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    melancholia, depression, bummed?

    jeeze, i just feel wiped out and tired...i don't have energy to do much....maybe winter is taking it's toll...i'm so ready for spring and it's freezing here!!!

    aaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhh!!!!



    I know that feeling Peace! Horrible isnt it?
    It passes...
    I love your avatar, is he/she one of yours?
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009




      I know that feeling.
      Sometimes I think there is just not enough sunshine this time of year.
      I get unmotivated, and lazy, cry more easily, and even more prone to depression than normal.

      starty is right. Most of the time it passes. Are you trapped inside because of the cold, or can you get out and take a nice walk? Take a good book, and a coffee or tea in a to-go-cup, and try to find some beauty around you while getting some exercise and fresh air?? Maybe take your camera along. That might "force" you to find something visually appealing, and lift your spirits?

      Hope you feel better soon! :l
      Striving to live life without ALCOHOL



        i am right there. It's really hard to get going..
        AF since 19 January with a week's holiday last week. Today is AF day 1sigpic



          Peace - how about some mad solo dancing? Bananas and avocados are supposed to be good for depression - as is chocolate.

          Take care, hope your mood lifts.
          Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:




            I get it, Peace, have been feeling like that for a while... the best way out that I know of the old trick of "acting as if... " It's got a long and well-respected history in academic and clinical psychology. When we act "as if" we were the way we want to be... then we begin to feel that way, too. Yesterday I forced myself to walk the three miles, round trip, to the public library.

            The goal was to act as if I were all of these things:
            • A person who walks more and drives less often
            • A person who is committed to being healthyA person committed to using the library instead of buying books on Amazon

            It was fairly cold and I had to really force myself to keep going for the first several blocks (inner voice saying: "OK this is enough! Turn around, go home where it's warm! You can go tomorrow!)... but in the end (of course) it felt good, and lifted my mood for the rest of the evening. Not exactly into giddy happiness... but not nearly so gloomy.



              yah...gotta force myself outside...i walked on the treadmill, but that isn't the same as in the sunshine!
              i think it's just the winter blues and the fact that where i live there isn't a library, coffee shop or anything for that matter!!!

              i'll survive...i'm going to force myself to be creative today...and to clean my house!!!

              springs coming, i can feel it!!!!

              ps my avatar is my sister's labradoodle "bruce"...he's a big old goofball, i love him!



                I know how you feel peacenik. I too have cabin fever. Thank God spring is just around the corner. I can't take too much more of the cold weather either. Hang in there!
                Starting over again



                  will do last call, you too!!!



                    I can't help myself . . .

                    Peacenik, seriously - I can't help myself . . . I just can't feel down right now, knowing that Spring is just around the corner. The smow and the crazy winds here are a little bit overpowering at times but hell I refuse to let it get to me.

                    Plus, I like to grow things, so the seeds I started in January make me feel good because they are coming up now.

                    In addition, when I look into my doggies eyes and see how happy she is it makes me happy knowing she's happy. Plus, plus I love pictures of puppies, they are just about the most adorable creatures on the planet. (Kittens too). Boa constrictors Not So Much!

                    Now then Peacenik, do I have to come over there and give you a smack. lol . . .

                    Seriously, try to cheer up! (oh by the way I spelt snow wrong on purpose).

                    Heck go to Search (engine) and type in IAD if his shenanigans don't cheer you up well WOW . . . see a doctor. lol

                    God Bless . . .



                      Excercise helps me. Also as we become sober, reality sets in. Sometimes that can be depressing..or very liberating, it is all in what we make it to be. Remember, you are NOT the person you once were! you are better and stronger than before, and you have the ability to change and seek out new adventures.
                      Stay Strong!
                      War isn't working. Let's try Peace!



                        polaryzed, i do need a swift kick, and you gave it to me!!lol

                        bhog, i do exercise everyday, i imagine if i didn't, i'd be dead!!!


                        i'm not that bad, just really feeling like winter is neverending this year!

                        i'm off to walk my three dogs right now, it's 30 degrees today!!!

                        have a good one all!



                          bald headed old guy;570159 wrote: Peace,
                          Excercise helps me. Also as we become sober, reality sets in. Sometimes that can be depressing..or very liberating, it is all in what we make it to be. Remember, you are NOT the person you once were! you are better and stronger than before, and you have the ability to change and seek out new adventures.
                          Stay Strong!
                          wise words!

