I am one of many who is following your story. Haven't said anything because I just don't know what to say. It is so, so tragic. Thanks for sharing. We are all here together. Peace be with you.
No announcement yet.
Hi all.
There is no new news. My sister has hired a private investigator.
This is starting to weigh very heavy on her. She needs answers so desperately, as we all do.
Keep praying, please.
Some days I feel quite hopeless. I long for a resolution for her. Some answers to the questions...why, what, how....WHY.
Thank you again for staying close, and keeping us in your thoughts and prayers.
It means SO much to me.
Much love to you, my MWO family:l:hStriving to live life without ALCOHOL
Please keep praying.
This Wednesday will be three weeks.
My sister has been working with a private investigator, but nothing new has surfaced.
She has also spoken with am pshycic(sp?).
She seems to think Wes is alive.
This is weighing very heavy on my sister. The lack of evidence, and answers is so hard to deal with.
She is trying so hard to be strong, and it worries me deeply. She IS strong. She wants so much to keep it together, so all the focus remains on Wes.
Please pray for her. Please pray for Wes.
Thank you,:l:h
KStriving to live life without ALCOHOL