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31 Days AFand it's Tough

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    31 Days AFand it's Tough

    I miss having a drink after work and at weekends the most. I don't want to go back and start at day one again. I keep thinking that maybe if I only have a couple of drinks, but I could never stop at that before. I try distracting myself and keep busy. This is leaving me wanting a drink more as I now feel I deserve it. I haven't replaced alcohol with anything else and really miss it.

    31 Days AFand it's Tough

    Hi Carroll, take it from someone who knows - it's not worth it (check out my mood avatar) It feels hard right now but believe me it will feel a lot harder tomorrow if you drink today. Try and ride it out.


      31 Days AFand it's Tough

      You are going thru the hard part - but there is a reward. Yes, we all enjoyed drinking, and often felt we deserved it after work or other stresses - but think about it - it might have made us feel good for a while, but ultimately, cost us - and only you know all it cost you. Stay the course. You will be rewarded.


        31 Days AFand it's Tough

        If you want to stick it out, and continue to be free of whatever misery it was that persuaded you to do these 31 days AF... then, a shift in thinking is necessary. See "gratitude mode vs. deprivation mode" in the "tool box" thread. If you allow your mind to daydream and fantasize about the wonderful thing (alcohol) that you are "missing out on"... then AF life will be a drag. But it doesn't have to be that way...

        Congratulations on your 31 days!


          31 Days AFand it's Tough


          It is tough; don't pretend it won't be. But you need to protect your investment (31 days) and if you cave in now you'll have to start again. Making it through 31 days is a great achievement really. Know that cravings will come and go and try to accept them.

          You don't want to go back to day one as you said. You will have a horrible hangover and you will hate it! Don't beat yourself up that it is tough right now. You've done the main hurdle now just keep going.
          AF since 19 January with a week's holiday last week. Today is AF day 1sigpic


            31 Days AFand it's Tough


            Try replacing alcohol with something else. Check out the thread I started in February on Yummy AF Drinks. Or experiment with your own and come up with something tasty.

            I know the feeling "I deserve it." I still battle that with both wine and cigarettes. Especially cigarettes. It is tough, but you need to keep remembering why you gave up in the first place. What you deserve is a life free of the hassles that alcohol brings.

            At 30 days AF I thought, well, I've done it, I could have a drink now if I wanted. It wasn't because I particularly wanted one, it is because the mindset on MWO with a lot of folks seems to be 30 days is the milestone and after that, one can moderate if that's ones choice. I don't know if I can moderate and right now I am happy staying AF. I will probably have a glass of wine in the future and see what happens. But if I find I cannot moderate, I will go straight back to being AF.
            Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
            AF May 23 09 to July 09
            AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


              31 Days AFand it's Tough

              Hi Guys
              Thanks so much for all your encouragement. I will read back over these words when the going gets tough. Have a great weekend and I'll touch base next week.


                31 Days AFand it's Tough

                hi caroll, just wanted to say, this is the hard part of being sober...i don't know what your goals are, but if you want to stay af, you have to get another hobby! keep busy, exercise, cook, clean, read, go to coffee, go to a book shop, ride your bike, go swim, get you hair done, anything to get you over the hump.
                do you use supplements? they helped me immensely.


