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Army Thread March 1st 2009

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    Army Thread March 1st 2009

    WISHY!!!! GREAT to see you too.... night night, catch up soon
    *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


      Army Thread March 1st 2009

      EEK!!!!Do u realize taht I am sleeping on my own to night and am about to go to bed, not fair. I am talkin about exhibit A of course.
      Nite Nite everyone glad u are all back safe and sound to cyberland.


        Army Thread March 1st 2009

        I think we should have a pic of that kap! Did you remember doing it, or wake the next day, look in the mirror and think ....SHIIIIIIITTTTTTT!!!!
        To Infinity And Beyond!!


          Army Thread March 1st 2009

          Hey kapo, I was wondering where you's good to see you back & thankyou for being so honest.
          Hi to everyone else (altho I think mostly in sleepy ni nis)



            Army Thread March 1st 2009

            When I had long hair I once shaved the undersides and back like jason Newsted of Metallica. Except I did it REALLY badly and looked like a twat for weeks!
            It should of looked like this It didnt!
            To Infinity And Beyond!!


              Army Thread March 1st 2009

              Oney, you always make me feel like a Star. Why couldn't you have been one of my parents? LOL
              Take good care of yourself Kap. Purple hair and all. You have helped me a great deal and I will always be here for you.:l
              Hi AC, nice to see you.
              Thank u Wishy. Hope u sleep well.
              "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                Army Thread March 1st 2009

                Thanks all - and yes re: the purple hair....I outdid myself once before when TOTALLY blotto and shaved the whole lot off, - in black out. My hair had been halfway down my back, so, comparatively, this is nothing....however....yuck!!! And there is NOTHING I can do about it .... a couple of mates turned up at home Saturday morning (the morn after) and said "FUCK! Your hair" I was like, "ay" and then it all came a-flooding back!!!!
                Cy - thanks so very much for your inspiration too - are you still doing any AA?
                *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


                  Army Thread March 1st 2009

                  That morning must of been hard kap! The sineod o Connor look!
                  Yes, am still going strong with AA. Have a sponser and am doing the 12 step programme. Am on the 4 th step inventory at the moment.
                  To Infinity And Beyond!!


                    Army Thread March 1st 2009

                    Cy that is AWESOME!!! Fourth step very hard. Being fearlessly and thouroughly honest never an easy task for we lot! All best and glad you have a good sponsor mate ay
                    *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


                      Army Thread March 1st 2009

                      startingover;560498 wrote: Krigs, in this forum in the Substance Abuse section, there is a co dependency forum...maybe it will help you a bit? You have to join to use this section as its protected..
                      Depression Forums - A Depression & Mental Health Community Support Group
                      Thanks, hun. I will check it out. I just walked 2 miles in the cool, brisk air listening to my book. It felt great!
                      "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


                        Army Thread March 1st 2009

                        A good night and good day to you all.
                        Nos Da x x
                        To Infinity And Beyond!!

