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    This was sent to me by an associate (who thought it equally offensive). Perhaps we could encourage those over 50 to smoke more, too?

    This from The Mature

    Help keep our forum strong--make a contribution to My Way Out. Or show your support by becoming a Subscriber and enjoy enhanced features, as well!



    Trish In Omaha

    Shepard James 'Shep' Walker: I think it can best be said..."The road to hell is paved with good intentions."
    Sidda: Well, what about the road back? What's that paved with?
    Shepard James 'Shep' Walker
    : Humility.

    "Divine Secrets of the Ya Ya Sisterhood



      Wow. All I can say is WOW. Now I know my decision to leave marketing was the correct one!



        OMG! I always knew marketing people were slimeballs.



          Good one, not surprised, another Question...

          Can you share with us, since you are the longest, oldest active member, so to speak, some things...

          a) Are you still on topa? If so, what dosage?
          b) Do you abstain or moderate?
          c) If you moderate, how many, approximately, drinks per day and more importantly are you happy with that?

          Thank you.



            Hi, Chrysa.

            a) Yes, still on Topa (full 300 mg., though many don't need to go so high.) I'm actually considering titrating down/off, as it's been a while. I think it's great as you get started and for the first year or two, but am not sure I want to be on it forever.

            b) Moderating for now and it's working fine

            c) I try to keep Moderation Management's recommendations in mind (re: not drinking consecutive days--although sometimes I tweak depending on what's going on, e.g. dinner with family/friends, etc.) And no more than a couple of glasses of wine on those days. But I find I gotta stick to the exercise, hypno and supps fairly aggressively, otherwise it's easy to move backwards.

            I've been considering a new plan of long term abs (I usually do an occasional period here and there) but I'm curious about the efficacy of some of the newer meds--and don't mind playing the role of self-research guinea pig. I think it would be interesting to see how Vivitrol or Acomplia compare to Campral or Topa.

            There's no magic pill, of course--I continue to believe we need to stick with a regular plan of exercise, diet, brain supps, hypno and support. I really think they're all important. :-)

            Help keep our forum strong--make a contribution to My Way Out. Or show your support by becoming a Subscriber and enjoy enhanced features, as well!



              Unreal and Congratulations RJ


              Nothing is sacred when it comes to squeezing the last dollar from anyone and everyone no matter the cost to lives.

              On a brighter note. I must congratulate you on a FANTASTIC new site. I just love it. I'm just taking my time tonight to have a stroll around, have just rummaged around on my 'puter and found a pic that's not too hideous to put on my profile and having a look at the chat room. You've done very well.

              Also I think the Health Store is a real step forward. I've ordered two lots of stuff so far and it's arrived under two weeks which is much,much faster than anything else I've ever ordered from the USA. Considering I live in Australia and vitamins etc have to opened by Aussie Customs ("we pretend to be nice but all have small,square black moustaches") that's a real achievement.

              Well done RJ..........




                Hey Mish - Why did I get slated when I mentioned a certain Austrian person... Hey Ho...

                I's all in our genes,, Everyone from England, Ireland, Scotland , Wales --- and Germany - And of course USA.

                It's a joke about Germ V Eng always has been, always will be... - and I do not have a soupcon of political tendency in my mind - all I think is
                England 5 - Germany 0 - Hey we've got to win sometime... let us bask in our glory... short as that glory may be.

                Everyday now is a glory to me - albeit, I may slip occasionally.
                but here's to the future. XXXX

                ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

                Bambs aka Hydrogen

                :h XXX :h

