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Can you feel as good AF as drunk?

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    Can you feel as good AF as drunk?

    Can you feel as good AF as drunk?

    Can you feel as good AF as drunk?

    I usually end up not remembering a thing of the 'drunk' part and I feel like crap after. I, for one, don't miss the self loathing one bit.
    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

    Winning since October 24th, 2013


      Can you feel as good AF as drunk?

      Ha Ha Ha

      AF is Soooooo much better!!!:H
      Try it!!!
      ~Kid Shelleen~ (long term moderator)
      It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that brings us happiness.
      ~ Charles Spurgeon


        Can you feel as good AF as drunk?

        I never enjoyed being DRUNK.....It was always nice to get the "buzz" but when I made it to drunk that was not my goal. I could never keep that "good" feeling without more alcohol and finally you just end up drunk despite efforts to keep that "good" feeling. I was chasing a feeling that was difficult, if not impossible to keep. That was me. Krigs
        "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


          Can you feel as good AF as drunk?


          Unfortunately for us, alcohol did give us benefits, or we would never have started using it.

          But, over time, the benefits have been far outweighed by the negatives.

          At least in my case. I simply cannot drink. I drink to blackout every single time. I wake up with the shakes and feeling horrible. I do self-loathe when I drink. My body is weakened from my drinking and I am suffering side effects of long term alcohol abuse.

          So, I have to forgo the benefit in order to stay alive.

          AF April 9, 2016


            Can you feel as good AF as drunk?

            Thanks y'all for your answers. I am trying AF. Like Krigs, I wanted the "buzz" but don't want the rest that comes after. I guess it gets to the point of a negative cost/benefit ratio if you are an overdrinker. I guess I might be going thru the grief part of letting go of drinking, but I hope there will be feeling as good as buzzed being AF. I know the overall picture is a way better place to be than the drinking cycles and after affects.


              Can you feel as good AF as drunk?

              Perfectly said...

              It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that brings us happiness.
              ~ Charles Spurgeon


                Can you feel as good AF as drunk?

                Charm, two things to remember. First, that alcohol abuse, overall, creates much, MUCH more in the way of bad feelings, than good feelings. Not to mention, chaos and various disasters in one's life. And, second, alcohol does create short-term "good feelings" that you are going to wish you had, if/when you quit drinking, or quit drinking so much. If it didn't, nobody would ever drink the stuff. It's a trade-off. Some of us have found that the short-term enjoyment of small amounts of alcohol is NOT anywhere close to a reasonable compensation for the misery and destruction that alcohol has created, and can continue to create, in our lives.


                  Can you feel as good AF as drunk?

                  Cross-posted! Glad to hear you say that, Charm!


                    Can you feel as good AF as drunk?

                    I am struggling to at the moment but am determined to carry on as I know there are benefits to reap. Every once in a while the sun shines through and I see something that makes me feel really good. For me its a process which may take a while. There isn't much to beat the feeling of having the first glass of wine for me at least at the moment but as others have said, everything that comes after is horrible and predictable.

                    My answer to your question; not at the moment but watch this space!
                    AF since 19 January with a week's holiday last week. Today is AF day 1sigpic


                      Can you feel as good AF as drunk?

                      Once again, thanks to all who posted. Every message was helpful. I will be checking back. I appreciate the support and applaud all of you for how far you have come. Haven't started Topa yet, but have a dr. appt. tomorrow. Am hoping for more success than I have been able to achieve solo.


                        Can you feel as good AF as drunk?

                        Charm, you sound like a very nice person who deserves the best out of life. I wish you every success.
                        Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
                        AF May 23 09 to July 09
                        AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


                          Can you feel as good AF as drunk?

                          Charm, if I really look at my drinking, the high never lasted that long. It was followed more and more by a feeling of lethargy and dullness.
                          After 30 days AF I have started watching a bit of TV. I enjoy documentaries, especially those on wild life. I am shocked at how foggy my memory is on some of them that I watched before. Just another indication that it's not worth it.


                            Can you feel as good AF as drunk?

                            I freakin' hope so...


                              Can you feel as good AF as drunk?

                              For me the drink buzz was really at drink no2, and it was all down heel after that. Almost as if all the other drinks were trying to recreate that buzz. Never worked and only lead to feeling depressed with the hangover.

