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Naltrexone help please

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    Naltrexone help please

    Hi, just managed to buy this product from the good old USA it arrived today 50mg tablets.
    Should i be not drinking when i take it??? i have been drinking regularly recently and prob 6 or 7 cans 5.4% per day for a long time............any tips would be great:new:

    Naltrexone help please

    Naltrexone for Alcoholism --

    Hi Bounce I don't know whether you received any kind of 'patient' leaflet with your meds but if not hope the above link helps. I think it would be obvious though that if you are trying to stop drinking using this drug to combat cravings then it seems a waste of time if you are still drinking in the first place. you're already defeating the purpose of the drug by allowing alcohol to take away the cravings.

    If you're asking is it safe to drink on these things then again I would advise you speak to someone with a medical background like your GP first.

    Love and Happiness
    "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
    Clean and sober 25th January 2009


      Naltrexone help please

      HI Bouncy-

      There are 2 very different trains of thought here- one camp that says Naltrexone should be taken as an anti-craving med, and you should not drink with it.

      In trials there is no evidence that it is useful as an anti-craving med, although most doctors will prescribe it for that purpose.

      In the other camp are the people following the Sinclair Method, which requires you to take 50mg of Naltrexone 1 hour before you are likely to drink. It seems most medical Professionals still haven't heard of the Sinclair Method.

      I among others on the board here, are using this method with success.

      There are a number of threads here that explain the Sinclair Method-

      Also see • Index page

      Edit: I forgot my manners- Welcome!


        Naltrexone help please

        thank you for that.......... so a split decision.
        well if i am trying to stop drinking mon - thurs and still have a social life, so take one an hour before drinking seems good idea.
        I just need to dramatically reduce the amount and frequency of my drinking and i cannot seem to do it with will power alone.i dont think i want to actually stop :thanks:


          Naltrexone help please

          The golden rule is to always take it before you drink- don't forget or skip a day.

          Eventually (about 4 months) your drinking should go back to that of a 'normal drinker' but you must always take the Nal, or you are likely to become readdicted very quickly. If there is a day you do not think you will drink, then don't take it- it is that simple.

          Just remember to always have it with you- just in case


            Naltrexone help please

            well thanks for the replies.
            Need my life back as i am dithering about again after a rough patch in life, and whenever i hit a rough patch i cannot control my drinking and the knock on is not good to friends and family. I just shut myself off and drink till i go to sleep.
            UK doctors just tell me to go to AA etc but i dont want that so am going to give this a go.

            so if i take a tablet and then dont drink that is okay?
            But i want really to see what i drink reduce and if i stop then i won't see that if you get my point?


              Naltrexone help please


              If you take a tablet because you think you will drink, then decide not to, is OK.

              The Sinclair Method is also good if you want to reduce your drinking rather than stop- just follow the same instructions- take the 50 mg Nal about an hour before you start drinking. You do not have to stop drinking altogether. But don't expect it to work straightaway, it may take a few weeks before you see your drinking becoming less.

              Normally for the first two times, people take 25mg to get used to the medication, then go up to 50mg on day 3.


                Naltrexone help please

                and there was me thinking i'd be cured tomorrow!!!!!!! hahaha
                thanks for advice.
                the hour before thing is that set in stone? ie if i drink at tea time normally (5pm) and don't till 8PM will it still work?????
                please stay in touch as i need advice and support and when i get my chin up then im a strongish character. My ex girlfriend would not listen or understand and left. she just goaded me all the time calling me alky so it hurts a bit.


                  Naltrexone help please

                  LOL Bouncy, a one day cure would be nice, wouldn't it

                  The hour before thing is not set in stone, but I have found it is better if I do not take it too long before I start to drink- even if I only take it half an hour before, it is better than if I take it three hours before, but that probably depends on the individual.

                  It is not too hard to do the hour before once you get into the routine, but of course at first you might not do that all the time, but don't worry too much about it at first, this is not an overnight thing.

                  Once the drinking drops off, I find it is quite easy to feel good about myself- but not possible when I am drinking too much. Like most 'normal' drinkers, your girlfriend obviously could not understand the condition- being called an alkie is not nice, I know.

                  After reading the book "The Cure for Alcoholism" by Dr. Roy Eskapa, I started feeling much better about myself and the condition, I do recommend you read it, also to understand the Sinclair Method fully.


