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Binge Drinkers I need your help...

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    Binge Drinkers I need your help...


    I am a binge weekend drinker. I don't need AL in the morning, in fact I try not to think about it at all during the week. However, around Wednesday I start with false 'rewards' in my mind's eye and the problem sets in. Week days I don't drink, I can't. I have to get up at 2:30am and the older I get the harder it is to get out of bed sober. Impossible if I have had AL the night before. I have done it, too many times, but not any more. My problem lies with Friday and Saturday nights.

    When Aidan (my son) is fast asleep, the wife is watching TV and the Dog has been played with I find myself wanting to 'enhance' the evening somehow. This is where the demons get really loud. I have printed the "Tool Box" out and have it ready for those moments, but lately I need something else.

    I need you. Will you be there this weekend when I need you most? Does anyone else have this periodic 'weak' time for which I can return the favor? It would be the least I could do.

    I will be fine these next 5 days....until Friday night. Here's hoping you will be there then.

    Until then have a great day!
    My creed; "Be the friend you seek, the spouse yours deserves and the Parent your children need"

    Binge Drinkers I need your help...

    I am a binger too AP. Usually 2-3 days, then I stop, only to start again. It sux. I am usually around on and off throughout the weekend.
    "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


      Binge Drinkers I need your help...


      Thanks so much. I think the last time (when I went 28 days straight) I was determined to see how long I could go...not much of a permanent plan. It was MWO which brought light to the fact my resolve wasn't deep enough. Now, I have asked the wife to help too. Before she was just proud of me, waiting for me to slip. And...I did. This last month has seen a lot of 'loss', but my son is doing just fine and gives me hope for a better experience soon. I have a different plan this time, a sound structure and feel more like my wife is on board....she saw what a difference it made last time. I still have the wieght off from the first time too, so it's not like I'm starting from scratch again. Also, I have stopped the amount from being so excessive to just a couple of drinks when I slipped. I just don't think I am ready to moderate just yet, there is too much room to slide further backwards...if you know what I mean. I will know when I'm ready...and I'm just too vulnerable right now. I just need to take it one day at a time. (that can never be said enough).
      My creed; "Be the friend you seek, the spouse yours deserves and the Parent your children need"


        Binge Drinkers I need your help...

        Thanks SeaC!

        Will you be here over this weekend?
        My creed; "Be the friend you seek, the spouse yours deserves and the Parent your children need"


          Binge Drinkers I need your help...

          I too am a binge drinker. It SUCKS! I can go months and not touch it...8 months, 4 months...but let me have 1 sip and it's on honey for a day or two. Then I am ill for 2-3 days. My poor body....I hate myself sometimes. I can so relate to your story. I will be here with you this weekend....SOBER!
          Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


            Binge Drinkers I need your help...

            I will be on and off throughout the weekend. I go to AA meetings, so that is usually the only time that I am gone.
            "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


              Binge Drinkers I need your help...

              Thanks Brittz,

              I'll be looking for you. 8 months? WOW...I haven't gone longer than 28 days in the last 20 years. However, I haven't destroyed myself either since joining here. I have declared to many affirmations to do that again. However, I don't think I can do the mod thing just yet....if ever. How are you?
              My creed; "Be the friend you seek, the spouse yours deserves and the Parent your children need"


                Binge Drinkers I need your help...

                I am here for ya...and I understand the binge thing. That was the pattern that my drinking took on while I was in the process of getting sober. I went from a daily sneaky drinker to a few days AF and then binge...It was a all or nothing decision that I finally had to figure out how to live sober...(life with out AL was the only way for me). It took me many months to learn how to get the nothing switch taped shut.
                I will gladly be here as part of your support system...The people here saved my life and I am forever grateful !!
                sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                  Binge Drinkers I need your help...

                  I'm a binger, too! Only now, an AF binger. I will check in on you - always avail via PM. Stay strong, my friend!
                  "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


                    Binge Drinkers I need your help...

                    i'm here everyday as i still need the support of my mwo commrades...some days are easier than others, but i'm around often (have a portable computer).

                    good luck man, you can do pro-active!!!



                      Binge Drinkers I need your help...

                      I'm here off and on usually every day. I'll keep a check on you when I'm here. I'm a binge drinker too. I mean my thinking is what good is one drink when you can have so many. I admire people who can moderate, but I know I can't.

                      If you really get needing to talk...just post in the General Discussion that you need a chat. A bunch of folks who are on line will go there. Also I don't know where you live, (I live in the US) usually there are folks on chat 9-11 PM. So when you are in need see if anyone is on chat.

                      Good Luck!!
                      RUM IS POISON AF since 09/28/09

                      "The hangover last a lot longer than the buzz!!!" quote from FloridaBoy


                        Binge Drinkers I need your help...

                        Dear Aidanspappa

                        I understand where you are coming from 100%. Your pattern of drinking appears to be as mine was. I could and did go all week without thinking too much about a drink (unless it was a special occasion or christmas week perhaps) then thursday would come around and i would start to think "its saturday soon, I have worked really hard this week and deserve my bottle of wine". I would only drink one night a week generally, but I would always drink with the intention of getting drink. It is this habit that I have come here to change. I have done 3 weekends AF and plan to go 7 before deciding whether to moderate or not.

                        Like you I use alcohol to brighten up an otherwise dull evening and make it feel "special". For me this has been (is still) about learning to have fun again without it. The first week was hardest and it has gotten easier as the weeks progress. The lesson is coming.

                        For me to start with I planned to do something completely different from the norm on saturday night. So I worked, which I could do as I do some work from home, This was about the polar opposite of what I would normally do and it worked a treat.

                        I pop in here sometimes and if I am here will be happy to chat. You will have lots of help from the guys here,they are the best.

                        Pleaes PM me if you want to discuss this more, as I think there is quite a bit of common ground. Great that you have already been 28 day...I am hot on your tail with 24 today....

                        "The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we are,
                        but in what direction we are moving."


                          Binge Drinkers I need your help...

                          Hello Adian,

                          Ditto what Evie said went from daily sneaker to binger as part of trying to get AF. The week ends were't so much my problem as part of the cycle. I'm usually here over the week end and via PM as well. Stay strong.
                          AF since 7/26/2009

                          "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

                          "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous

