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Army Thread 18 March 09

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    Army Thread 18 March 09

    Hey oney what course are you doing? Hi everyone else, you know I'm too slow to keep up.....
    Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



      Army Thread 18 March 09

      well, what does it look like, how many assignments will you have to do?


        Army Thread 18 March 09

        whats the course number?


          Army Thread 18 March 09

          yes, there should be some in your pack, some courses send them back by email but yours must be post.


            Army Thread 18 March 09

            tma is tutor marked assignment, you fill in and send back with every assignment.


              Army Thread 18 March 09

              Morning Troopers, Just a quick hello from me to you .....Will has a Dr's. apt. this AM and I am gonna drive him. He has been have a bad hip and back pain and numbness in his hands. Yesterday he started dropping things and I had a fit until he called the Dr....Dr. must have been concerned cause he said come right in...I think it maybe a pinched nerve ???
              We shall soon see. Other than that all is fine and dandy in my world...
              Speak with you all later...make it a good day !!!
              sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                Army Thread 18 March 09

                Sounds interesting! One of my units on my teaching course is driving me nuts, pages and pages of printing - and no one seems to know what's going on. Other one is fine though. I hope you enjoy it!

                Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



                  Army Thread 18 March 09

                  what are you doing Betty?


                    Army Thread 18 March 09

                    hope Will is going to be ok, your right to insist he goes straight away to get it sorted.


                      Army Thread 18 March 09

                      make sure the flask is red tartan, very, very important.


                        Army Thread 18 March 09

                        Oooh statonery/ary?? I'm doing a primary teaching degree, mostly distance, from a Uni in Oz

                        Hi Evie

                        Still can't keep up!

                        Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



                          Army Thread 18 March 09

                          a bay city rollers one..ya know?


                            Army Thread 18 March 09

                            Lol! I have a lovely Tartan bag to carry my coursework stuff in, a bit like a shopping trolley??
                            Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



                              Army Thread 18 March 09

                              dont forget to sharpen the pencils as well, hot tip that! Im off upstairs to study a bit, whens your first assignment in?


                                Army Thread 18 March 09

                                Hi again all,

                                Good luck with the course One2, is it general counselling or a specific area?. I'd say you will be a dab hand at it. Will you give us a few free hours of counselling when your'e finished?, mind you I need more than a few hours!. I have just one work report to finish off by the end of this week and then I am hoping to clear the decks for a few weeks to try and help me to de-stress a bit. I could do with the sheckles but I was spending so much on booze anyway, I will probably break even as sad as it is to say that.

                                Hi there Mario, I lived in central portugal but only for about 8 months, we were supposed to be moving there permenently but there was a delay on my job starting and our house in ireland did not sell so we came back just over a year ago. I got re-offered the job a few weeks back with the use of a house, was tempted, but I think it would be too much for me at the mo, not just the work but all the relocation so I have said no. My husband is a bit miffed but I know it is just not the right move at present. I didn't find I drank too much over there cause the weather is just so good and we were out and about more. I find it's the dark drab and wet days here that get me down. We plan to retire to Portugal one day.
                                Anyway enjoy your trip, you will be grand!

                                Off now to collect Fintan from playchool. See you all later
                                There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.

