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The Next Day Thread Wed 11 March

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    The Next Day Thread Wed 11 March

    Hi all, well it's 6.55am here and it's only just getting light - it's windy & nasty outside. However, I'm up & I feel good - have been sleeping really well...a combo of cooler weather & AF I think. I was thinking yesterday that I feel more tired this week but I think I'm just letting myself feel & be what it should be. I like the feeling of tiredness at the end of the day - like I've had a full day and I'm gonna sleep well...I loves me sleep (can you tell!!)
    I hope everyone has a gorgeous day...I'll be here for a while, then off to kindy, gym and another day.
    Here goes hump day (I used to share a bottle of wine with Mr Cakes on Wed night) I'll be fine.


    The Next Day Thread Wed 11 March

    Morning Angel,
    I can totally relate to you saying you love ya sleep. I have been sleeping really well lately and loving it. I feel alittle bit guilty thismorning, I shared a bottle of wine with hubby last night after being AF for five days. I guess I'll just have to start again today. I'm on Campral so I'm not sure how having a drink will affect it. Anyway I'll keep going with the campral and stay positive.
    I hope you have a lovely day and good luck tonight....stay strong


      The Next Day Thread Wed 11 March

      Hi Angel and Crystal.

      Another shitty weather day here. Will be like this for the rest of the week I think. Showers and wind. Expecting Gale force winds later today. At least it's still warm. I've been down to the beach again this morning. Tide is still high and boats being thrown around (outside the marina) but not as wild as yesterday.

      Angel, you can do it. Don't share that bottle. You're almost at 7 Days AF. Well done.

      I have to choof off and do a mystery shopping job. Then physio on my shoulder later. Have a good day everyone.
      Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
      AF May 23 09 to July 09
      AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


        The Next Day Thread Wed 11 March

        Well it's 8 pm here. Just finished my dinner, will watch some TV and call it a night. I'll be dreaming of you all. Have a great day. Jersey, USA
        Starting over again


          The Next Day Thread Wed 11 March

          Posted this on yesterday's thread... whoops

          Hi all, :new:

          I am a newbie here but was directed to this thread as apparently there are a few Aussies here, putting up my hand as an Aussie. Was wondering how you guys went finding the vitamin supplements over here? I am trying to find a replacement for the ALL ONE powder and wondering what fellow Aussies have come accross.

          Also has anyone tried the program without the meds and if so what kind of sucess did you have? Any advice would be most welcome.... oh and nice to meet you all!


          Obstacles are those frightful things we see when we take our eyes of our goals - Henry Ford

          Will power, determination and friends can turn this :teeter: into this :wings:


            The Next Day Thread Wed 11 March

            Hi Eskimo and welcome. Nice to meet you.

            Hopefully someone will tell you where to find the vit supps. L-Glut you can buy at a health food store.

            I have been alcohol free (AF) since February 4 2009 and I didn't use any meds or supps. I decided to try for one day at a time and told myself I could have a drink the next day if I wanted. I never had that drink the next day.

            I was a heavy drinker (wine) for over 20 years. It wasn't easy for the first few days, but I got through it will determination and willpower. What I kept in mind was the reason I wanted to give up for in the first place. It also helped me to remember all the disasters I had created by abusing alcohol.

            I may choose to moderate in future, but at the moment I am happy to be AF. I am acually happier that way. I had a few occasions where I really wanted a drink, but the cravings did pass. It didn't help that I have to pass a HUGE Thirsty Camel 'Need a Drink?' sign every time I go home, but I just look at it now and say to myself, actually no, I don't need a drink.

            Read lots of postings and you will pick up lots of advice on how others became AF or Mod. Post yourself and don't be a stranger here on this thread. We love new friends.

            Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
            AF May 23 09 to July 09
            AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


              The Next Day Thread Wed 11 March

              Thanks Pan,

              My goal is moderation as I do love to have a glass of wine with a nice meal. I had a feeling I might be able to get through it without meds (mainly because I WANT to and also the possible side effects scare me - had a hell of a time with side effects of antidepressants a few years back - not keen to go back down that road). Also I haven't been drinking heavily that long (about two or three years) don't drink spirits and never drink during the day so I guess I'm in a good spot to start huh? My theroy was I either have start drinking vodka (Wine doesn't do much for me anymore unless I drink a gallon - which I was!) or get myself healthy and in control again. If I can get past that 5 - 7pm craving I do okay. Bring on 7.30! Last night I had one drink, filled my glass again... and then tipped it down the sink and had a lemon lime and bitters instead. Go me:happy:

              I have found some supps. I am thinking I might just try a multi vitamin instead of a powder. I'll se what I can find. Am very impatiently awaiting my cd's... wish they'd hurry up! I had lots of success with behavioural therapy in the past so am hoping this is for me!

