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    I was having one of those days today where my head was trying to make me come to a conclusion as to what it is I want out of life. In the blue corner was the nice weather outdoors and reminiscing about halcyon summer days gone by and the red corner the friends and life I see for myself within N/A. The thoughts soon took a back seat though when I went to pick my daughter up (it being one of my access days today). I had a brilliant day until upon returning her home this evening I took a load of verbal abuse of my ex and her boyfriend. I'm not gonna bore you with all the details. I eventually walked away with the words "Whatever........I'll see you on Saturday as usual to pick Jasmine up!". I WAS literally seething and no matter how hard I tried to detach my emotions from the situation and think about the good day I'd just spent with my daughter I could not help but get angry and frustrated at the way I was just treated. Their self righteous attitude (more his) had me wanting to punch his lights out. I could feel it festering away all the time I was on the bus home and no matter how hard I tried to look at things that I am powerless over other people too as well as alcohol and drugs; I still could not help feeling the way I did. I hoped it would pass and I would look differently at it by the time I was home but then all the thoughts I'd had earlier in the day wanted to join in too.

    What I will say though is that I new the ONLY solution for me tonight was to get to a meeting. I didn't even give Chris Tarrants voice a listen of "Phone a friend!". Didn't have time to be honest as I had to rush out the door for yet another bus to get to where I needed to be. I was sat there waiting at a bus stop which just happens to be RIGHT outside a pub that was my 'local' for well over 15 years praying for this bus to come. It was one of those situations where the bus was a few minutes late already so if I started walking to the next one it would probably end up coming as I'm in between stops!!lol Well the more I waited and the more time passed with the bus not arriving the more I started looking at that pub. All the excuses started flooding through my head and I knew I was trying to convince myself that I would probably be late for the meeting anyway and I probably wont know anyone at the meeting so why bother going now. Thanks to a lot of distractive techno music down me lugholes from me ipod and the bus EVENTUALLY turning up (10 mins late might I add) I got to the meeting. Sat in the main chair tonight was a guy I new from way back when I was involved with him and others on an anti JSA campaign. I couldn't of asked for a better main share tonight from someone who I saw, as like me back then, a complete piss-head. Not only that he was celebrating his 14th Year sober TONIGHT at that meeting. Anyway I took his number tonight and will arrange to meet up with him soon.

    I don't much believe in fate at the best of times but tonights meeting and main share was just what I needed to ground me that much I do know.

    Love and Happiness
    "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
    Clean and sober 25th January 2009


    That's a wonderful post, good for you, Hippie!



      Way to go!



        I'm happy everything worked out well in the end Hippie! And you know, I don't really believe in fate either, but I do believe everything happens for a reason. The universe was watching out for you today!

        Hope your still feeling better.

        Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. --Confucius




          he's your new inspiration...





            I've had such a crappy day and your post just made it. Thanks so much for posting this. I'm so
            glad you hung in there.

            "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad



              God works in mysterious ways!
              Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear



                Wow Hip....
                You had me worried for a minute. Not sure I believe in fate, but i do think that we all get signs. Clearly you got a sign that you made the right choice.
                Glad you had a good time with Jasmine. Don't let anyone put a damper on those memories!!!!!



                  Oh, Hipps! That corner is beginning to turn, my sweet man! I'm so proud of you!!!!
                  Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
                  awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:



                    thats awesome buddy thing happen for a reason a season in a day .. and that just it.. one day one moment at a time .. BIG HUGS STAY STRONG AND KEEP THINKING POSITIVE
                    :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                    best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..



                      Just a wonderful and inspiring story today Hipps. It reminds us all to never give up. Great things can come to all of us.

                      I'm so happy for you Hippie...Make the best of it.

                      Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.



                        Hi Son, Just popped in for a visit and saw this .............. it made my day............... Well Done .............xx

                        Love & Hugs, BB xx




                          It made my day, too.

                          AF April 9, 2016



                            Gosh hipps, that gave me goose bumps! How wonderful!
                            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT



                              Congratulations Hippie! - An inspirational story!

                              But - don't underestimate your role in this 'fateful' occurance - it was YOU who got through the mental debates, the emotional challenges and YOU who controlled the situation. The fact that 'fate' was then able to carry on was an added bonus but YOU set it all in motion! Congratulations! :goodjob:
                              :rays: Arial

                              Last first day - 15th April 2012
                              Days 1-7 DONE
                              Days 8-14 DONE
                              Days 15-21 DONE
                              30 days DONE
                              60 days
                              100 days

