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Viewpoints about alcohol; promoting recovery for all?

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    Viewpoints about alcohol; promoting recovery for all?

    Unlike many of the people who work on their alcohol problems here at MWO, I arrived completely committed to giving up alcohol entirely. I had already spent years trying to control my drinking (or as it?s called here, to ?mod?). I gave up 3 good years of freedom from alcohol, because I allowed myself to become convinced that I could control it. That decision led me into years of additional misery, attempts to control my drinking, and despair.

    I know that most people here arrive with the hope that they will never have to quit drinking completely. The hope (even the promise) of ?modding? is a huge dynamic here at MWO. The vision that RJ presents in her book, of becoming a moderate drinker for whom alcohol is ?like butter? is a huge draw, for many. Some even manage to get there. For others, it just isn?t possible.

    For as long as I have been here I have had an uncomfortable awareness of the tension between those who are (or strive to be) AF and those who are drinking in a controlled fashion (or are striving to do so). I made a strong, good-faith effort to develop friendships with the serious ?modders? on MWO, and I truly admire and respect those who truly are able to consistently, reliably control their drinking, after having had serious problems with alcohol. And I feel genuinely sad towards, and for, those who continue to struggle with problems with control, who badly want to be able to drink, and who still find that their behavior with alcohol sometimes causes serious problems in their lives. That was me, for a long, long time. I know how much it hurts, and how frightening it is.

    What I have come to realize more clearly through the lens of this recent discussion about promoting drinking on the site (e.g., threads about the ?benefits? of alcohol) is that the viewpoint of a person committed to being totally free of alcohol is, and must be, not just different, but inconsistent with the viewpoint of a person who is working (successfully, or not) on a program of ratcheting down his or her drinking to a manageable, non-harmful level.

    My own way (and I am not alone in this) of creating a life free from the ravages of alcohol includes very serious work on the way I think about drinking alcohol. It is important for me to develop, cultivate, and foster a viewpoint about alcohol consumption that is not positive at all. I can appreciate that others might be able to enjoy ?a drink or two,? without it being harmful to them? but for me, it is literally a form of poison. I simply cannot afford to indulge in thinking about alcohol as a ?good thing? that others ?get to do,? but that is denied to me.

    People who are ?modders? see alcohol consumption in a very different way. For them, it is something of value, something to strive towards. They embody (sometimes successfully, sometimes not) the idea that even people who have had very serious alcohol problems can learn to control their drinking, and can enjoy the use of alcohol. For them, messages about possible benefits of alcohol consumption create no problem. These messages fit their worldview.

    My own response to those messages is to struggle against them, because my own alcohol-dependent mind wants to latch onto them, to believe them, to use them as an excuse to drink again. Of course it is true that those messages are rampant in our culture at large? but, many messages are rampant in our culture at large, and not all of them are welcome anywhere and everywhere. You will not see advertisements for candy in a diabetes clinic.

    I cannot see how messages that promote drinking are helpful to anyone who has had a problem with alcohol, anyone who wants to quit or control their drinking. But I can see that those messages are only troubling to those who are AF, because they are not consistent with an atmosphere that supports the way they (we) think and feel about drinking. Hence the recent disagreement. And (others may disagree) I really don?t think it is about people being weak, or shaky; it isn?t about the risk that someone will see one of those threads and immediately run to the liquor store, and get drunk. It?s about whether or not we want to have an atmosphere here that truly supports everyone in their recovery from alcohol abuse and dependence.

    Unfortunately, these differences of viewpoint usually? I guess really it?s always? immediately degenerate into an ugly argument. That?s part of the weakness of an internet recovery site. And it?s a very damned serious weakness; people get hurt in these ugly fights, negative emotions become aroused and heightened, friendships are damaged and potential friendships never happen. I regret that I have sometimes gotten caught up in these arguments. I really can?t afford it; my own recovery program depends not just on managing my thoughts, but also on managing my emotions and my behavior. Sometimes MWO is more harmful to me, than it is helpful. I have to keep an eye on that, all the time. I suppose we all do.

