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So I'm a Tea-Oholic now!

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    So I'm a Tea-Oholic now!

    I must be drinking 7/8 cups a day :H

    Got a thing for earl grey.

    Why can't I just be normal! Drink and eat moderately and normally!

    Actually I remember watching Ozzy Osbourne talking about his tea addiction when sober so there's obviously something in it!

    Hope everyone doing well

    5 days AF today for me
    AF since Sunday 27th June 2010
    One Day At A Time

    Trying to be the best mother, daughter and friend that I can be.

    So I'm a Tea-Oholic now!

    Well done on 5 days AF. Have you tried Lady Grey? And you're in the UK so I think 7/8 cups could be considered 'normal' lol! A lot of people here in sweaty Singapore drink iced Tea, but I just can't do it, it's not natural.......
    Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



      So I'm a Tea-Oholic now!

      Good for you Mrs. Donovan

      Good job Mrs. Donovan on the 5 days . . . keep up the great work.

      Is tea suppose to be bad for you? If so oops, cuz my girlfriend and I (for years) use to drink tea like it would be our last cup, everyday 2 and 3 pots.

      SB, Wow, I've gotta start doing some research, I had no idea Singapore was so warm, nor that it was located so close to the equator. Do I feel 'doppied up' (as my BIL would say). Ice tea is yummy (especially the Red Apple Green Tea)!


        So I'm a Tea-Oholic now!

        Lol! Yep always warm. And Sweaty. I had no idea where it was either until I landed here 5 years ago. And still not doing the ice in my tea thing!!! x
        Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



          So I'm a Tea-Oholic now!

          i'm a tea drinker too...research shows 5+ cups a day helps fight all kinds of diseases, so keep it up! green is even better than black!

          whatever works


            So I'm a Tea-Oholic now!

            I'm a tea oholic too. My tea is ice sweet tea. That's what we drink down in the south. It's gotta be cold and sweet. I think I have had maybe 2 cups of hot tea in my life.
            RUM IS POISON AF since 09/28/09

            "The hangover last a lot longer than the buzz!!!" quote from FloridaBoy


              So I'm a Tea-Oholic now!

              Me too. But then I have always been. I started a thread about it somewhere as a result of a comment made by someone else. It was noted that we drink tea like an alcoholic drinks alcohol. That is to say, a pot, not just a cup. The concept certainly amused me. I wondered if perhaps we dont do anything by halves and this was confirmed by a few others.

              Heres to tea, green, black or even white....
              "The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we are,
              but in what direction we are moving."


                So I'm a Tea-Oholic now!

                red too!
                roobois is full of antioxidants...good for healing our burned out bodies!!


                  So I'm a Tea-Oholic now!

                  Still not putting ice in it.
                  Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



                    So I'm a Tea-Oholic now!

                    me either betty!

