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Helpful hints

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    Helpful hints


    I propose starting a new thread (this one) to list helpful hints in one place so that they are easier to find.
    I'll start.

    All-One--Actually doesn't taste bad when mixed with water, but it doesn't taste good either. Adding a packet of Splenda helps immensely. If you let it sit one minute (I timed it), it will start to turn brown. So swill quickly. I also have mixed it with Crystal Lite (lemonade, pink lemonade, raspberry ice) and with some flavors, a packet of Splenda helps. Also add the All-One to the liquid, not the other way around, to avoid disgusting clumps and lumps.

    Mixers--Of course you could use the cup the Nutritech folks send and shake the All-One and the desired fluid, or throw it in the blender. I found this battery powered "latte foamer" (whose purpose is to foam the milk in all those cappucinos and lattes you make at home, so they look like Starbucks) at Williams Sonoma for $20.00. Undoubtedly, Linens and Things or Target have similar products, but they probably don't call them "latte foamers." It is about eight inches long and comes in a plastic tube, so it can go on the road with you easily. It even makes a bit of foam at the top so that with a bit of imagination (and the Splenda) you can imagine that the All-One is a delicious smoothie!

    Pill Boxes--Walgreens carries the Dividose-- a 4 box by 7 box pill container that makes it quite easy to organize a week's worth of pills. It's a bit much to lug around though.

    Supps on Vacation--I just returned from three weeks away, and organized my supps for travel this way: Each dose went into a coin envelope and all five doses fit into a business envelope or a small manila envelope. Obviously label each coin envelope with the day, date and time and the business envelope with the day and date. A large manila envelope holds about 4 daily business envelopes. So, I traveled with six large manila envelopes with all the pills tucked in their own envelopes inside. Much easier, I thought, than travelling with the pill box (which sometimes snaps open), and only holds a week's worth of supps anyway. I also didn't like the idea of lugging the bottles and the instructions, and daily remembering to count out the right pills at the right time. This method of daily organization would be helpful to take to work instead of a pill box.

    Okay, whose next? Ellen

    Helpful hints

    Baby, I am amazed, at how organized you are.
    Meow, Mona

    "Always came too soon ..." (Sir Paul McCartney)


      Helpful hints


      Let me reiterate - liquid first, AllOne next. My friend found a bunch of those latte foamers at the Dollar Store. It's battery powered, has a whisk-like end with curly little things at the end and works very well. I particularly like (tolerate) the powder mixed with Crystal Lite Sunrise flavor, which reminds me of Tang. Or I use one of the single packets. The colder, the better.

      Really plan your suggestions before you use the hypno cd. I am using weight loss and self image suggestions as well as using it for alcohol. Some of my favorite suggestions are "I see beauty every time I look in the mirror" and "I am perfect just the way I am" (self image and forgiveness are big issues for me). When we are suppose to visualize who we want to be, I picture myself stepping on the scale and seeing my weight at the exact number that I want it to be. I picture myself pushing the plate away from myself with food on it at a meal, and I picture myself truly enjoying a sparkling soda or another heathy beverage while I watch TV at night. I picture myself hearing my husband say how proud he is of me because my drinking is under control.

      Make sure you have another activity planned during your usual "drinking time". Play a computer game, knit, do a puzzle, go see a movie, play a game of cards with your kids, plan and cook a nice meal, get a massage. That time could be mostly habit. It takes 21 days to establish a new habit - it will seem weird at first, but tough it out for those 21 days, and it will feel like you have been doing it forever. I personally don't suffer from physical symptoms as much as it is a mental crutch for me.

      My two cents.



        Helpful hints


        Hi Barb
        I completely agree.
        100%. The physical symptoms for me are almost 100% alleviated especially with the supps and topa (100mg) but its the mental crutch that is hardest for me so I think you are right - creating new habits in place of the old is the key.
        Good job and great suggestions!!
        Great thread too!
        Over 4 months AF :h


          Helpful hints

          Mental Olympics

          I agree about the "mental" addiction. I certainly feel that way. Have been drinking for many years and don't even enjoy the taste that much anymore. But my car seems compelled to veer off toward the liquor store on my way home. It just feel so out of control and I can't really explain why I do it. There's battle going on in my head --- no you shouldn't --- yes you should... the latter usually wins. 21 days to start a new habit. OK, last time I tried I made it to 13 days. So I continue to work my way through. Don't mean to sound too AA - but one day at a time.


            Helpful hints

            Mental Olymipcs

            Wow do all of you have it right on!

            My first stumbing block was driving past the liquor store on my way home from physical therapy. Those days are my toughest days. I want something stong to block the pain.

            tip # 1: I took a different, albeit longer, way home the first couple weeks, now I go past it 4 months later and I don't think of it. can't remember the last time I bought alcohol.

            Habit, Habit, Habit - yes I totally agree with you.

            tip # 2: Start later in the evening - eat first before that first drink - not so hungry for it after dinner.
            tip # 3: Exercise instead of drinking - while dinner is cooking.
            tip #4: If alcohol was all I could think about - did the cds first thing when I got home - suddenly water sounds exquisite!

            CD's suggestions - I have only told myself I am healthy and happy, I have visualized myself with out my knee brace and dancing around . . . not an alcohol induced dance! Great suggestions though on the visualizations.

            All in One - Taste blah!

            tip # 5: I drink it with soy milk and 2 scoops of my favorite soy protein supplement. Gritty still but get it down quickly and have just about every vitamin and protein I need for the day. Yes, put iquid in first then mix!

            Hope you all have a great day what a wonderful thread, I will come back and learn more from everyone1



              Helpful hints

              All One -- I drink it with Apple Juice -- as little as possible to get it mixed, shake it up, shut my eyes, and swallow .

              Totally agree with fixing the pills in a 7 day container -- I fix mine in two so I have two weeks in advance.