    Viewpoints about alcohol; promoting recovery for all?

    I really do agree with you, wip, and I do think the thread got ugly. I don't think that piece of research had any good reason to be here, beyond a 'freedom of speech' point of view. I say this as a modder. In the recent past, I drank more than I wanted, but in amounts most people would find not too much. But, for me and my life, it was too much. In the last week or so, I have finally stopped seeing a glass of wine or two at dinner as glamorous or civilized. I finally saw it as murking up my life and my parenting responsibilities. Just these last two weeks, I am a better parent. I am so happy. I have not crawled into my little blankie.
    I think if anyone wants this kind of thing, they can easily get it anywhere else. Watching football, reading billboards, anything. That sentiment is everywhere, and I found that whole thread just NOT HELPFUL to this site.
    My 2 cents.


      Viewpoints about alcohol; promoting recovery for all?

      Lots of food for thought there WIP.

      I agree with you that we should absolutely not think of alcohol as a good thing- I actually don't- although I am practising the Sinclair method, I do expect one day in the not too far future that I will find the strength stop completely.

      I also find some of the modding posts quite irritating, people are obviously failing miserably at it, but still pretending to be 'modding' when they are clearly not.

      I think seeing as we are at a site where the owner in her book is promoting drinking in moderation as opposed to quitting completely one has to be tolerant or go to one of the many other forums where drinking in any degree is frowned upon, and drinking members are not welcome.

      I know I must sound quite hypocritical as I am still drinking, but that is not my eventual goal. Alcohol is poison, at least to those of us who are addicted to it.


        Viewpoints about alcohol; promoting recovery for all?

        Just read Lila's post- I think I missed the thread?


          Viewpoints about alcohol; promoting recovery for all?

          It is in Research Benefits of Beer something like that...


            Viewpoints about alcohol; promoting recovery for all?

            Thank You!

            I could write a very good article about the cons of beer.

            Maybe there are benefits if you can drink one a day. But those of us here can not.

            Well I am off to read it anyway.


              Viewpoints about alcohol; promoting recovery for all?

              I fully understand why you have felt the need to post these thoughts WIP. It is clear from the way you write (not just here, but on all threads) that your points are always well reasoned, based in fact and thought provoking. This one is no exception.

              This is always going to be a contentious issue here. I am very new (16 days) and already that is most apparent. It is to me just such a shame that the two camps (for want of a better name) cannot co-exist more happily. I am able to see the arguements for both sides.

              It seems that the site does so much for so many. There are of course those from both camps (see above) who are not always winning their particular battle, but the site offers so much support regardless of ones plight.

              When there is conflict this support is easily undermined and I certainly see your point about it becoming more of a hinderance than a help on occasion. I think it has to be bourne in mind that people will want to use the site for both AF and Modding and we must find a way to accept each other. People are coming at this from very different levels of abuse and that is probably the key to whether modding is an option or not?

              Perhaps we all need to think more carefully about where we post things. But it is equally essential that neither party feels it is censored for fear public scrutiny. That has to be prejudical to the on going success of this site too??

              I think you are right to raise this in an intelligent and reasoned way, rather than what ensued in the other thread. I hope this will not decline into a similar tirade from either side. I hope the parties can see each others respective positiions and not become so entrenched in being right that they fail to assist each other where they otherwise might have done

              "The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we are,
              but in what direction we are moving."


                Viewpoints about alcohol; promoting recovery for all?

                I have just read the thread.

                It was posted in research, but I see little point in repeating such an article here- the article states throughout that beer in moderation may be beneficial. Even the long term modders here struggle with it from time to time, and lets face it, we already know beer and wine in moderation can be beneficial, but for most of us here that is not the reality.


                  Viewpoints about alcohol; promoting recovery for all?


                  My husband, who is an amazing person despite the fact that I have been married to him for 33+ years, worried last weekend about the media's portrayal of drinking. It is happy, it is carefree, it is based in Nascar. (The last from me, but NFL, NHL, NBA, it does not matter.)

