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One of the toughest thing about no alcohol...

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    One of the toughest thing about no alcohol...

    is that we have to learn to confront our feelings raw and real - not easy! Alcohol makes it possible to numb or hide from our feelings. I got this in my email today & wanted to share:

    Throughout our lives, we may experience emotions that disturb or distress us. Often, our first reaction is to push our feelings away. We may say, “I don’t want to think about that right now, I’ll think about it later” and we bury our emotions, deny the validity of our feelings, or distract ourselves with other concerns. But the diverse emotions you experience are neither good nor bad—they are simply a part being human. Choosing not to experience pain, anger, or other intense feelings could cause those feelings to become buried deep into your physical body. There, they may linger unresolved and unable to emerge, even as they affect the way you experience the world. Allowing yourself to experience all of your emotions rather than push the more painful ones away can help you come to terms with your feelings so you can experience them and then move on.

    It is possible to bring forth the old feelings you have pushed aside and experience them in a safe and enriching way. It may sound silly to set aside time to feel your old wounds that you haven’t dealt with, but this can be a very beneficial healing experience. Find a safel place and pick a time when you can be alone. Make sure that you feel secure and comfortable in your surroundings. Bring to mind the circumstances that originally triggered the emotions you’ve been pushing away. You may need to revisit these circumstances by reading relevant entries in your journal or using visualization to relive your past. Once you have triggered your long-denied emotions, let yourself feel your feelings, and try not to judge your reactions. Cry or sound your emotions if you need to, and don’t block the flow of your feelings. Allow any thoughts that are connected to your emotions to surface. As you release the feelings you have pushed inside of you, you will find yourself healing from ! the experience associated with these emotions.

    When you deal with your feelings directly, they can move through you rather than staying stopped up in your body as emotional blocks that can sometimes turn into disease. Acknowledging your emotions, instead of pushing them away, allows you to stay emotionally healthy and in touch with your feelings.
    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin

    One of the toughest thing about no alcohol...

    Thank you for posting this Savon -- I needed to read this today.
    "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


      One of the toughest thing about no alcohol...

      I haven't even gotten to feelings yet. I am still trying to get some sleep, fight weird dreams, and keep nasty headaches at bay -- though not sure if that is from the cold I have caught from my toddler. Ugh. (i am on day 4)


        One of the toughest thing about no alcohol...

        Thank you for sharing that Savvy. My emotions are my main triggers. I did some work on "Healing the Inner Child" while I was in rehab. It is very emotionally draining, but an emotional hangover is better than an alcohol hangover for me. It truly is essential work for some of us. Crucial to long term sobriety. Thanks again.
        "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


          One of the toughest thing about no alcohol...

          Great post...Savon....very helpful. Now I just need to find time and a place by can be done, I hope.


            One of the toughest thing about no alcohol...

            I came across some pictures of my Dad while organizing things today. Wound up going through the whole box for hours. (I hope I am not the only one who does this!)

            I found many pictures of us together and noticed things I had never noticed before. Like the expressions on my face; his face. I found myself staring for hours.

            Later pics with him and my children... he changed for the good. Precious photos of him with the kids, and us all laughing.

            Then I found a particular photo... one where I obviously took a picture of him when he had "checked out". There is a look... and an empty glass by his side. I checked the date... it was my daughter's 3rd birthday... she is now 18.

            Sad and sobering at the same time... but let's do our absolute best to create new things as we now can view them from a wounded child now an adult.
            If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


              One of the toughest thing about no alcohol...

              That must have been hard to come across, Allie. How much we can learn from family photos and family history...if we only choose to look. xoxo.


                One of the toughest thing about no alcohol...

                I think I might give this a go. My emotions were what lead me to drinking or rather not wanting to feel them... was what lead me too it. When I drank I didn't have to feel or think... this sounds like something I really should find time for. Thanks for posting that Savon.

                Obstacles are those frightful things we see when we take our eyes of our goals - Henry Ford

                Will power, determination and friends can turn this :teeter: into this :wings:

