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The Next Day Thread Thurs 11 March

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    The Next Day Thread Thurs 11 March

    Morning all, I'm feeling a bit shady this morning...a bit like I have a hangover. Weird huh??
    Watched the next episode of Underbelly last night - Matthew Newton is sexing that role up...Mr Cakes has renamed it 'Underboobie' *chuckle*
    I think we got some of the cyclone over here yesterday & last night!!!...was really windy all day & night, trees were cracking & stuff. I'll go check the damage now -we live on the edge of a National Park, it's so beautiful.


    The Next Day Thread Thurs 11 March

    Yes, I woke up feeling like I had been drinking, headache and everything!
    You are doing great!
    What on earth is Underbelly?
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      The Next Day Thread Thurs 11 March

      Hi Starting, Underbelly is an Australian mini series about the severe corruption in the police force from the early 1970's until the late 1980's. Heroin was being brought into Aus & everyone from the customs people at the airport, lawyers, detectives right up to the police commissioner & top judges were being paid to look the other way. It's really interesting for me as I remember reading about it in the papers (the later stuff...I was only born in '72) Oh, and there's a lot of sex in it...


        The Next Day Thread Thurs 11 March

        Morning Guys

        Hey angel it's the 12th today! Feeling okay this morning - hope you guys aren't coming down with the change of season Colds. Seems to be going around down here. Stay well!
        Eskimo is off to work.... oh joy!


        Obstacles are those frightful things we see when we take our eyes of our goals - Henry Ford

        Will power, determination and friends can turn this :teeter: into this :wings:


          The Next Day Thread Thurs 11 March

          UGH - I usually get up & check the calender but I was sure it was the 10th yesterday...sorry all
          I promise to check first tomorrow...


            The Next Day Thread Thurs 11 March

            Hello, my Underworld Friends!!!! LOL Hope you're well. I'd love for you to check out the thread I started on 'country music' which usually refers to American singers. Actually, it's ethnic, regional music that's popular. Do you have any input? Been a long day today. Be safe and happy. Besides, I ADORE Keith Urban!!!!
            Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
            awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


              The Next Day Thread Thurs 11 March

              Morning all. Off to the gym this morning. Weather is a bit overcast here at the moment. I haven't watched this seasons underbelly, I always wait until it comes out on DVD because I hate ads and the suspense of waiting to next week to see what is happening. I did hear that there is more sex in it than the last one and that had a lot.


                The Next Day Thread Thurs 11 March

                Morning all
                Ezz, angel, starty, eskimo, ruby - it's really hard making my memory work in the morning.

                Where's Pan?

                Here in Singers there are fairly strict censorship laws - no nipples, bare bottoms etc. Sometimes a whole 'lurvmaking' scene can be cut from a movie/programme and it takes a while to realise and catch up. All the nipples on the plastic surgery shows are blurred out as well.

                I don't have to do the function tonight woohoo! Usually I like to entertain,but for whatever reason I was really stressing about this one.

                My Girlfriends from Perth (the pommie ones!) are arriving tonight, am looking forward to picking them up from the airport and having a very social weekend. I hope everyone else has a great Thursday. xx

                Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



                  The Next Day Thread Thurs 11 March

                  IT'S RAINING.... WHOO HOOOO! :clapping2: I thought maybe the sky was falling or something! :H

                  Obstacles are those frightful things we see when we take our eyes of our goals - Henry Ford

                  Will power, determination and friends can turn this :teeter: into this :wings:


                    The Next Day Thread Thurs 11 March

                    It's NOT raining over here - WOOHOO!!!
                    SB - That sounds like heaps of fun - your girls arriving tonight.
                    I'm kinda glad we don't have those censorship laws...I think people should be able to make their own minds up as to what they watch. I may change my mind when my boys are teenagers!!!
                    Ezz - I chickened out of Attack this morning - it's 'new release' day on Sat so I thought I'd go then...there's usually lots of newbies there. But I did walk up the very steep hill to kindy & then did pilates.
                    Rubes - Underworld Friends :H My life is much more mundane than that (thank goodness!!!)


                      The Next Day Thread Thurs 11 March

                      Gluggg, gluggg, gluggg. It's bloody RAINING!!! RAINING, RAINING, RAINING!!!!!!! Not looking like it's going to stop any time soon either. Can't walk the dogs. Too damn wet for even me to be on the beach. If I was cool with wearing a bathing suit I'd go for a walk, but... then again, there won't be another soul on the beach... Hmmmmm.

                      Day 5 Angel. Yipee!

                      Betts, hope you have a wonderful time with your Perth mates.
                      Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
                      AF May 23 09 to July 09
                      AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


                        The Next Day Thread Thurs 11 March

                        Umm Pan...can u start the thread tomorrow...I've fallen off the wagon..
                        ugh, I feel like I've let evryone down...not least myself
                        No day 6 for me right now.


                          The Next Day Thread Thurs 11 March

                          Hi Angel,
                          I am sorry to hear that.
                          But you can use this as a learning experience now perhaps. So, do you know what triggered it? Can you avoid it next time?
                          just a small bump in the road, dont give up OK?

                          Hi Pan, did you get to the beach in the rain????
                          Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                          Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                            The Next Day Thread Thurs 11 March

                            oh Starting, i saw anither thread about the sinclaire method & thought 'why am i doing it so tuff?' i could just do that...i feel like crap right now. Again...thanks so much for caring...i'm starting to think that this thing is bigger than what i thought it was...


                              The Next Day Thread Thurs 11 March

                              Angel, it sounds a bit like you maybe havent accepted that you do have a drink problem?
                              There is help out there, like you said, but every method will require willpower and hard work. There is no magic bullet. How I wish there were.
                              Once the hangover subsides, you will be able to think more clearly. Then perhaps research the different meds available. Also, really have a look at your drinking. You said you used to take drugs too? That was me, and I realised that I just kept swapping one addiction for another. It took many years to admit that though. PM me if you want to talk at all.
                              Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                              Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009

