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Is it ever safe to have a drink?
Is it ever safe to have a drink?
I am now in my 25 day of being AF and I can't help but wonder if it is safe to have a drink. I don't know if I could stop at one or if I would end up battling all the withdrawals that I have gone through again. The withdrawals still come and go and therre are times I can't see the wood for the trees. Is it ever safe to have another drink?Tags: None
Is it ever safe to have a drink?
That is definately a question you will have to answer on your own Caroll.
For me, it will never be OK to have a drink.
I am an alcoholic.
I am a non-drinking alcoholic.
Someone has a saying in their signature line that applies to me.
"One drink is too many, 1000 is not enough".
Good luck in figuring out if you can moderate.
CONGRATULATIONS on 25 days AF.Striving to live life without ALCOHOL
Is it ever safe to have a drink?
For some people, yes... for others, absolutely not. If you want to begin a program of moderate consumption, you really ought to make sure you are no longer experiencing any withdrawal symptoms... if you drink because of withdrawal discomfort, then you really have lost a huge battle. "Moderate consumption" is possible for those who are able to be truly comfortable with NOT drinking. I'd suggest you check out the ongoing threads like "mod squad" where folks are working hard on programs of moderate consumption...
best wishes to you.
Is it ever safe to have a drink?
For me, one drink after 3 months AF led to another 2 year's battle - everyone has to find their own way, some can moderate, some can't - is it worth the risk to you??:rays: Arial
Last first day - 15th April 2012
Days 1-7 DONE
Days 8-14 DONE
Days 15-21 DONE
30 days DONE
60 days
100 days
Is it ever safe to have a drink?
I was AF from 1987-1992. Thought I could have just one or a few. Nope, I can't drink alcohol. Not now, not ever. If I do, I am like the energizer bunny. I keep going and going and going..."It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008
Is it ever safe to have a drink?
Caroll, that is a question I ask myself. I have, from Day 1, told myself that I will have a drink when hubby and I go out for dinner, if I wish. But by the time that happens I will be over 60 days AF.
I don't know whether one will be enough. I guess that's what I will find out. But, if one is not enough, then I will have my answer and I won't drink again.
The only way you will know is to see what happens when you have that drink. I don't think you are ready to take that step at the moment tho. You need to at the stage where you are not continually thinking about alcohol. The stage where you don't care whether you have a drink or not, but would like one. Not just having a drink for the sake of having a drink.
Congratulations on 25 days.Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
AF May 23 09 to July 09
AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.
Is it ever safe to have a drink?
Another thing to keep in mind is that it often is not the first time you have a drink, after being AF, when the problem shows up again. For me, and for many others, the first few occasions seemed OK. I could handle just having a couple of drinks... then I would occasionally have too many, then I would often have too many, then I would usually have too many... all the time, telling myself that I "could control" my drinking... because I wasn't yet ALWAYS having too many. By the time THAT time came, it was very, very difficult to quit again. It took me years. Very unhappy years, they were, too.
Is it ever safe to have a drink?
Caroll;564420 wrote: I am now in my 25 day of being AF and I can't help but wonder if it is safe to have a drink. I don't know if I could stop at one or if I would end up battling all the withdrawals that I have gone through again. The withdrawals still come and go and therre are times I can't see the wood for the trees. Is it ever safe to have another drink?
that right there is your answer ..so why risk it just keep on going af:beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..
Is it ever safe to have a drink?
I have come to realize that I will Never be able to have just one.
Only you can answer your own question.
Good Luck - keep strong- and if you have the SLIGHTEST doubt- DON'T take that 1st one!DLW
Sobriety since October 2008 ( with a few bumps in the road ) - but I am still here, strong and fighting every day for my sobriety!
And every day is a challenge - But I am WINNING so far!
Yesterday is History
Today is a Mystery
Tomorrow is a GIFT
Is it ever safe to have a drink?
I was AF for 10 years and thought I was "cured" and that I could handle one 3-2 wine cooler. I found out the hard way that the insanity of my thinking took me right to drinking. I had 3 relapses in a year but now have 5 mos. AF and I will not get cocky thinking I am in control of my disease. Because I am not.
Don't take a drink. It can take up to 3 months to get rid of the toxins in your body from alcohol.
Is it ever safe to have a drink?
I have come to value my 2 months AF so much that I can't imagine taking the risk. When I occasionally wonder if I could handle having a drink, the only voice I hear says "What's the point in having just one or two??" --- it's that part of me that is an alcoholic, and will always want more. So I just don't even consider it. It's just not worth the risk of revisiting hell, no way, no how.
Stick with being AF for awhile longer - you too may like it so much that the question won't come up any more.FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!