                    Naltrexone help please

                    thanks for that........
                    is it on a website??


                      Naltrexone help please

                      sorry just seen the link u sent previously.

                      Well last night i had v little alcohol, 3 cans and wanted no more but i had a rough night with sweats and waking up all the time. Am sure someone told me i'd sleep alot better without drink but it goes the opposite way for me i guess:thanks:


                        Naltrexone help please

                        You can get it here, for under 6 pounds-

               Used and New: Cure for Alcoholism, The: Drink Your Way Sober Without Will Power, Abstinence or Discomfort

                        Unfortunately there aren't many websites on the subject- but have a look at-

                        The Sinclair Method

                        You should also make a chart of your progress- writing down how many drinks you have each day, and how severe the craving was on a scale of 1 to 10. Without this it is difficult to see at first if it is working for you. You can expect your drinking to go up again after the first week, this is normal, then after a month or two you should start seeing some real progress.

                        Edit: I have just finished week 3 and apart from two days, my drinking and desire to drink is already way down. It might be working well for me because I am quite sensitive to medication, I don't know- it may not be so fast for you, but you will find your drinking gradually decreases without any effort from you.

                        Did you take a Naltrexone yesterday?


                          Naltrexone help please

                          yes i had one yesterday. Thats why i was a bit alarmed at waking up etc.
                          I have a really busy work schedule and my daughter lives here half the time and she so wants me to be a normal dad and stop letting her down, and making false promises when i've had a drink only to let her down.
                          i will log drinks, good idea, i am crap with books i'm afraid but will try and read i am going to try and cut it right out mon - thurs and not to drink on an afternoon on other days as i never see the nightlife!! am always hicced up.
                          i have done this with will power before but once i have one i want more!!!!
                          Tell me how have you found nal (in word? ;-)) should i take at same times each day? also if i dont drink and have taken it is it helping me???


                            Naltrexone help please

                            The waking up was probably because you drank less and were going through a bit of a detox- that seems to be normal when we stop or cut down, and can go on for a few days or so.

                            I think all of us here want more when we have one- that is why we are here- I am sorry to hear your daughter is annoyed with you, it must be very hard for kids and normal drinkers to understand why we keep doing this to ourselves- hell, even we don't know.

                            If you find you cannot keep of it midweek, just make sure you have a Naltrexone before you start. I think if the cravings are really strong it is better to give in to them, that way it will work faster for you.

                            If you take it and then decide not to drink I think it is not a problem- that is something we all seem to struggle a bit with, because sometimes we think we are going to drink, so take the nal, then we kind of lose the feeling for it. I am still trying to find the answer to that one myself.

                            You do not have to take it the same time everyday, really there is only one rule- take 50mg Nal about one hour before you start drinking, and that is it.

                            I will ask one of our other members to write on your thread- he is about 6 weeks further down the line than I am, and will be able to explain more, or at least from another viewpoint.


                              Naltrexone help please

                              Bouncebackability;562027 wrote: yes i had one yesterday. Thats why i was a bit alarmed at waking up etc.
                              I have a really busy work schedule and my daughter lives here half the time and she so wants me to be a normal dad and stop letting her down, and making false promises when i've had a drink only to let her down.
                              i will log drinks, good idea, i am crap with books i'm afraid but will try and read i am going to try and cut it right out mon - thurs and not to drink on an afternoon on other days as i never see the nightlife!! am always hicced up.
                              i have done this with will power before but once i have one i want more!!!!
                              Tell me how have you found nal (in word? ;-)) should i take at same times each day? also if i dont drink and have taken it is it helping me???
                              Hey Bounce,
                              I'll chime in. Read all you can about Naltrexone and the Sinclair method. Nal will reduce the craving initially but after a while does no better than placebo.

                              The correct way to use Nal is the Sinclair Method. Look around this site for Sinclair. I had a thread running on Eskapa's book. There is enough there for you to get a grasp of the protocol. The bottom line is to take Nal one hour before drinking and then drink as normal. Initially you will get a honeymoon of reduced cravings. Use that time to shore up the confidence of family members but explain to them how it works. Let them know that you MUST drink in order to get better. This is hard for many to swallow so study up and tell them exactly how it works. I describe it on numerous occasions in severeral threads on this site. Also, Marbella pointed you to the Sincliar site.

                              You have the tools. Now use them wisely.
                              Best of luck.

