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    Dearest Be,

    I am only now just seeing this.

    I am so sorry for your pain over your brothers troubles and actions, and so sorry for his own suffering.

    I recently went through something very very similar with my own baby brother. :upset:

    His depression is all consuming at times.
    If I can be of any help at all, feel free to pm me.

    Much love and hugs,:l:h:l
    Striving to live life without ALCOHOL



      Be, I'm so sorry to hear you (and your brother) are going thru this right now.:h

      Suicide is a permanent and final answer to a temporary problem... and there's no undoing it...

      I'll never forget how I felt when my Mom asked me how I thought she would have felt... had I succeeded.
      It affects everyone we've ever known... forever. Not in a good way.

      PM me if like...I'm a night owl, I'll Pm ya my # too.

      I'm glad you're close by & able to visit him tomorrow. Be strong Sweetie.:l You're in my thoughts...

      The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:



        My thoughts and condolences are with you... please know that. Unfortunately, we cannot "fix" others, but we can love them, share truth, and then love them some more! Please do not take on more than is your roll. If you have opportunity to talk with him, share anything of comfort and encouragement, especially from your own experiences... that will be awesome for him.

        In the meantime, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your brother. I pray that his heart is renewed with hope and strength.
        If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.



          Oh Be, I've had the call from the psych ward about my sister - it's horrific - but as someone said the best, strongest you is the best thing you can be for your brother. I so wish there was something we could do to take the blackness away.
          He's lucky to have a sister that cares so much...I really hope you get some sleep. I'm sending you strength & :l




            Dear friend Be, I did a special prayer for him during morning meditation and I PMed you with some ideas on what we might else to do to help main concern is YOU and please make YOU your main concern right now too.
            You can only love another to the degree that you love yourself so put your focus on caring for you and then you will be at your best to help him...
            I forgot to add that I would like his handwriting sample as well...Blessings to you and your family.
            sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!



              I will light a candle for him Be.




                Sending love and strength your way. I love my brothers, too, and if one of them was going through this it would be very difficult.

                I hope you have a loving day with him and can connect with him.

                Do take care of yourself. Like Prest said, you can't fix him, but you can love him.

                AF April 9, 2016



                  Thanks so much for the support. I didn't sleep well last night but that's to be expected. I'm running a little late and just called him. It's good to hear his voice. The air's kind of cool out so I'll drive with the window down a bit for some fresh air. I've got 4 good books for him and I'll bring a book for him to journal in. That helped him a lot before. I'm not sure what they'll let him have.

                  I found the health care proxy and power of attorney paperwork & copies. It'll be good to have that on file for him over there. Ok, well, he answered on the first ring which means he wants me there so it's time to stop planning and start moving. I'm shaking a little so I'll take some calms forte with me. The ferry ride will be nice and calming over there.

                  Thanks again, love,
                  "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad



                    I just wanted to check in. My brother's not doing well. They have him on the highest level for suicide watch, he's been on that for this past week. His psychiatrist is visiting him daily and he's had 5 hours of feeling better this week, that's it. They're changing his meds. He was able to get a 1/2 hr pass yesterday and I took him to the cafeteria. He enjoyed being out but was glad to get back.

                    He loved the flowers I left and I want to go over right away today to bring him some slippers but he hung up kind of abruptly today when I talked with him on the phone. At least he told me how he's feeling. He's being honest about it. He is so damn depressed, it's beyond that. I've never seen him like this. He just has no hope. He said he'd call me back and I'm sure he will.

                    I've got an appt with an old marriage counselor (she's not old, we went to her about 10 years ago) to talk to her. I'm going to need help with this and I don't know what to do. He'll be in there for at least another week. His boss is being terrific about it and just wants him to get better.

                    Thanks again,
                    "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad



                      I hope you were able to talk to your (old counselor), maybe someone you're familiar with would be helpful right now...
                      I wish there were something I could do, from here. You have my #... call anytime. I don't work till tomorrow night, but even then it'll probably be a short shift.
                      Do take care Hon.
                      The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:




                        I am glad to hear you are going to see your cousellor. I hope you have lots of support and loving people close by for *you*.

                        I am sorry to hear your brother is still struggling with his depression. Hopefully the Drs will get his medication sorted out. It sounds like he definately needs them adjusted. I will pray for some peace from his suffering for him. And also for you dearest Be.

                        Big hugs, and strength to you.
                        Striving to live life without ALCOHOL



                          Thinking of you Be and sending strong positive vibes for your brother.
                          "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"



                            Hi Becoming,

                            I don't know you or your brother at all, so please feel free to take this with a huge grain of salt.

                            My sister was in a suicidal depression last fall. She has had some very severe depressions in her life. After exhausting all possibilities, including a brief hospitalization, she decided that she wanted to try electroconvulsive therapy (shock treatment), which had helped her once before in her early 20's (she is 50 now). She had 5 treatments, and they did the trick. For a while, her short-term memory was for crap, and she wandered around like a child. But it worked. She is doing better than she has in years, and she is feeling upbeat and grateful.

                            I don't know what your brother's exact diagnosis is, which would certainly be a factor in whether ECT is even an option, but I just wanted to throw it out there, if is might possibly be of help. It is a lot different these days from the horror story treatments portrayed in the past. If he did have these treatments, he might not be able to work for up to three months or so, depending on how many treatments he had.

                            As with everyone else, I wish your brother, you, and your whole family the best and will say a prayer for you. Please don't take more responsibility for this than you can manage, and please remember to take care of you.

                            God bless...

                            AF as of August 5th, 2012



                              So sorry for your pain Be, i am in a similiar place with my bro and it hurts like hell...hang in there...Drink will only make it worse...I keep telling myself that and I know it's true but the helpless feeling can be overwhelming sometimes... He needs you to be strong and sober to help him get himself back together...Lets be the best big sisters we can possibly be and not do anything stupid ....OK ????....OK !!!!
                              sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!



                                I am so sorry Be. My son was depressed and talked of ending his life, this time last year. What a difference a year makes, thank God. I will pray for the same improvement for your brother. Take care and stay strong. Hugs, Best
                                "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008

