OKAY, OKAY, yes I'm sucking up! LOL. Susan has pointed out, and quite rightly, that our little green smiley man gives her the creeps, and I must roundly second that opinion!!! Although I am thrilled with this board in just about every way, I must admit that I miss our old emoticons a great deal. Is there any way that we can import more of them over here?? Pulleeeze??? Helen may object to the rolley polley person, and in deference to her, I might let that one go, although I do appreciate the JUDICIOUS use of such, but I do miss the old ones!!! Is there any help for that dilemma?? I especially miss the animated ones like the blushy one, laughing one, and the eek! one. Also, it is annoying that we are only limited to four per message, at least to me, since I liberally pepper my messsages with them. (Of course, I acknowledge that this is probably a relief to some who read my messages! Okay, there, pipe down!!!

To those of you who might like to add your voice to this, now's the time to speak up!!!
Lots of love and hugs,