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    You know this is going to be a long on.. Because it's my last..

    Well, I'm adopted. So don't know where to start..

    Well My Family - Adoptive ( although never thought that way)

    My Grandad ( grumpy grandad ) was from Liverpool, Anfield. UK. And all I remember of him was that we used to go round to nanna and grandads house on a saturday, whilst the 'boys' my dad was the youngest boy out of 9 children. Auntie Norma was the youngest girl... They lived in a 2 up 2 down house in the backstreets of L.Pool. My Dad slept under the stairs because he was the youngest. All I remember from Grumpy Grandad is that the TV was in the corner of the living room and he Pinched my brother who was about 7, to get away so that he could see the results of the Pools. on the telly at about 5 on a saturday. Everyone went on a saturday to nanna Murphy's, she used to make Scouse (not blind.. had plenty of meat in it ) But their house had a lean-to kitchen where she used to cook. I can still remember the stew bowls she served it in... and I remember her dancing and lifting her skirt so you could see her ankles, she was soooo proud of her ankles - she was in her 70's.. Then one week, we didn't go there anymore, and I saw MY DAD cry... I was 6. We went to see Grumpy Grandad, and he still had his cup of tea out of a teapot, just as Nanna did, but his hands were shaking so much , most of it went into the saucer... and he had scrambled egg down his tie... He died within the year because he couldn't live without his 'Lizzie'... I am named after my Nanna Murphy - but my Dad is the last son - so Why did no-one else think to do that?
    Mum's side is not a jolly story either. When she was born her mother - Beatrice, contracted tuberculosis.. in those days 1940's there was no cure.. so my mum was brought up by her aunty and uncle, whom I called nanna and grandpa steins - ( German connection) . Beatrice died when mum was 7. Well... They were my best nanna and grandad. Nanna had a lovely powdery face that smelt of lovely perfumy things. Grandad had a baldy head with freckles on, and I can still remember what his finger nails looked like. I used to sit on his shoulders, and Nanna would say - 'put her down Bert ' Because he was in his 70's . And they used to come to our house evry fortnight on a thursday, and Grandad would always have to have Ryvita, then we would always have Stew - with beetroot.. and I pestered Grandad to push me on the swing, but had to wait until his dinner went down... We used to walk for miles, Grandad and me - on The Wirral Way - nearly to neston and just chat - bet he was dead bored. And Nanna would always bring Fruit Pastilles for me and brother - and get 50p from Grandad... But then my lovely nanna died... she was 72.. I was 8 .She used to play the piano , so mum bought me a piano, and I often think that maybe, despite everything else, she's proud that I did my grade 8 - can't do anymore after that unless you take a teaching the piano exam !"!! - still playin piano, violin and riding ponies until I was 16... We moved to a place with land for my pony, and Grandad slowly deteriorated without Nanna. I still remember his hands and his head 28 yrs later... I miss them so much. Isn't it mad that you go thru your clubbin phase for 8 yrs and don't give a damn... Now I DO... Well chaps.. Signing off now.. won't be returning again... this has just dug up sad memories of those I loved - and I am sposed to be a hard faced ...............
    Thanks for all your help and support - you know who you are.whom have helped. xxxx
    Liz ( or Joanne Leathers) , Murphy, O'Connor, George. I've had that many names - thru adoption and stuff - who the f***ck AM I ?

    Oh never got onto the native american thread - that'll be on the mississippi - so - i'm told form birth mother - name Thomas P leathers captain of a steamboat in new orleans The Natchez ... native american - hhhmmm highly sceptical... But hey - could pass tho - dark brown eyes, Long dark straight hair, dark skin... certainly not from Germany.... I would have been shot through my temples .
    Schwein Hund... - 5 ---- nil Take the Shame... -

