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Can We Add Our Old Emoticons Too, RJ?

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    Can We Add Our Old Emoticons Too, RJ?

    Hi RJ, Board Goddess!!!:h

    OKAY, OKAY, yes I'm sucking up! LOL. Susan has pointed out, and quite rightly, that our little green smiley man gives her the creeps, and I must roundly second that opinion!!! Although I am thrilled with this board in just about every way, I must admit that I miss our old emoticons a great deal. Is there any way that we can import more of them over here?? Pulleeeze??? Helen may object to the rolley polley person, and in deference to her, I might let that one go, although I do appreciate the JUDICIOUS use of such, but I do miss the old ones!!! Is there any help for that dilemma?? I especially miss the animated ones like the blushy one, laughing one, and the eek! one. Also, it is annoying that we are only limited to four per message, at least to me, since I liberally pepper my messsages with them. (Of course, I acknowledge that this is probably a relief to some who read my messages! Okay, there, pipe down!!! )

    To those of you who might like to add your voice to this, now's the time to speak up!!!

    Lots of love and hugs,

    AF as of August 5th, 2012

    Can We Add Our Old Emoticons Too, RJ?


    Okay, I am delicately assuming that my humble request got lost in the shuffle of server failures and etc, and that people might be interested in this post. So I am writing again to bump it back up to the top in the hopes that our dear RJ will take note. If not, it will work its way down into oblivion, and I will practice my DISCRETION.....

    AF as of August 5th, 2012


      Can We Add Our Old Emoticons Too, RJ?


      Hi, Kathy and sorry, yes, I did see this and intended to respond! Goofy day, yesterday.

      I'm happy to add a couple more emoticons--I think someone else here said they missed some of the old guys, too. My only issue with this system and the emoticon display is that they can't be toggled off when composing a message. At least that's what the developers say, but I'm looking into it. (However, responding to messages with "Quick Reply" circumvents the smilies if you find them irritating.)

      I can add some of the original smilies later today...if anyone else has feedback let me know!

      Help keep our forum strong--make a contribution to My Way Out. Or show your support by becoming a Subscriber and enjoy enhanced features, as well!


        Can We Add Our Old Emoticons Too, RJ?


        RJ - thanks for everything you do. We really appreciate it.

        :h Barb


          Can We Add Our Old Emoticons Too, RJ?

          Thanks RJ, you're a Jewell! Hugs, Kathy:l
          AF as of August 5th, 2012


            Can We Add Our Old Emoticons Too, RJ?

            Yes, I did respond yesterday and it never posted. I just now noticed. Sorry Kath....ya behind ya all along. Gabby
            Gabby :flower:


              Can We Add Our Old Emoticons Too, RJ?

              Yea Kathy!


                Can We Add Our Old Emoticons Too, RJ?

                New smilies.

                Hi, gang. Weekend got completely out from under me, so I'm playing catch up. I've loaded a slew of new emoticons (smilies) and you'll see them by clicking "More" or using the drop-down menu when composing your message.

                Let me know if they work for ya and thanks, Kathy for bringing it to the table!

                Help keep our forum strong--make a contribution to My Way Out. Or show your support by becoming a Subscriber and enjoy enhanced features, as well!


                  Can We Add Our Old Emoticons Too, RJ?

                  Thanks RJ!

                  Oh my, am I going to have fun now!!!! :good: and:thanks: RJ!

                  Hugs, Kathi:l :h
                  AF as of August 5th, 2012

