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Army Thread March 1st 2009

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    Army Thread March 1st 2009

    Great to see you all back safe and sound ladies. Kinda guessed you were back when the thread had jumped from page 3 to 23!
    Kap...Im so glad you checked in. I have been thinking about you alot, and as maybe you got from my last pm I was worried, as I know what 'we' do when feeling shitty and depressed. Shut everyone away. Why is it we do that? Thank you for your honesty. I for 1 feel better that I know the place your at right now. Im here if you need to talk.
    Has been a strange day for me today. All this maddiva stuff has really got to me. I know she has had issues with people, myself at the beginning, and let me say that if it was her posting all that crap today I will be so pissed off, cause it has upset me. I have got to know Maddy quite well, we talk via e mail often, and she is an ill lady. She has been through more shit in her life than most of us put together, and I for one am worried about her. If it was her today, she is in a bad place, and needs urgent help. If she reads this at anytime, please let me know what the fuck is going on, cause all this talk of death fucks with my head. And rebekka is not her daughter, as she doesnt have one.
    Anyways, great to see the 4 super troopers back home.
    My love to one and all. xx
    To Infinity And Beyond!!


      Army Thread March 1st 2009

      Wow, Cy. I saw some of the early posts and was quite upset myself. I guess I missed the "death" talk. That is really fucked up.
      "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


        Army Thread March 1st 2009

        I did, however, submit my request in to see Hipp's todger. LMAO.
        "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


          Army Thread March 1st 2009

          Well, he told me this was it..( THIS IS A PIC OF A WILLY)
          But I think its more like this....
          To Infinity And Beyond!!


            Army Thread March 1st 2009

            WOW!! I guess I have missed a lot from being a tad vacant lately! Cy - always AWESOME to see you.... yes Maddiva has struck an emotional chord with me more than once, se has certainly been through FAR too much.
            Oney - THAK YOU!! Totally, thank you x x x

            Do you all know this: Every day, every hour when I lost the plot recently (last Thursday was my starting point) I thought of you all dam near ALL THE TIME - no shit - I KNEW I had to be honest, and get back on track - it is verrrry not easy! Cy, Ones, Sea, Starts, Limerooney, Krigs and ALL - Thank you!!!

            I have learned a bloody lot recently, and I for one, am a tad sick of myself - however, I will pull through and be the me i know and love!!!

            Blessings all and good night to all who are off to beddy
            *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


              Army Thread March 1st 2009

              Good luck on your interview Kap! Snow or no.....knock em dead!


                Army Thread March 1st 2009

                Sorry Kap...Sea has the interview. This thread is moving so quick I got ya mixed up....Sea...good luck tomorrow!


                  Army Thread March 1st 2009

                  Just glad you guys are back safe.....2 calves this afternoon....brrrrrrrrrrrrr....they are in the warmer getting toasty


                    Army Thread March 1st 2009

                    OMG CY!!! I am crying, laughing here, especially at the little pecker. Oney, you have to look. Thanks guys. I am a nervous wreck, and now the drive itself will be a hair raising experience.
                    "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                      Army Thread March 1st 2009

                      Good luck with the interview Sea. Prayers will be said for the view and a safe journey there and back.
                      To Infinity And Beyond!!


                        Army Thread March 1st 2009

                        Congratulations Reddy.
                        "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                          Army Thread March 1st 2009

                          Thank you Cy.:l
                          "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                            Army Thread March 1st 2009

                            Evening all. Just a quick hello from me as my bed is calling.

                            Oney, Starts and Limey it's good to have you back, missed you all.

                            Krigs .. Sorry to hear your going through this, i'm always here if you need to talk.

                            Kapo .. good to see you hun, you can always count on the army for support, we are all here for you.

                            Oney .. the budgie is great, i love him. He's still a bit nervous but he will overcome that in no time, so i've been told. I will post some pics of him tmr.

                            Sea .. good luck with the interview tmr.


                              Army Thread March 1st 2009

                              Kap...Throughout my ongoing journey of alcoholism, binges and sobriety your help has been so important to me. Your posts, pm's and attitude have helped me stay sober many many days. i want you to know that even though you are far away, you are always in my thoughts, and your card will always be up in my house. It always brings a smile to my face and gives me strengh for today and tomorrow.
                              I, and I know everyone else is here for you. You have helped me stay alive and be the person I hope to become, and anything I can do or say to help you I will do at the drop of a hat.
                              Take care my angel. xx
                              To Infinity And Beyond!!


                                Army Thread March 1st 2009

                                Ones - thanks for your kind words and love - you are a star!! Here's a warning!
                                When I was in my proverbial cups I dyed my hair fucking purple!! No rinse DYE!! I was feeling totally obnoxious and anarchistic - "I will show you all" thought I!!! SIGH
                                Redlund - great to see you and meet you x
                                Cy - I STILL haven't quite got the stomach to click on your penis link x
                                *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*