    That is bollocks compared to 26 MILLIION SOULS...who lost their lives to an Austrian who was a member of the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei otherwise known as NAZI ... charasmatic....
    oratory and PROPAGANDA ...
    Sorry - was not in my generation, but cannot forget, lest forgive... Germany - I feel sorry that you have to take this shame on your shoulders... - he wasn't even one of your own .... Osterreich ( The 'O' should have an Umlaut over the 'O' ) What a beautiful country and yet spawned seuch EVIL. I WILL not forget this... My Nanna and grandad's surnane was Steins.. German Name - Not persecuted, not raped, not flogged, not gassed... They Lived because They were German and they were not Jewish. or dark haired.. ... Please quantify this.... No I don't think this is possible. It has been shocking re 9/11 and 7/7 in England - but I would like you to think of small chikdren that were taken for a 'shower' time and time again... My friend used to holiday 4 or 5 times a yr - about 5 yrs ago they went to Autswitch...They were lead on a tour as if it was Caernarvon Castle. They were shown where the 'prisoners' were kept, prior to their 'shower'... Adel saw bullet holes in a stone wall - hundreds of them - from people who tried to escape.. she came back so distraught... Mark my words... This hatred WILL NOT END until many generations have passed... It is too raw... Forgiveness? - I know it's not you - but you sold your country for 26,000,000 lives... They were your own... How could you.............

    There's a sad sort of clanging
    From the clock in the hall
    And the bells in the steeple too,
    And up in the nurs'ry an absurd little bird
    Is popping out to say "coocoo".

    Regretfully they tell us,
    But firmly they compel us
    To say goodby to you.

    So long, farewell, Auf wiedersehn, good night,
    I hate to go and leave this pretty sight.
    So long, farewell, Auf wiedersehn, adieu, Adieu, adieu, to yieu and yieu and yieu. ( A - With a grave - means 45degree angle towards the left over the 'A'. and Dieu means God - so means Heaven... - ADieu ......How many of those 26 mill got to Heaven? All, I wouldn't wonder ) how AWFUL must 'those resposible' feel now... probably no remorse... WEAK... United Kingdom- my forefathers gave you your little pockets of land back... aaaaahhhhhh.. Yet you stole from The Native Americans, - It was THEIR land... and Australia, you are only there because you STOLE... Runs in the family and then STOLE from the Aborigines... Wouldn't it be better to have something you have earned for yourself??? Our boys in Iraq and Beirut... well Blair is doin serious chocolate lickin... Bush cannot string a sentence together, and when interviewed... said - sorry I've got to go - my burger is waiting... You gorge yourself on food, whilst people in Ethiopea are drinking blood for sustinence. - I just laugh in complete and utter disbelief at your self-less-ness - do you give money to RSPCA - Animal shelter? Homeless, People basically who are a lot worse off than you... NO - I didn't think so.
    Oh how bout those 20 yr old men who have families, newly weds with little babies - Sorry George DUBBLYER I don't think you can speak englishacised languistical speakin- carry on f**** ing them piggies me laddo...
    Make your own mind up.
    still not drinkin - and never will again... Serious soul searchin - Your work is done.
    olor: magenta;">

    So long, farewell, Au revoir, auf wiedersehn,
    I'd like to stay and taste my first champagne
    So long, farewell, Auf wiedersehn, goodbye,
    I leave and heave a sigh and say goodbye,
    Good bye

    I'm glad to go,
    I cannot tell a lie.
    I flit, I float,
    I fleetly flee, I fly.

    The sun has gone to bed and so must I
    So long, farewell, auf wiedersehn, goodbye,
    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    Bambs aka Hydrogen

    :h XXX :h


    sorry Bambs...

    Sorry Bambs,
    Its okay to be upset. The situation is upsetting at best? I would just hope and ask for any further posters that this thread not turn into a political debate, or a reason to drive wedges. There are other websites, forums, etc. to express your anger about political issues. I just hope this website sticks to what it is about.

    I hope you are doing well, and again please know that all the people here are coming here to find strength, support, encourgament for their struggles with drinking, and encouragement in their goals for moderation and abstinence. I hope you will share more of your success or struggles along the lines of this forum and website. I am sure many others may share your perspective, but I hope that this forum will stay on focus. Does that make sense? In other words, if this issue you are addressing is causing you to struggle more with alcohol, then by ALL MEANS, I hope you will share this in context. I would just ask and hope that this will not turn into a thread about opinions/ arguments about what is going on outside. I hope I have not overstepped my bounds in any way, and I hope you do come back!! :l

    What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....



      Wow... did I miss something here? Bambs - we will really miss you here!! Please reconsider - we need you! and I think you need us?
      Trish In Omaha

      Shepard James 'Shep' Walker: I think it can best be said..."The road to hell is paved with good intentions."
      Sidda: Well, what about the road back? What's that paved with?
      Shepard James 'Shep' Walker
      : Humility.

      "Divine Secrets of the Ya Ya Sisterhood