                  My husband wants restrictions on the ads, on the television and movie portrayals, etc. Because he knows what I AM GOING THROUGH and it hurts him for me.

                  I said, just like Craig Ferguson on temperance, I am not for it. So many in the world do not deal with what we do. We are unfortunate in the fact that we are afflicted with a condition that says, "You now have a lifetime of vigilance...," etc.

                  Like Nicotine, Xanax, or Hydro(whatever,) those of us who are addicted to alcohol are different than 70% to 80% of the population as a whole.

                  "This is for me, if I would drink, I would....I can't."

                  Certain types of us cannot drink. You, me, many others here. There are many others here who can.

                  Is it is a disease? I don't care.

                  I care that for those of us who cannot drink, we can't.

                  If someone posts a post about the benefits of beer/wine/vodka/whiskey/whatever.., it should not matter to those of us who cannot drink.

                  We can't drink.

                  I don't care what Kid or anyone else posts. I only care about what I can do or not do. What I can do is stay sober. Every day.

                  You, too, and you are doing fabulously.

                  I am glad you are here, btw. You are a presence that makes MWO work for me.

                  AF April 9, 2016


                    Viewpoints about alcohol; promoting recovery for all?

                    Maybe if someone wants to talk about the benefits of alcohol on a recovery forum, they could put a warning in the header.

                    Then we can chose whether to bother reading or not.


                      Viewpoints about alcohol; promoting recovery for all?

                      Now there is a sensible, practical suggestion...which could be applied easily and to anything that might be contentious.....good idea Marabella
                      "The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we are,
                      but in what direction we are moving."


                        Viewpoints about alcohol; promoting recovery for all?

                        Yes, after having such a great two weeks, really feeling empowered, I almost bought a bottle of wine yesterday, for all its benefits, reservatrol, all that. The media sure lets you know all the benefits! (?????) It really is time for me to learn other ways of coping with life, and all that can wait! I am enjoying other benefits right now, life!


                          Viewpoints about alcohol; promoting recovery for all?

                          When writing articles on the 'benefits' maybe journalists could also add a footnote about the disadvantages.

                          You only have to read the 'You know you are an alcoholic when...' thread to see the reality of the 'benefits' for a very large number of people all over the planet.

                          In the last few years I have lost 2 friends to alcohol who were under 50- one was 36 and the other was 47. Like myself the 47 year old only ever drank beer- I am sure her son would love to read the article about the benefits of beer. Her husband can't- he died himself less than 2 weeks ago- of cirrhosis. Another one who only drank beer.


                            Viewpoints about alcohol; promoting recovery for all?

                            Wally, I agree with much of what you said (and with the posts of others, as well!). We of course must take responsibility for our own decisions; but there are some aspects of our environments (internal and external (our own thoughts, and ads on TV, messages on MWO) that are helpful to us, others not so helpful. We are always totally unaware of the implicit "priming" (also known as "subliminal messages") that goes on within us all the time, and contributes to our thinking, our emotional states, and our decisions. We are not consciously aware of how much we are affected by the messages that we see and hear, but the impact of all of these messages is a very significant and very well-established phenomenon (ask any cognitive psychologist, or anyone who works in advertising... ).

                            That being said, it's not necessarily the case (in my opinion) that liquor advertising should be banned... (although I do dislike seeing it)... but it IS the case that I need to be careful about what I watch, listen to, and read, and careful about my own thinking....

                            Way to go, Lila, on that bottle-o-wine decision... glad you are feeling so good!


                              Viewpoints about alcohol; promoting recovery for all?

                              I agree with what everyone has said here. Cindi, I particularly liked your post.

                              When I saw the 2 threads about the benefits of drinking, my first thought was that someone was trying to stir up trouble. I did not read them. If someone feels they need to justify their habits or addictions, so be it. I think it is unfortunate that any vulnerable person new to the sight may be subjected to something that my not be beneficial to them.

                              My .02. :thanks:
                              NF since June 1, 2008
                              AF since September 28, 2008
                              DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                              :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                              5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                              The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:

