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    Checking back in...

    Good Morning,

    I have been away from you all for about 3 weeks now and have missed interacting with all of you. I have found my resolve weakened by events which are not excuses, just events.

    My father died on Feb 26th after a long battle with Pancreatic Cancer. We are on the brink of losing our house in Michigan to foreclosure and my wife is no longer working. Like I said, events...not excuses.

    I started drinking on the weekends again, not much at first and thought I could handle it. My goal is to be a moderate drinker, but it is too soon for that...if ever.

    I look forward to sharing more 'happy' experiences with all of you in the days to come. This time, my wife is on board and will help me more. Last time I went 28 days and she was impressed, thinking I would give in eventually. After talking to her about helping me (keeping AL out of the house, not driking in front of me, etc) we have a different resolve this time.

    I will do this; and look forward to doing it with all of you...again.

    My creed; "Be the friend you seek, the spouse yours deserves and the Parent your children need"

    Checking back in...


    I miss your old avatar; but this one is great! Hope all is well with you.
    My creed; "Be the friend you seek, the spouse yours deserves and the Parent your children need"


      Checking back in...

      Welcome back AP
      I am so sorry for your loss. I am on the brink of foreclosure too. I tried to drink it all away, but it went nowhere and I ended up disgustingly sick. Life on Life's Terms can be very difficult. We are here to support each other through it all.:l
      "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


        Checking back in...

        YEAH!!!! I will hold you to it! By this time next week, so get ready... I love this!!!!
        My creed; "Be the friend you seek, the spouse yours deserves and the Parent your children need"


          Checking back in...

          I'm glad you're back, Papa. Very, very difficult stuff you are going through. It takes guts to come back and start again, and I am happy for you that you are doing it.


            Checking back in...

            I will change my avatar to this AP when Oney gives us back her
            "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


              Checking back in...

              This is heaven....pure heaven!
              My creed; "Be the friend you seek, the spouse yours deserves and the Parent your children need"


                Checking back in...

                whatever works!


                  Checking back in...

                  Hey Pappa~
                  Good to see you again and I am so sorry about your father. When I lost my father in January I kind of let myself go for a while. But the good thing about going through hard times, is that the sun always comes back out and things will get better.

                  You will do really well this time, especially with so much incentive!
                  If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


                    Checking back in...

                    AP, I am glad to see the girls are looking after you!!
                    I am so happy to see you back. You can and WILL do this!!!
                    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                      Checking back in...

                      I am so sorry for the loss of your father. I almost lost mine as well this year. Only time will tell for mine. Mine had a cancerous tumour which was removed successfully along with 30 lymphnodes. The prognosis for it to come back is probably

                      It's the shits. It seems like everything happens all at once. For us with drinking problems, our coping skills aren't the greatest; especially in early recovery.

                      Stick around and get the support you need. Be extra kind to yourself right now. You have been and are going through a lot at the moment.

                      I really hope this economy starts to take a turn for the better. My heart goes out to all who are losing homes, jobs, etc in this. I really pray it get's better.



                        Checking back in...

                        I'm glad you are back. Every once in a while I would check your profile to see if you posted. I did the same thing as you. Started here, did well, thought I could mod, failed, and came back here to start over again. Coming back was hard as I was admitting defeat. But everyone here is great and you sir are most welcome.

                        Sorry for your losses. But there is nothing so bad that drinking will not make it worse. AL makes all of life's trials worse in the long run.



                          Checking back in...

                          Glad your back Papa, as everyone here knows the weekend is the worst for me so im with ya baby, I have managed not to drink for 2 weekends now and im feeling good. I will be here next weekend and we can do this.


                            Checking back in...

                            Hi AP - sending you mental hugs & good vibes. Be strong...go for the T & A!!!

