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The Next Day thread Saturday 14th march

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    The Next Day thread Saturday 14th march

    Eskimo;571654 wrote: Am happy to post my list of work out music if anyone wants it - it's very acclectic - even some Shania Twain for you Rubes!!
    Hey Eskimo - would love that list!! Feeling a bit bored with mine .... there are lots of oldies and goodies, but it could do with a bit of a re-fresh!!

    BH :H:H:H re the wine cask! Have to say though that we were the envy of the hut when I did the Milford and had port and stilton cheese on the first night in!!! Hope you enjoy the tramp!!
    Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

    Harriet Beecher Stowe


      The Next Day thread Saturday 14th march

      boozehag;571632 wrote: Morning all
      What an amazing morning it has been here - mist everywhere which was very impressive. Angel did you see two little heads in the harbour early this morning - that would have been me and my doggie having an early morning swim!
      Am off to climb a mountain this avo staying over night in a hut half way up (the Pinaccles in coromandel). Last time I climbed a mountain I brought a 4 litre cask of wine in my back pack for the overnight stay in the hut. I just thought that was what everyone did!
      Hope you all have a great day.
      You're a funny fecker :H
      I didn't see you swimming - you're also a crazy fecker though!!!
      Back to read the rest of the thread


        The Next Day thread Saturday 14th march

        Ugh - lost my reply, hate that.

        Eskimo - I agree training to Pink is great - she's so feisty, and it helps that she has a great body. I'm off to Pump in 10's new release day so all new stuff, I hear 'Thunderstruck' by Acca Dacca is one of the tracks - OH YEAH I hope they pump that fecker up!!!! I can get in touch with my inner bogan.

        Lori - Yes, I concur with the Tawdry one, pls tell what are these icicles you spend your time looking at??

        Mame - Glad to hear you got the all clear on the tests...AND IF YOU'RE NOT LOVING PUSHING YOURSELF ON THE CYCLE IT'S BEST TO CUT IT BACK TO RECREATIONAL (sorry caps on didn't mea to shout!!!)
        Rubes *wave* I hear your off on holiday....the cabin sounds so nice. Just the word 'cabin' invokes images of coziness & comfort.
        Hey G.

        Off now to Pump it up...and Mr Cakes is putting a roast in the oven, a salute to the cooler weather.


          The Next Day thread Saturday 14th march

          Hey Aunty... here you go. I have all these as MP3's if you want me to email a file just PM with your email... not everyone's taste but I enjoy them. Any body pumpers will know I have nicked a few songs from past and recent releases.

          Eski's Exercise Songs...

          Survivor – Eye of the Tiger
          Bare Naked Ladies – Alcohol (great for reminding why I choose not to (or try not to) drink anymore!)
          Blue October – Calling You
          Bare Naked Ladies (Yes Again) – One Little Slip
          Bon Jovi – Have a Nice Day (A great “IN YOUR FACE WORLD”! song)
          Nickleback – Gotta be Somebody
          Bon Jovi – (notice a doubling up theme going on here?) Someday I’ll be Saturday Night
          Counting Crows – Accidentally in Love
          Pink – So What!
          Nickleback – Photograph
          Bon Jovi (Recurring theme?) – Sleep when I’m Dead!
          Shania Twain – If you’re not in it for love…. (this is part of my affirmation about loving myself!)

          I just brought myself an mp3 player to put these on - now all I have to do is go exercise!

          Obstacles are those frightful things we see when we take our eyes of our goals - Henry Ford

          Will power, determination and friends can turn this :teeter: into this :wings:


            The Next Day thread Saturday 14th march


            You can have my husband if you want... he's a sheep farmer wanna be! I fricken HATE sheep - damn things are the dumbest creatures EVER put on earth!

            I have an American friend who explained why.... they are bred to be dumb. If you have a clever sheep that knows how to escape all the time or wanders to far from the heard every ther day - it's always the first to be eaten - thus leaving all the dumb ones behind! It's like a reverse buffalo theory - except for sheep! Stupid creatures!

            Obstacles are those frightful things we see when we take our eyes of our goals - Henry Ford

            Will power, determination and friends can turn this :teeter: into this :wings:


              The Next Day thread Saturday 14th march

              Angel - what's with the Tawdry bit?


                The Next Day thread Saturday 14th march

                Afternoon all. Spoke too soon this morning. Hung all my washing out, bailed out the boat (cause the cover is no more) and it rained. Fined up a bit this arvo, so have been to the beach with the doggies as usual, but also to try and get my mind sorted. I so want a drink. I don't know where it's come from, but I want one, and I know I will want more than one if I have one. Very strange. Just feeling a bit down today and I don't know where that has come from either. Lack of my daily sunshine over the last few days perhaps.
                Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
                AF May 23 09 to July 09
                AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


                  The Next Day thread Saturday 14th march


                  This is just for you...


                  Try and hang in there.

                  Obstacles are those frightful things we see when we take our eyes of our goals - Henry Ford

                  Will power, determination and friends can turn this :teeter: into this :wings:


                    The Next Day thread Saturday 14th march

                    Thanks Eski, it just started raining again. I'm fine. I'm not going to have a drink. I just really want one. I don't know what's wrong with me.
                    Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
                    AF May 23 09 to July 09
                    AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


                      The Next Day thread Saturday 14th march

                      Hey everyone!
                      Pan, sometimes after the initial withdrawal has taken place, that urge to drink can come on very strong. Just know it will pass, and each time it happens the urge will get weaker. It does with me anyway. I know I had some wobbly moments at about 4 weeks, it felt like the honeymoon period was over somehow. Dont worry, I think its fairly normal to feel that way. Stay strong girlie.
                      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                        The Next Day thread Saturday 14th march

                        Hey Pan, you've done so well. I'm sorry you're feeling a bit crappy...the hangover & disappointment in oneself is not worth it.

                        I just got back from Pump - it smells soo good in here - sheep are good for one thing - roasting!!!
                        It was the 'new release' at the gym but alas no Thunderstruck...there was a super funked up version of 'get the party started' by Pink...there were 4 hot chick trainers on the stage...they had the disco lights going and it was loud...the squats track was quite hard - 12 bottom halves & 16 singles. Or should I say 12 bottom halves & SIXTEEN SINGLES GO NOW AAAAARRRRGGHH!!!!
                        Anyway, endorphins - good.


                          The Next Day thread Saturday 14th march

                          Chocolate. I realised I needed chocolate. I don't much like chocolate, but it's satisfying today. There goes the figure. Perhaps I was just a bit low on sugar, hence my low mood. Anyway, haven't been to the bottleshop and I won't. Thanks for your encouragement.

                          If I had the hangover to worry about it would be a deterrent, but I don't get hangovers. The disappointment in myself would have been huge had I not reached 30 days, but now I'm over 30 days it's almost like I'm telling myself it will be okay. As I said, strange day for me. It could also be that I'm testing myself to see what happens if I drink, before my hubby comes back.
                          Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
                          AF May 23 09 to July 09
                          AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


                            The Next Day thread Saturday 14th march

                            Ahhh blessed chocolate...I've just had my fix.
                            I'm off to watch a movie (on the couch)...will catch ya tomorrow.
                            Have a great night, Pan.



                              The Next Day thread Saturday 14th march

                              Have a good night everyone. It's time for me to go.
                              Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
                              AF May 23 09 to July 09
                              AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


                                The Next Day thread Saturday 14th march

                                Enjoy your movie Angel. Hope there's a good one on here.
                                Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
                                AF May 23 09 to July 09
                                AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.

