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    I've had quite a few dreams latley about drinking...I've not drank for over 9 weeks now and am wondering why, or if anyone else does this.
    Dreamt last night i was in a club with an old friend i've not seen for years drinking rum.
    This happens about 3 times a week.
    I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
    One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


    Hey ya mac....I did that a lot when I quit smoking. I mean a lot. Not that ya mention it....funny that it hasnt happened with coors light. Wonder if it means that I wasnt AS addicted. Anyway....gotta be part of the withdraw. Hope your havin fun in your dreams. If there buggin ya maybe ask GOD to make em go away. Lay it to rest. Just part of the process....who knows. Do you have hangovers? Maybe its just a reminder. And you can wake up and still know your clean....think of it that way! J
    Just some thoughts....gabster
    Gabby :flower:



      I always thought it meant that somewhere, in some parallel universe, I am STILL drinking...I'm just glad my conscious self moved over to this one where I'm not!

      "I'm a sucker for a good resurrection story." Anne Lamott



        Funny how Kate and I said the same thing sorta. Were posting at the same time. Kate we are sisters!
        But ya....I remember that part too. I thought I had slipped and ACTUALLY smoked and then soooo glad when I realized that I hadent. The dreams were that real. So take it for a horrifiying reminder of.......THE OTHER SIDE....and you dont have to live with the guilt. Or a pleasent Calgon take me away But you still have the gold medal of your sobrity!
        Nothin like havin your cake and eatin it too! Happy day for you Mac!
        (see.....all in the way you look at things!)
        Gabby :flower:



          Thanks Kate.Susan,Gabster.
          Yeah, i wake up aswell and have to try and remember...Did i drink last night?
          No , no hangover Gabby......Tickled me though.
          I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
          One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009



            This is kinda weird. I too had smoking dreams. I actually woke myself up once exhaling a cigarette....also quite relieved that I hadn't actually smoked.
            I was abs(from drinking) for a month and a few days. Maybe the dreams come later in abs.
            My smoking dreams happened months after I quit.
            Just your mind working overime. I do remember being so happy when I realized it was a dream. I think it is also a big fear of starting again. Like dreaming of monsters.
            Good for you though - you are doing really great.



              Do you know, I haven't had sex for 10 years I quite enjoy my dreams!!!!

