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    Zeneroni, I changed my avatar back just for you!

    Thanks so much to all of you. I was just so overwhelmed with life for a while. I've never been that bad off. Everyone was depending on me for so much every single second. Family, doctors, people from NA I've never even met (my brother's support group), etc. It was non-stop. It got to me. You're right though, ruby.

    Day 2 today and I had a rough morning with my depression. I mean huge. Starty knows about this with me. I hate it. After I did some am work at my desk I felt so overwhelmed with my life I laid down on the couch and woke up 2 hours later. More lost time. I dragged my sorry a** off the couch and drank my All One with some Siberian Ginsing. Then I put on some shorts and my pedometer and tried to take all of my sadness and anger out on the lawn. We have a double lot so it's some serious mowing.

    6500+ steps later and it's done and I feel better. Not great but better. The lawn sure looks a hell of a lot better, anyway. My plan is to tackle the weeds next. I won't let my flower burms go, I just can't.

    Had a good talk with Mr. Beer HB, too. We've made an agreement. He was honest enough to tell me he cannot go without his beer after work. I told him our business is suffering. Can he wait until 7pm? We compromised at 6pm. This is a big step as it'll give 2 extra hours of work day for him. He used to start at 4pm. Sigh.

    I'm better off with at least some AF days under my belt. That's how I like to do it. I like stretches of AF time, I need it.

    Love you all,
    "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad



      There is nothing more therapeutic than a bit of gardening -- altho your's sounds pretty energetic -- good on you for shakin that tush.
      "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"

