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I have used Tegretol for a totally unrelated issue. I was allergic to it.
However, Topamax, Tegertol, Gabapentin are all anti-seizure meds. They MIGHT help you get through withdrawals safely, but not better, if you know what I mean.
I guess what I am trying to say, after reading your other thread, is that trying to self-medicate with anti-seizure meds is just as crazy as medicating with alcohol for whatever you are dealing with. Which we all do everyday.
If I can recall the other thread correctly, most people were directing you to an MD for help. The MD knows what will safely get you off the alcohol. We can only surmise like you do based on Google.
I wish I could be more help, but I can't.
However, I do want to say :welcome: and I truly pray you both find a way that works for you. This is a tough row to hoe but we can all do it.
Oh, and the supplements are not a joke. What RJ has compiled is important but not to be done without the advice of a doctor. She makes that pretty clear, actually.
I experienced withdrawals with meds, with and without the supplementation. I will vouch that supplementation makes the withdrawals easier to deal with. The meds make it safe to do.
Does that make sense?
CindiAF April 9, 2016
RJ is the creator of this space.
Roberta Jewell.
Please read her book. It is down loadable from this site. It is inexpensive, $13 US last time I looked. A bottle of wine. She has great advice on supplementation, moderation, etc.
Again, :welcome: and I pray you both find a way out of this.
CindiAF April 9, 2016