            The next day thread Sunday 1 March 2009

                            Oh Mr G - go to Urban Food Garden for some excellent tips. The guy is in Ballarat so it 's relevant to you.


                              The next day thread Sunday 1 March 2009

                              Well the day has just started here.

                              The Aussies have given our cricket boys the hiding of their lives. I have learnt, never underestimate the Aussie cricket team. I live about 15kms from Wanderers stadium , so I am deviously thinking that the only way that we are going to save face is by being rained out.

                              Not very sprotsman like, but cricket is cricket and that's yet another one of my addictions..

                              But as for the Aussies, well done mate.. you've shown true guts.

