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Small kick required!!!

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    Small kick required!!!

    Hello Guys...

    I hope everyone is doing ok.

    I just need you all to give me a little nudge in the right directions or better still a kick up the arse!!!

    It is day 20 of being AF and generally things are fine. I am mooching towards half way through my 55 days AF. This week the beast has been pesting me a little (its not awful and its not immediate). The beast is just starting to try and question whether I really need to go 55 day, he wonders could we not enjoy a glass of wine and start modding a little earlier. I have of course told him we cannot. It is that week, where I am running up the wall screaming with PMT and the beast knows I am that little bit vulnerable. He thus attempts to play on this. I am resolute in my decision to go 55 days AF, but boy could I use a few strong words of encouragment. Any on, kick my arse, but not too hard, I am a bit sensitive this week!!!!LOL

    Love you all....

    "The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we are,
    but in what direction we are moving."

    Small kick required!!!

    Hey - consider youself nudged (I don't do kicking Lol!). I know exactly how you're feeling. You need distraction. I haven't admitted this yet but I started knitting. I have on my needles a scarf which should be straight, but has a great zig - zag edge! It's been a full moon this week as well, which I truly believe doesn't help. You've committed to yourself and from your post you really want to do it. It's up to you!

    Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



      Small kick required!!!

      A nudge from me too! I know all too well that annoying little voice - tell him how much better you feel without him, how you like waking up in the morning feeling good, and how if you drink at *this* time of the month it'll feel awful afterwards! I have a whole litany of pep talks that I give myself.

      You're one of the people here who are an inspiration to me, you and April Moon and Betty, and several others who are going AF for amazing numbers of days - you give me hope. I know you can shut the beast up and stick to your resolve.

      Take care


        Small kick required!!!

        Betty you are a star

        Hey Betty

        Thanks for that post. You do make me smile. I am now visualising this scarf you describe.

        Its funny our cat always goes bonkers on a full moon, maybe you are right about that.

        "The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we are,
        but in what direction we are moving."


          Small kick required!!!

          Beat the BEAST...come on !!! KICK..KICK HARD !!!!:b&d::b&d::b&d::b&d:
          sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


            Small kick required!!!

            I LOVE YOU GUYS.

            "The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we are,
            but in what direction we are moving."


              Small kick required!!!

              Mooderator.....if you can't go 55 days..your do you possibly think you could moderate yet? Think of it that way.....this beast is a DRUNK just waiting to happen. You will feel sick, disappointed....and then the games begin again. You do not want that!!!!!!!!! You have come so far. Stick to your guns, you can do this.
              Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


                Small kick required!!!


                I feel the same as you today -- the damn beast is knocking on my door!!
                I am on day 15 of 30 days and the beast is asking "what for, you're a modder?" I have told him to right royally p*ss off.
                "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                  Small kick required!!!

                  Think of the horrible hangover you will have........
                  AF since 19 January with a week's holiday last week. Today is AF day 1sigpic


                    Small kick required!!!

                    What everybody said above!

                    The beast is really more of a passing thought for me now. One that is quickly smiled at and told to scurry along. I, too, have a goal of AF at least until Easter and THEN MAYBE look at moderation. Or not. Being AF really doesn't seem to take anything away from my life.

                    I hope things will be much like this for you soon. And, yeah, PMS time has always been a trigger for me - damn hormones!

                    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                    Winning since October 24th, 2013


                      Small kick required!!!

                      Thanks again for the input guys. I know it is just the PMS and I know it will pass. I just thought it was a good idea for get some reinforcement which is what has happened and I am grateful. I will make my goal and this site has really helped me refocus. What it boils down to for me is this. Having a drink used to be my way to chill out and now I dont what it to be. The more time I spend here and AF the more I know my relationship with the beast is not as bad as all that and I am in control of him much more than I had thought.

                      I would say now that I totally agree with those who say you must do a significant period of time AF before considering moderating. It gives one time to experience these sort of thoughts, see how long they last, see what one feels about them and to know you can do without a glass of wine to deal with a bit of a stressy day.
                      "The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we are,
                      but in what direction we are moving."


                        Small kick required!!!

                        Good on you Moo, I know it's always hardest for me when I have PMT...and then the hangover is soooo bad!
                        Glad you came here for support when you needed it.



                          Small kick required!!!

                          PMS sucks and you have to be very aware of it. This time of the month really sets my want to drink in overdrive. It does get better as the months go on! And PMS doesn't feel so severe when you are not drinking.


                            Small kick required!!!

                            I think it is important to keep learning about yourself and your past drinking habits. Have you read any thoughtful posts that put a new angle on things for you? If not, resolve tends to dissolve. When will you decide whether you plan to try moderation, or if you want to continue AF? Is this decision the reason for that particular number?
                            My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                              Small kick required!!!

                              Resolve returned!

                              Thanks once again guys for all your thoughtful and helpful responses. It is saturday night, which has historicaly been my night for a few drinks (very often not excessive, but sometimes so). It is my 3rd saturday AF and has been absolutely great. I am surprised at the results. The last 2 weeks, I stayed in and avoided doing much to make sure I was ok with not drinking. This week I went out with my husband for movie and a pizza and did not give alcohol a second thought. I am delighted. Despite having a little nag from the beast earlier in the week and I now fully understand what that was about, and I also know I can totally handle him, today has been a triumph. Not only did I not drink, I could not have cared less. What a result. I am sooo pleased.

                              So I will continue with my AF time now until my hubby's birthday, (which is the reason for 55 days so answer your question Sunbeam) and then I will see how I feel. I do plan to moderate, and I am pretty sure that I will be fine with it. I suspect, I will make as much of my life as possible AF as it is a nice way to be, and restrict myself to special occasions and events where I want to have a couple of glasses of wine. This is turning out to be a real "getting to know" me process and I am loving it.

                              "The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we are,
                              but in what direction we are moving."

