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2nd day AF

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    2nd day AF

    Hi all,

    I was doing so good and when i thought i am all good i failed. I just have been on the 4 day binge. Today is my second day fully AF. I drank on monday till afternoon and then i stopped cos the pain was too great.
    To my suprise i feel better already. The withdrawals started to wearing off today, although yesterday and monday was a pure hell.I met for dinner with some friends last night. I did not feel like driving so they come and picked me up. They had to stop car twice cos i felt sick.
    After dinner and eating a proper meal in the nice restaurant i started to feel better,although anxiety did not allow me to sleep till morning.

    There are few things that were different. I did not have shakes. My hands were ok. I did not have panic attacks, i mean i had huge anxiety but no panic attacks this time. I have never vomit before and it happened to me twice this time.

    I still believe that i'm doing ok. I failed i know but i am on the right path. I hope.

    To all people that replied when i needed help BIG thank you.

    Ohh its the 3rd day AF cos its just past midnight
    We are your friends. You don't need to be alone again. So come along.

    2nd day AF

    hi aredoing well,stay with 24 hour thing,rather then long term,i no so well the feelings your feeling,in time they willpass,i wish you well gyco


      2nd day AF

      sorry been reading to many threads net work.seeim thinking of 2 hahaha


        2nd day AF

        Good job Netty. Keep it up and you will feel great. I am guessing that the AL just progressively does more and more damage. I never vomit either and on my last bender, I vomited all day. It was awful. We need not go back there. Sending you strength.
        "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


          2nd day AF

          Netty, what a star! I knew you would do it!
          Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
          Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


            2nd day AF

            Thank you
            I feel almost happy, because i know tomorrow in the morning i will feel good. I'm getting my appetite back and when that happens i know withdrawals are finishing. I also feel sleepy and that is such a relief. I need good night sleep.
            We are your friends. You don't need to be alone again. So come along.


              2nd day AF

              Hey Network -- glad to know you are doing better. I am on day 4, and the sleep has sucked, but I'd rather be tired in the morning than hungover. Keep eating well, too -- it will help.


                2nd day AF

                Nettie, So glad you are starting to feel better. This is a much better way of life. Really, the only way to live a quality life, if you are folks like us. I never want to go back. It really does get better and better as time passes. Joy returns to our lives, eventually. It's a truely amazing feeling! Have faith! Love, Best
                "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


                  2nd day AF

                  Net, so happy you're getting better. Be gentle with yourself and don't get overwhelmed with the big picture-just take it one day, one hour at the time and you'll get there. We're all pulling for you.


                    2nd day AF

                    :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                    best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                      2nd day AF

                      Phew Net, you had me worried mate! Pls don't do that to yourself again OK??
                      I'm so glad you're back & feeling better...I hope you keep posting through the good time as well.
                      Thanks for letting us know you are OK.



                        2nd day AF

                        way to go net!

                        think of how good you are going to feel...



                          2nd day AF

                          well done Nettie.


                            2nd day AF

                            Good on ya, Netty. Just keep on going one day at a time. You can do it and before you know it you'll be posting how good you feel at Day 7.
                            Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
                            AF May 23 09 to July 09
                            AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


                              2nd day AF

                              network;575009 wrote: Hi all,

                              I was doing so good and when i thought i am all good i failed. I just have been on the 4 day binge. Today is my second day fully AF. I drank on monday till afternoon and then i stopped cos the pain was too great.
                              To my suprise i feel better already. The withdrawals started to wearing off today, although yesterday and monday was a pure hell.I met for dinner with some friends last night. I did not feel like driving so they come and picked me up. They had to stop car twice cos i felt sick.
                              After dinner and eating a proper meal in the nice restaurant i started to feel better,although anxiety did not allow me to sleep till morning.

                              There are few things that were different. I did not have shakes. My hands were ok. I did not have panic attacks, i mean i had huge anxiety but no panic attacks this time. I have never vomit before and it happened to me twice this time.

                              I still believe that i'm doing ok. I failed i know but i am on the right path. I hope.

                              To all people that replied when i needed help BIG thank you.

                              Ohh its the 3rd day AF cos its just past midnight
                              Wot did you eat? R you GAY? BIG HUGS>>

