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Hyno suggestions/visualisation

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    Hyno suggestions/visualisation

    Hi all
    I would be interested to know what suggestions/visualisation others use whilst listening to the hypnotic disc/tape, just curious. Hope everyone is doing well in whatever they are doing.

    I meant to hypno in heading but won't let me change it!

    Hyno suggestions/visualisation

    Hypno suggestions and visualizations

    Hi Mary,

    Some of the suggestions that I use are "I deserve to be fit and healthy", "I crave healthy foods and beverages now that I don't drink", "I have much more energy when I don't drink" (my body isn't paying attention to that suggestion). I visualize myself in various situations, sometimes social and sometimes around my house just doing regular things, but doing them without an alcoholic drink in my hand. I imagine cooking a healthy dinner without a drink. I imagine going to social functions and drinking sparkling water or a diet soda and having a good time, etc.

    Also, when not doing the hypno, I remind myself of my goal of losing some weight and being healthier in general. If I am tempted to drink, I remind myself that, even if that one drink wouldn't be a disaster, per se, I would be that much farther from my goal. For me, that seems to help.

    Another thing I do that isn't part of the hypno is allow myself to think about the fun things I can eat (although I do avoid sugars and processed carbs like white bread, white rice, white potatoes, etc.) when I'm not drinking. My menu can be so much more varied and interesting when I'm not using wasting all those calories on wine.

    I'm telling you these extra things because for me, they have helped to build upon and reinforce the hypnotherapy and my resolve!


    AF as of August 5th, 2012


      Hyno suggestions/visualisation

      Hypno suggestions

      Mary, I am also using the self suggestions to help me with weight loss. I lost 50 lbs 10 years ago and put 20 of it back on. I blame the booze (I certainly can't take responsibility for my own actions! ). To me, they do go hand in hand. When I don't drink, I eat well. Sometimes I blow my eating just to say "oh well, I ate, I might as well drink and start again tomorrow". Another one of my issues is trying to forgive myself for falling off course - it took me a long time to get past that. For a long time, I used food and booze to punish myself for being so weak and hypno has really helped me get past that.

      Some of my suggestions: "I see beauty everytime I look in the mirror"; "I am perfect just the way I am"; "I automatically make healthy choices in everything I do"; "My weight is exactly where I want it to be"; "I am easily satisfied with small quantities"; "I enjoy my healthy choices and look forward to them"; "I love to exercise -it is my favorite pastime".

      My visualizations: I picure myself stepping on the scale and having it read my ideal body weight. I picture myself doing the workout I am planning for that day and thoroughly enjoying it. I see myselft pushing a plate away from me that has food on it and feel the complete satisfaction of having just enough. I picture myself playing a game of cards with my son while drinking a sparkling water out of a pretty glass and really, really enjoying it. I picture myself sipping on a healthy beverage while watching TV and hearing my hubby saying, "I am so proud of you. You are so strong and can accomplish anything you want". Sometimes I picture myself sitting at the tavern, enjoying a club soda and having a great time, but I am not ready for that yet.

      Hope this helps.



        Hyno suggestions/visualisation

        One more thing

        I try to use positive phrases. Instead of saying "I don't drink alcohol anymore", I say "I truly enjoy healthy beverages. Water is my drink of choice. When I drink water, I feel a huge amount of energy." I have always done better when I have focused on the positive rather than trying to move away from the negative.



          Hyno suggestions/visualisation

          Good points, Barb, I think I will integrate some of that into my hypno suggestions!!
          AF as of August 5th, 2012


            Hyno suggestions/visualisation

            Thanks Kathy & Barb
            You have given me some good ideas, I will incorporate them into my own suggestions. Every little helps!


              Hyno suggestions/visualisation

              Some great ideas, this is just what I have been thinking about as I received my cds just this week - haven't done the hypno one yet.

              I imagine I would like to incorporate some scriptural truths also, so for me something like Jesus is the way the truth and the life. and Let your yes be yes and your no be no!!

