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A small AF vs. Modding question...

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    A small AF vs. Modding question...

    Tomorrow it is a year exactly since I nearly died of alcohol poisoning. I have been trying to decide on a way to prove to myself I will never do anything like that again, and thats when I came to this question: If I go AF for 30 days, do I prove that to myself? Or do I just prove that I don't drink when I can't? For this particular aim would it be better to have alcohol in the house, and learn to moderate succesfully, and prove I can control myself? Or to not drink at all, to prove that I can get through that amount of time sober? Any ideas?
    The way I change the past is by not repeating it
    -James Hetfield, Metallica

    A small AF vs. Modding question...

    ThatGirl, no one but yourself can answer the "proof" question.

    There is a great benefit to abstaining for a select period of time, especially if you eventually plan to moderate. You've had other people tell you this since you first started posting here, most notably the people who post in the moderation thread. Who are you going to believe if you don't believe them? You can get a great deal of support from the people here if you decide to go 30 days AF. I hope for your sake you will give it a try and put these questions to rest for yourself. All the tools you need are right here, but only you can do the work. Best wishes to you.
    vegan zombies want your grains


      A small AF vs. Modding question...

      That's a good answer from CF.

      Here's what occurs to me. I don't think that anybody who really likes to drink (and those of us who drink too much REALLY like to drink) ever gives it up totally unless and until we are convinced that it is destroying us, and that we simply cannot reliably control our consumption.

      As others have pointed out, each of us has to figure these things out for herself/himself. The alcohol you consume almost killed you once... but clearly you are not yet convinced that you cannot control your consumption. Why not follow the advice of nearly everyone here, and go with a strong, well thought-out plan of moderate consumption, using the Mod Squad people here to help you? Set up a good plan, with their help, and follow it. See how it works, then decide for yourself...


        A small AF vs. Modding question...

        ThatGirl;564732 wrote: Tomorrow it is a year exactly since I nearly died of alcohol poisoning. I have been trying to decide on a way to prove to myself I will never do anything like that again, and thats when I came to this question: If I go AF for 30 days, do I prove that to myself? Or do I just prove that I don't drink when I can't? For this particular aim would it be better to have alcohol in the house, and learn to moderate succesfully, and prove I can control myself? Or to not drink at all, to prove that I can get through that amount of time sober? Any ideas?
        Tomorrow it is a year exactly since I nearly died of alcohol poisoning.
        just by reading this first part i would say dont look a gift horse in the mouth .. you did once you might not be that lucky again .. just my 2 cents... but you are the only one that can answer that
        :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
        best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


          A small AF vs. Modding question...

          Moderation is not for everyone. I prefer to keep AL in the House because it gives me a sense of acomplishment to open the fridge and go for the juice instead of the AL.

          Trust me, there are always bumps in the road.
          Starting over again 09/06/11

          "When its good its good its so good until it goes bad" Pink,Sober



            A small AF vs. Modding question...

            TG, I agree with what WIP is saying, but to answer your question, if you go AF for 30 days, what you will prove to yourself is that you can, but more importantly, you should find you think much more clearly about your everyday life. That's when you are more capable of making the decision of whether or not you want to moderate. Personally I could not have done 30 days AF with alcohol in the house. It would have been a temptation I didn't need. More power to you if you can do 30 days with alcohol in the house.
            Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
            AF May 23 09 to July 09
            AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


              A small AF vs. Modding question...

              Step1: In order to go 30 days AF, you will need to gain control over your alcohol consumption.

              Step 2: After that, maybe you will be able to gain further control over alcohol by drinking moderately some days, and not drinking other days.

              Step 1 is easier than step 2. If you can't do step 1, you will be unlikely to do step 2.
              My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                A small AF vs. Modding question...

                Hey all, thanks for the advice, it really helped me make my decision. I didn't drink yesterday so I guess today is day 2 of 30 AF, wish me luck...
                The way I change the past is by not repeating it
                -James Hetfield, Metallica


                  A small AF vs. Modding question...

                  Way to go, TG! And, instead of "luck," I wish some things that are much more powerful for you: determination, commitment, and the willingness to reach out when things get difficult (before you drink!)


                    A small AF vs. Modding question...

                    I totally second WIP's last post.

                    And, hopefully, after 30 days you will find that AL isn't THAT important anymore... and neither is the question to moderate. You just may find that life is pretty good without AL.

                    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                    Winning since October 24th, 2013


                      A small AF vs. Modding question...

                      hi that girl,somthing john , Rider said,the other day ,its been plaguing me,theres only one addiction in life,its life,and you wont get out of it alive,as of late it strrikes me odd,were here,or else where spending so much time talking of drink ,life seems much more important then that,kinda like forest gump,when he ran, and ran, and ran, and finally stopped,do you think with all the intellect we have,addiction will ever get figured out,gyco have a wonderful weekend


                        A small AF vs. Modding question...

                        p s see the smile on the guys face,its phony hahahaha i think i smiled when i was drinking but this gentleman looks much healthier, i should put the one my wife or kid snapped b4 i stopped back in oct of 07 pretty scary if i find it all post it


                          A small AF vs. Modding question...

                          Good job on remaining AF!

                          I will "third" WIP in that I don't wish you luck so much, but the strength, commitment and determination to succeed in your goal of 30 days !

                          We are here for you if you need support. You CAN do this! :l:h:l
                          Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


                            A small AF vs. Modding question...

                            TG I never thought I would be able to do 30 days; just one seemed an insurmountable burden and a drag. The habit became so ingrained in me; i just didn't want to stop. and I didn't have a big event to force me to stop. It was just the self loathing; the relentless night after night of staying up late until I was well into that second bottle and not even enjoying it any more but still continuing to knock it back.

                            You will be able to do it if you want to. I have been advised that if I was ever to consider moderation, it should be after a decent period of abstinence but I know that others approach it differently. Very good luck :goodjob:
                            AF since 19 January with a week's holiday last week. Today is AF day 1sigpic


                              A small AF vs. Modding question...

                              TG, you nearly died? What happened exactly?

