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ALL ONE Powder

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    ALL ONE Powder

    My wife wants to get one that has no taste. She is 60, and alcohol free for one week. We're not sure which one would be best for her, and tastless. I think the stuff is expensive, and I don't see one that gives a person all they need in one powder.

    Any ideas from you folks that have tried it?


    ALL ONE Powder

    I think they all have a taste to them. They all have different supplements in them so you'll need to read the label for her. I strongly recommend this, though, it's a fantastic product.

    Good luck,
    "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


      ALL ONE Powder

      ALL ONE Powder

      My point is you have to buy 3 powders to get the equivalent of a multi is a Calcium supplement w/B12 & CoQ10 & Ginko, another has fiber. What about all the other B vitamins........Folic acid..........Magnesium............A, C, E. You say "it's" aa fantastic product. OK, I'll buy that, but which one?


        ALL ONE Powder

        Well, I've never found a multi-vitamin which had the amino acids the Original Formula All One powder has and that's the one I choose to take now, because of the amino acids as well as other supplements so that's the one I recommend.

        "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


          ALL ONE Powder

          I like the fruit flavored one the best !!!
          sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


            ALL ONE Powder

            How bad is the taste? My wife wants to mix it with chocolate soy milk and does NOT want to taste it. It's so much cheaper at Vitacost than at the ALL ONE web site!


              ALL ONE Powder

              Hi all. Up until recently I have taken the original formula as recommended in the supplement program here. The label information at Powdered Vitamins and Minerals at ALL ONE suggests that the original formula does indeed have higher quantities of key amino acids that tend to be deficient in people (such as me!) who have abused alcohol for years. (i.e. L-Tyrosine) So I have stuck with that.

              I'm no doctor and no expert on nutritional supplements. But when I first started taking the supplements (I got the Starter Pack from here in July 2007) I was amazed at some health things that cleared up right away. I have no idea what caused it, but I had a strange pain in one foot that felt like a bone was broken or something. I was limping constantly. Even scarier, I had a lot of ankle swelling especially on the left side. The foot soreness went away - that was like a miracle - and the ankle swelling did not clear up entirely (not until BHRT - it's fine now) but got substantially better. I can't be sure but I give at least some credit to the All-One.

              I've stayed with original just due to everything I've read about the amino acid deficiency / therapy relative to alcohol abuse.

              Mean time, I had to suspend any supplements containing calcium (which is basically all multi-vitamins) temporarily while we figure out a high blood calcium / parathyroid problem. After about a month off of All-One, I got the first really bad cold I've had in almost 2 years.

              Once again, I can't say anything for sure. But with the experience I had, I will be getting back onto the All-One original as soon as this calcium thing is behind me.

              "What to mix it with" has always been an issue with that original! My personal favorites are either shaken up with regular tomato juice, or blended into a smoothie or protein shake. I will often make a 1/2 portion of a protein shake since I'm usually not looking for a "meal replacement" quantity - just something that tastes good with the All-One. I also put a fiber supplement in there too while I'm at it. (us old farts need our fiber don't you know! )

              FWIW and best wishes!

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                ALL ONE Powder

                I like the ALL One mixed in cranberry juice....



                  ALL ONE Powder

                  I mix it with fresh squeezed grapefruit juice and really "MIX" it up well.... that is the key. (blender is best) I hate swallowing "clumps' of unmixed powder. It's not what I would order at the bar, but it is not bad at all; and the benefits are terrific. I am preaching to myself, because I have not been using them recently and I have no idea why! (I think its a pain to clean the

                  Do the program... and YES... exercise some will power as well as your physical body... it is not like we hook up to IV's here that take all of our pain away, but we have tools to help ourselves, but the true freedom lies in your own choices as to what you will do with the gifts you have been given. Never unwrap them and complain because you are bored. They are meant to be used, in conjunction with a renewed mind that wants to change and has some level of willpower to do so.

                  It is do-able!
                  If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


                    ALL ONE Powder

                    ZENSTYLE (I had no clue they would have it!). Thanks so much.



                      ALL ONE Powder

                      And thank-you to you Steve as I'm in the midst of ordering and knew not where to find it the cheapest....

                      ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                        ALL ONE Powder

                        There are generic versions of the All One powder available (I know The Vitamin Shoppe in the US carries one), and it's much cheaper than the brand name. Almost half price if I recall. I like it mixed with OJ, V8, cranberry juice; also mixed with milk and banana like a smoothie -- but not just milk. Prest is right -- use a blender to alleviate gritty texture. I have one of those immersion blenders (AKA stick blender) that you just stick down into the glass. I really don't think the taste is that bad. It's filling too, so if you don't have time in the AM for a real breakfast, it'll tide you along till you do.

