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Army Thread 16th March

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    Army Thread 16th March

    Limey I see you as "helping the helpless"...a natural care giver and that seems they way to fulfill your souls purpose. You have a need to help the UNDER DOG...especially kids.If you don't do that in some capacity then i think you will always have an uneasy restless feeling...Make sense ??
    sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


      Army Thread 16th March

      it really does Evie , thanks, you are soo right about me.Id love to do something that really mattered to me.


        Army Thread 16th March

        With hospice, the doctors will continue palliative care but nothing that will prolong life. Oxygen is a palliative measure, maybe he didn't qualify for it (insurance) before they got him on hospice. I hope his GF will take advantage of the hospice program to make sure she doesn't burn out as a caregiver. There should be people (volunteers) who can come in and relieve her, she will need to make her needs knows.

        I hope you'll lean on us here too, sometimes being a relative or caregiver is harder than being the patient!

        Evie.Lou;573724 wrote: Thanks for the offer..It is hard being so far from him. I think they didn't give him oxygen because they were afraid of him smoking ??? He has lung cancer and has hospice now ...I am worried that he has pneumonia ???
        He sees the doctor on Friday so i guess we will know more then.
        vegan zombies want your grains


          Army Thread 16th March

          Im off for an early one.
          Sweet Dreams all. God Bless.
          Nos Da.
          To Infinity And Beyond!!


            Army Thread 16th March

            Thanks Oney, your a great mum yourself.


              Army Thread 16th March

              nite Cy.


                Army Thread 16th March

                Speaking of great mums, today is my own mother's birthday. She would have been 80 years old today had she lived. She died at a young age, 53. I was terrified when I turned 50 that I would die young like she did. I can't imagine now not being able to be around to see my grandkids grow up, they are such a joy.
                vegan zombies want your grains


                  Army Thread 16th March

                  cyclefan;573747 wrote: Speaking of great mums, today is my own mother's birthday. She would have been 80 years old today had she lived. She died at a young age, 53. I was terrified when I turned 50 that I would die young like she did. I can't imagine now not being able to be around to see my grandkids grow up, they are such a joy.
                  My Mom passed in her mid 40s so i went thru that..."is it me next" time for many years..
                  Now i believe i will live to be a ripe old 90...or so.
                  Don't forget to sing happy birthday to your Mom...What's her name and I will sing it with you??
                  sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                    Army Thread 16th March

                    Shirley Mae.
                    vegan zombies want your grains


                      Army Thread 16th March

                      I got a warm feeling of love when I sang it to her...Will walked in and there someone else there with you...I SAID YES !!! Shirley Mae is here and we are celebrating her birthday...he just shook his head and walked away....LOL
                      sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                        Army Thread 16th March

                        one2many;573759 wrote: Happy Birthday Shirley Mae! From way down here!
                        Oney, Heaven isn't up there and we're down here. heaven is all around us. Think of it like a glass of water that evaporates...the water hasn't has just changed form and is all round us...It's the same with the spirit. It resides in the body until it's time to go home(heaven) then it evaporates sorta like water...make sense ??
                        sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                          Army Thread 16th March

                          anyone seen gangs of new york?


                            Army Thread 16th March

                            how violent?


                              Army Thread 16th March

                              And happy Birthday to Shirley Mae from down here too.....mums are VERY precious and I miss mine DREADFULLY at times....I remember when she was dying and I wanted to make amends for my AWFUL adolescent behaviour to her and my subsequent alcoholism, and she just smiled so sweetly and gently shook her head, as if to say, ?nnecessary, our Kath" ....
                              Anyway, HELLO ALL! Great to be checking off another hangover free morning...
                              Limers, my lads RAVE about Gangs of NY....
                              Blessings all
                              *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


                                Army Thread 16th March

                                Thanks Evie and Oney. I got all misty eyed talking about this. And thanks to Kap too!

                                Evie.Lou;573761 wrote: I got a warm feeling of love when I sang it to her...Will walked in and there someone else there with you...I SAID YES !!! Shirley Mae is here and we are celebrating her birthday...he just shook his head and walked away....LOL
                                vegan zombies want your grains

