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I need your help

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    I need your help

    I know it is me...I KNOW! What tools are you using to help yourself?
    Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


      I need your help

      Net. When did you last sleep? Have you taken anything else? or have you just been drinking?...............G.

      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


        I need your help

        Netty, I honestly think you need something more than a website to help you recover. Talking about your problems here is not going to help you. You need some face to face contact before its too late. On here, you can give and take whatever you want.
        I wish you all the best, and hope that soon you can make the correct decisions.
        To Infinity And Beyond!!


          I need your help

          Hi Netty

          I feel so bad for you, like that will help NOT.

          Like the others have stated, keep busy, AFTER YOU'VE EATEN something and drank lots of water that is. Wow how does a person go without food for 3 days, no wonder you feel like shit. Maybe it would help to read some of your posts and reflect about where you are with this problem and where you would prefer to be. (I am grasping at straws to think of something that makes sense). But I think the others have said it all.

          I agree you probably should get some outside assistance as well.

          Seriously, are you on any meds, the others are asking but you haven't said. Have you tried journalling prior to AL. Sometimes it keeps a person busy enough to not think about AL.

          Feel better soon.


            I need your help

            NET YOU SAY YOU ARE DOING YOUR BEST WILL TRY AND GO TO A AA MEETING .. THERE WILL BE PEOPLE THERE THAT CAN HELP YOU EVEN MORE .. OPS SORY CAPS .. but you will find there are so many things you can do for yourself .. stay strong and think positive ..
            :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
            best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


              I need your help

              Nettie, you must build a support system around you that you can call on need some physical people who can relate to what you are doing and show you how to stop killing yourself. If I could reach out from this computer screen the first thing I would do is hold you in my arms and we could have a good cry together...Then......... I would shake up by the shoulders and make you look in the mirror to see what you are doing to yourself. Then...........I would kick your butt all the way to the nearest AA meeting and chain you to that group so that you had to stay there long enough to hear how others have learned to live without alcohol. As Craig Ferguson says...they are easy to find...they are way up front in the phone book.
              sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                I need your help

                how you doing net?

                no drinks today!
                come here and let us talk you down...EAT BREAKFAST!!!


                  I need your help

                  Network, what happened? The last post of yours I read you sounded so upbeat. I thought you finally had it all figured out. Please be careful detoxing without supervision. Get something in your stomach, even if you have to force it. As said by all --plenty of fluids. My thoughts are with you.
                  Starting over again


                    I need your help

                    Guys thank you. Its my problem and i have to deal with it. I am so, so sorry to bother you. Evie thank you sooo much. You are a great person. Guitarista just AL, no drugs. I am so sorry i have disapointed you. Im not on any meds, just water and lemon.
                    Once again, you being here means so much for me. I don't want to lose you. Please stay with me for good and bad.
                    We are your friends. You don't need to be alone again. So come along.


                      I need your help

                      hi network,

                      sorry to hear you are having such a battle with alcohol. you need to get on some medication and supplements that roberta's book describes. the topamax really helped me alot with the alcohol cravings and the supplements help you get your health and your strength back. you can download her book for free from this website still but first have you read her story? it's really inspiring: How I Quit Drinking, an Excerpt from My Way Out.

                      i have tried aa meetings and they did not work for me. that whole mentality is sort of a turn-off to me and that is why roberta's program was so appealing. basically, the drugs will help you more than anything because alot of it has to do with the reward system in your brain being turned off by them ie: dopamine. topamax is also a mood stabilizer so that was a big help for me especially with my bi-polar disorder.

                      just hang in there and ride this one through...and don't let it get you down, just try again and try to find a solution. if you didn't want to help yourself you wouldn't be on here...right? if there is anything i can do to help you as far as advice or encouragement, i will be glad to offer it up. i'm sure not saying i don't need it because i could use some at my own level, but i can at least offer you some to get to where i am.

                      warm wishes..

                      "you may say that i'm a dreamer...but i'm not the only one"



                        I need your help

                        Hey Net, How you doing mate??
                        That Evie's a beautiful person huh??
                        We do all care - I want you to get better my friend.


                          I need your help

                          How are you today Netty? Did you get some food and sleep into ya? Hope today is a better day for you, mate.
                          Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
                          AF May 23 09 to July 09
                          AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.

