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UGH - what do I do??

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    UGH - what do I do??

    OK, Mr Cakes has just called...telling me he's taking me for a night ready at 6pm.
    I explained that I'm trying to do this 30 days AF thing and I don't want to go anywhere with al...'I want it to be a surprise' he says.
    'Tell me where we're going 'coz I need to be prepared' I say 'I don't want to go to a bar or anything'
    'Well, we're going to a bar first to meet people & and then to MrX's for a housewarming party' WTF?? Mr X is a big drinking buddy and a party at his house would be stacked to the rafters with booze & drugs.
    So I said to Mr Cakes 'you go on your own' he's all 'I thought it would be nice to take you for a night out'
    I say to him 'why weren't you gonna tell me?? Were you hoping to get me there so I wouldn't have a way out and you'd just get your way??'

    Anyway, in his defence I only decided about the 30days seriously this morning & haven't spoken to him about it yet...which is why I wasn't feeling very prepared.
    Now I wanna go out (we haven't been to a house party in about a year) but I don't want to let everyone down.
    Apparently we have a babysitter coming at 6pm whether I go or not!!
    I feel like crying.

    UGH - what do I do??

    Angel, you know ...try to be fair to Mr. Cakes but i would suspect that if you are here and trying to stop than Mr. Cakes has to be impacted by your drinking. If he knew thats one thing ...if he didnt that's another. Having said that if you have decided to be AF for 30 days and this puts you at risk then you have to say no. Send the babysitter home. It may cause conflict in your life but if you are anything like me when i start drinking..i would have been better off sending the babysitter home because then there was less for everyone to talk about.


      UGH - what do I do??

      well go.. who said you have to drink .. if anyone ask are not up to drinking tonight .. on antibiotech something like that ..
      :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
      best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


        UGH - what do I do??

        Go, but stay sober. Drink something al free! You will have a great time!


          UGH - what do I do??

          I guess I could but that'll be really hard.
          I already have a sick feeling in my stomach - nervous like.


            UGH - what do I do??

            I know if that was me I'd say WTF it's only day 2 I'll start again tomorrow. Better stay home unless you think you can really handle it AF. Maybe I shouln't have told you that.
            Starting over again


              UGH - what do I do??

              Angel, what did you decide to do? What a pickle. Especially as the afternoon wears on.


                UGH - what do I do??

                OK I'm going (not because of what you said last call) and I don't think I'll be AF.
                But at least now Mr Cakes knows I really want to do this...
                And I'm in the right frame of mind to take it easy...I won't be the life of the party.
                And there will be no drugs for Angelcakes (not that I've had any drugs for years so that's not really a problem)


                  UGH - what do I do??

                  Angel, go and enjoy yourself. Hope you have a really good night.
                  Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
                  AF May 23 09 to July 09
                  AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


                    UGH - what do I do??

                    Take a double dose of l-glut and go and have a great time. Insist on driving so you have an excuse not to drink. Park you car in 3 hour parking spot so it will be towed away if you leave it overnight! Bring your own drink - I like tonic water with lime as it taste pretty much the same as G&T. When you get there head straight for the nibbles and stuff yourself with a couple of sausage rolls and you will be fine! You will have fun and best of all you will remember everything in the morning and you wont waste a saturday suffering. Once you make it through once it will give you confidence to know you can do it again. Rock on sister!


                      UGH - what do I do??

                      I sure do understand. Tommorrow I'm going to a 10 days Curling function which always includes alot of booze. The tickets for the week were very very expensive and I couldn't sell them so I'm going but I'm alittle nervous. Good thing is, one of the person's is AA for 20 years, his daughter barley drinks, my sister, her hubby and my Mom are going. So I'm hoping every one will be supportive of my decision and my plan is to for sure NOT drink any wine, which is my downfall. If nothing else I will moderate ... Go and have fun.
                      Growth means change and change involves risk, stepping from the know to the unknown."
                      Author Unknown :h

                      AF - Sept 4, 2012
                      10 days - Sept 13, 2012
                      2 weeks - Sept 17, 2012
                      Slip on the weekend but tried too moderate!
                      AF - Sept 24, 2012 (get back on the headaches not worth it)
                      Slippery slope Oct 1 ..... Trying to not give up!



                        UGH - what do I do??

                        However you decide to play it, hope you have a good evening. It's not an easy one. I'm still avoiding drinking functions like the plague but i did manage not to drink at one and I felt terrific afterwards and proud. If you do decide to drink at least you'll have thought things through beforehand and planned for it; not just like falling off haphazardly. It will have been your choice and you have control. Good luck. Let us know how it went
                        AF since 19 January with a week's holiday last week. Today is AF day 1sigpic


                          UGH - what do I do??

                          Anglecakes-good luck hon, you got a lot of good advice above, and you sound like you're getting prepared. I hope relax and have a nice evening.
                          AF since 7/26/2009

                          "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

                          "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


                            UGH - what do I do??

                            Angel, tell your husband you are so grateful for him to think about going out but you need his help. Ask him to look out for you, to stay close to hold your hand and to look into your eyes, send you smiles and mental support. He will understand. Trust me.. we, wives and husbands, want and need to help. For your sake and our sake.
                            Good luck


                              UGH - what do I do??

                              Hi people, thanks for all the great advise.
                              I did go and spent hours on the dancefloor (I'm actually sore - and I go to the gym)that was heaps of fun...and then I'm a bit of a motormouth sometimes so I talked for hours.
                              Moderated pretty successfully and Mr Cakes is now totally on board for 30 days (he might even join in for a while)
                              So **deep breath*** here I go!

                              Thanks all