              I'll keep you all informed!


              Obstacles are those frightful things we see when we take our eyes of our goals - Henry Ford

              Will power, determination and friends can turn this :teeter: into this :wings:


                The Next Day Thread Wed 11 March

                Hi everyone and welcome Eskimo

                Gym free day today. Both kids at school today so I am totally free, give my brain a chance to recover from mister 4 continuous questions. Thanks to our very family friendly government in australia I received money today as part of the stimulus package. So feeling really good. Busy afternoon ahead of me, plus have to bake those muffins I have been promising the kids.


                  The Next Day Thread Wed 11 March

                  Morning All

                  Hi Crystal,

                  Angel - Happy Hump Day

                  Pan - are you going to be able to walk the dogs?

                  Eskimo - I used milk thistle and a Big B complex, I think the B complex was most effective for me - watch out for the bright yellow pee though! I put my story on the board yesterday - so I won't bore you with the details, but keep popping in.

                  Am much calmer after my big ADHD day yesterday, lots of college stuff to catch up on. Will call in later.

                  Ezz - cross post AGAIN Lol!

                  Happy Wednesday

                  Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



                    The Next Day Thread Wed 11 March

                    Hello Buds! Long day for me too. It's 9:15 PM, & I'm tired. Eskimo, it's hard for me to discuus modding, since I think that's REALLY hard, SO much harder than going AF. We all want normalcy and control, but if we find we our out of control at some point, we have to be truly honest about whether AL is important enough in our lives for us to fight FOR it for the rest of our lives, because the problem becomes progressively difficult. I'm sorry, this is not a magic bullet to make you control your drinking. This is a place that helps you learn how to WORK, and some of the things that might help.I hope you'll stay around, and I wish you the best.
                    Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
                    awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


                      The Next Day Thread Wed 11 March

                      Hi All
                      Quick post as heading out for the day.
                      Ruby, was very very sorry to hear about the tragic loss of Willow.
                      Eskimo, I have extra All Ones that I won't use (unopened) (I rarely take it now). It is past its use by date, but I have been assured it is still ok to take. I posted some to another member; so if you want it, let me know.
                      See you all tomorrow...


                        The Next Day Thread Wed 11 March

                        Welcome Eskimo.
                        I've also got an unopened but past use by date tin of all one if you'd like it.
                        Hello everyone else. I too am off to Sydney in an hour and staying overnight, so catch you all tomorrow.


                          The Next Day Thread Wed 11 March

                          Thanks for the advice Ruby and just to clarify I am not expecting a magic bullet, if I could find one of those I would have shot myself with it ages ago. But we all have different ways of approaching our goals and we have to do what works for OURSELVES and approach it in a way that is comfortble for ourselves. What works for you may not work for me and vice versa.

                          I choose to approach this in a way which feels right to ME and ONLY ME. I don't judge anybody else's choices and quite frankly this is the last place I expected judgement passed on mine. If I wasn't going to work at this why would I be here? I do intend to stay around and my goals remain my own - and I take ownership of the way I choose to apply myself to those goals and will take each day as it comes. I will do my best to support those who need it, and I would appreciate you not telling me I am doing the wrong thing from the outset becasue it is not right for you. I am not you.

                          I wish the all the best with staying AF.


                          Obstacles are those frightful things we see when we take our eyes of our goals - Henry Ford

                          Will power, determination and friends can turn this :teeter: into this :wings:


                            The Next Day Thread Wed 11 March

                            Blondie and Rags,

                            Thanks for the offers, I'll see how I go with what I've put together but I sincerely appreciate the offers.


                            Obstacles are those frightful things we see when we take our eyes of our goals - Henry Ford

                            Will power, determination and friends can turn this :teeter: into this :wings:


                              The Next Day Thread Wed 11 March

                              Okie Doke, no worries.

