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What have I gotten myself into?

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    What have I gotten myself into?

    Don't really know why I'm writing this. I'm home now trying to relax but something's bugging me. Here's the deal. In my many efforts to control my drinking problem I've started in an outpatient rehab thing. Meet with a counselor one-on-one to start. Then they have me go to "Group".

    Problem one: I am the only female in group - a couple of the members are a bit younger than me the rest of the members are alot younger than me. All members other than myself have been arrested for a variety of reasons DWI, DUI, possession etc. and are court ordered to attend. There are random breathalizer (if that's how you spell it) tests done. I did not know any of this before hand.

    Problem two: I was supposed to attend a one-on-one session early this evening with my counselor. Without going into too much detail - I had a Dr. appt earlier in the day due to shall we say "female problems" and had to have a biopsy. The Doc said not to worry and I don't think it's too big a deal but I don't feel that well and I called to reschedule the alcohol treatment counselor. I was told I need to bring a note from my OBGYN to prove that what I told them is true.

    I know I'm probably naive and should have found out more about all this before getting into it. It's just that when I went initially I was feeling like such a screw up for drinking etc. and was desperate. I'm not sure what I'm going to do about all this but I needed to vent. Gonna take the dogs out for a walk and stop stewing for now. Sorry for the rant.

    What have I gotten myself into?


    Hiya - if you're not happy then - TELL them to take a hike !!!

    First of all, this is your decision... I was given Librium on the condition that I attend a friday weekly meeting with some old bird yappin on about doo dah's !!! Right, So, Rehab , in my experience ( AA, one on one, group therapy) is all a load of old codswallop. It's YOU that you need to be worrying about NOT them.. Especially if you are paying them... Need I say more.. If you're not paying them i.e AA then I think that it is people who vent their sadness face to face with people, well that's fine - if that's your bag, but it certainly isn't mine. I am calmmmmmmm speaking with you guys...
    Diane, if it is a condition of your further treatment then just blag it ( extend the truth ) . But if you do not need to go - then DON'T - if your GP asks - just say that you have been attendeding aa meetings regularly ( they don't take dets - completely anonymous ) .
    I went to my one and only AA meeting with a load of OLD men and I ( brazen Hussy ) dared to ask a question .... oh my word... Was thrown looks that would have sent me to Hell !!! So I never went back again. I know it's really frustrating and you go thinking that people are ther to help you but... It's like analysts - they are being PAID.
    Can you get out of it, or are you obliged to attend? If not, then just Fiddlesticks to them. Don't be told what to do ... I printed out all of the neighbourhood AA meetings nefore this site, and altho having Wobbly Wednesday - it's all GOOD . Don't need those old farts tellin you what to do . YOU know inyour heart... AND YOU CAN DO IT - gosh, sorry if I sounded if I was shouting... I wasn't... just don't worries my Chickers.... We are all here ... said it before.. Will say it again... BEST thing that has ever happened ( Appart from marriage , 2 small doggies, and horsey called Bambi ) ... But all of that good fortune could not make me stop... but this has. Yummy huggers to you Diane xxx P.s why can I NEVER just write 3 lines - hhhmmmm ??? !!!!!
    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    Bambs aka Hydrogen

    :h XXX :h


      What have I gotten myself into?

      Why- I'm 100% with Bambs! If you're not obliged to go or ordered to go or have to go to get meds then tell them to go pound sand! You're a rational adult and life is to short to stew about this kind of crap and hang or spend any kind of time with people who make you feel lousy!

      Just my 2 Cents

      Trish In Omaha

      Shepard James 'Shep' Walker: I think it can best be said..."The road to hell is paved with good intentions."
      Sidda: Well, what about the road back? What's that paved with?
      Shepard James 'Shep' Walker
      : Humility.

      "Divine Secrets of the Ya Ya Sisterhood


        What have I gotten myself into?


        Just my two cents, I agree with Bambs....Personally AA works for alot of people, but it sure didn't work for ME!


          What have I gotten myself into?


          Wynot --

          What they said!! I agree completely. If you don't have to be there and its not helpful, get out and do what works for you. Say CIAO. (I'm learning Italian during my usual wine hours)


            What have I gotten myself into?

            Ya, I wouldnt even bother goin back.
            Gabby :flower:


              What have I gotten myself into?

              Me Too!

              Hey Wynot--A couple of weeks ago I dropped out of my out-patient rehab for similar reasons...PLUS I had to give a urine sample weekly! Totally, totally humiliating... I wasn't mandated either (it was arranged by the inpatient rehab I was in for 10 days back in April) and I finally decided I just couldn't deal with it. In fact, it had become a major stressor in my life, which was NOT what I needed to maintain sobriety!

              For me, this site has been a wondrous discovery! MUCH better than any 12-step program!

              I totally understand why you started the program though since I went to an inpatient rehab for the same reason--I was desperate! But now I realize that there are other valid ways to "recovery" this site! Isn't it great to have options?!

              So, just tell them you're not going to continue...they'll probably try to make you believe that you don't REALLY want to get sober, but you know differently, right?!

              Keep on posting here--it's better than any other "group" I've ever experienced....
              "I'm a sucker for a good resurrection story." Anne Lamott


                What have I gotten myself into?

                Thank you everyone. Been in an all day meeting today... SNORE. I'm pretty brain dead right now but wanted to say how much I appreciate the support. Gotta go for now... see ya' later.

