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    I would like to apologise unreservedly for my outburst of last night... Baaad day - that comment just doesn't cut the mustard... There is no excuse for it and I am really sorry... I can blame, it all sorts... hubby away, rabbit in headlights without my pillowy Librium... but mainly it is because I am strggling hard at the moment... Thought it was a wheeze when I joined 2 weeks ago, but was peering through my Lib tainted goggles...
    real world without %&£! is harder than I thought. Why was I ranting and raving for god's sake - started off as a nice message than I reckon that switch was flicked... It always happens at some point - skipped my lunch and dinner and supps so was more susceptible i s'pose.
    I am truly sorry if I caused offence to anyone... I guess happy chapper Liz was just drowned in that bottle of malibu.
    So my friends, ( I hope you still are ) I hope you accept this apology... And I have deleted the posts.

    On a brighter note... lou e-mailed me today, she is still in hosp and her liver function tests are the same as when she was first admitted.. She thinks she will be there until the weekend. she sends her love and thanks for your lovely comments and your concern, and will be back soon...

    Thank you to Suzy - I'm ok-ish now, but it's lovely to know you are concerned - that has helped me a great deal today to stop myself going for that Hair of Dog.
    And Hiya to mary in The Pool.. will check out your mini profile chick - will be in touch and to Hazardous Diane and your little monkey who made me laugh...

    well that's it... And sorry to Oz's for pigeon holing you re: shrimps and barbies....:s
    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    Bambs aka Hydrogen

    :h XXX :h


    Glad You Are Back

    Bambs -

    No easy way to say it. Sh*t happens. And sometimes, it happens in a huge way. Glad to hear you ok and you are back. Today is a whole new day! Be gentle with yourself and stick around. :h :h




      So glad you"re glad you're back Bambs - I've always enjoyed your posts. Can't tell you how many times I've gone off the "deep end" with family and friends and then woken up and went "I can't believe I did-said that." That's what makes this group so great.

      :w BACK!
      Trish In Omaha

      Shepard James 'Shep' Walker: I think it can best be said..."The road to hell is paved with good intentions."
      Sidda: Well, what about the road back? What's that paved with?
      Shepard James 'Shep' Walker
      : Humility.

      "Divine Secrets of the Ya Ya Sisterhood



        Bambs....dont worry bout me....I missed the whole thing. Wouldnt have mattered anyway. New day! gabby
        Gabby :flower:



          Hiya Bubba,

          I talk shit 24-7......don't worry....

          I bet everyone here has had a drunken rant at some point.

          I know what you mean about the librium taking the edge off and getting a slap in the face when its gone.

          Take care Bub.....Mackeral
          LOOK AT IT THIS WAY.........
          IT CANT GET ANY WORSE.............



            Glad to hear you're at least "ok-ish" today, Bambs! As everyone has already said, we've all done that, been there, got the t-shirt!! Ditto: it's a new day, be gentle with yourself...:l

            Coming back and saying sorry shows a lot of class--you really will be okay--it just takes more time than we had hoped...

            Remember: Just keep on swimming, keep on swimming! Or tread water! And sometimes that's the best any of us can do just to KEEP from drowning! And dog hairs just choke us anyway.... (evil, nasty little gnomic smiley...I sooo want our old rolling, laughing smiley BACK!)

            Hang in there--and HERE!!
            susan/suzy clever clogs!
            "I'm a sucker for a good resurrection story." Anne Lamott



              Hey Mackeral Man....Somehow I believe that bout ya!
              Dont worry.....still ok in my book.....I'll cut ya some slack.....have a lot of good.....your ahead of me on AF days....see....there ya go.
              Ok, leaving now bye. G
              Gabby :flower:



                Welcome back from the Dark Side, Bambubba!

                Good to see you back, Bambs!!! But poor you, we all RECOGNIZE your evil twin when she's out, even when you're trying to go incognito!! At any rate, I think it was only two weeks or so ago when mine was last out! Bad moods are part of life; it's just when drinking, they are alcohol-enhanced!! Yikes! At any rate, since I would guess that all of us here have walked AT LEAST a mile (or two or three or 100) in your moccasins, I'm just glad to see you are back here and posting. Today is another day. :w back!

                Hugs, Kathy
                AF as of August 5th, 2012



                  Hi Bambs
                  Glad you're OK was worried about you, we've all been there, as someone said takes courage to say sorry. Don't be too hard on yourself, look after yourself, and remember baby steps.



                    it's good to have u back. now- let's git peaches back!



                      Hey Bambs!
                      Gosh have we all been there or what?? So glad you are back. I am so glad the sun rises new every morning and we can start fresh! You are doing fantastic being two weeks new! Hey... my T-shirt gets pulled out here and there still and I've been here since January!

                      Hope you are feeling so much better today. Take care!

                      What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....



                        Thank You

                        thank you for all of those wonderful messages... I'm Gemini , Typical one too... So evil twin is always there !!!

                        Spak to you soon and I am sending my heartfelt love to all of you
                        xxxx :l xxxx
                        ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

                        Bambs aka Hydrogen

                        :h XXX :h



                          Hey Bambs!

                          What post??????

                          "Be still and know that I am God"

                          Psalm 46:10

